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Rez Moss
Rez Moss

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Crypto at the Speed of Go: Performance Considerations, Go Crypto 11

Hey there, speed demon! Ready to make your crypto operations zoom? While security is our top priority in the world of cryptography, sometimes we need our secure code to run like a finely-tuned sports car. Let's dive into how we can benchmark and optimize our crypto operations in Go!

Benchmarking: Timing Our Crypto Race

Go comes with a built-in stopwatch for our crypto race. Here's how we can time our cryptographic sprints:

package main

import (

func BenchmarkAESEncryption(b *testing.B) {
    key := make([]byte, 32)
    block, _ := aes.NewCipher(key)
    gcm, _ := cipher.NewGCM(block)
    nonce := make([]byte, gcm.NonceSize())
    plaintext := make([]byte, 1024)  // 1KB of secret message

    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        gcm.Seal(nil, nonce, plaintext, nil)

func BenchmarkSHA256(b *testing.B) {
    data := make([]byte, 1024)  // 1KB of data to hash
    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {

func BenchmarkRSAEncryption(b *testing.B) {
    privateKey, _ := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 2048)
    publicKey := &privateKey.PublicKey
    message := make([]byte, 32)  // A small secret message

    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        rsa.EncryptPKCS1v15(rand.Reader, publicKey, message)
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To run these crypto races, use:

go test -bench=.
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It's like having a radar gun for your crypto operations!

Turbocharging with Hardware Acceleration

Go's crypto package is like a smart race car - it automatically uses special hardware features when available. This includes:

  1. AES-NI: Special instructions for AES on x86 processors. It's like having a nitro boost for AES!
  2. Hardware SHA functions on some ARM processors. It's like having a dedicated hash-computing engine!

Want to see what turbochargers your CPU has? Try this:

GODEBUG=cpu.all=1 go run myprogram.go
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It's like popping the hood on your CPU to see what special crypto engines it has!

Comparing Our Crypto Racers

Different crypto algorithms are like different types of race cars. Let's set up a race:

func BenchmarkAES(b *testing.B)  { /* ... */ }
func BenchmarkChaCha20(b *testing.B)  { /* ... */ }
func BenchmarkRSA2048(b *testing.B)  { /* ... */ }
func BenchmarkECDSAP256(b *testing.B)  { /* ... */ }
func BenchmarkSHA256(b *testing.B)  { /* ... */ }
func BenchmarkSHA3_256(b *testing.B)  { /* ... */ }
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Run these, and you'll see which crypto car is fastest on your particular track (hardware)!

Tuning Tips for Your Crypto Engine

  1. AES-GCM is your formula 1 car: For symmetric encryption, it's both secure and blazing fast, especially with AES-NI.

  2. Elliptic curves are your rally cars: For asymmetric operations, ECDSA and ECDH often outpace the RSA truck.

  3. Reuse your engines: Creating cipher objects is like warming up an engine. Do it once, then reuse for multiple laps:

block, _ := aes.NewCipher(key)
gcm, _ := cipher.NewGCM(block)
// Reuse 'gcm' for multiple encryptions
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  1. Right-size your engine: Bigger isn't always better. Use the smallest key size that meets your security needs.

  2. Batch processing is like drafting: If you're doing many small crypto operations, batch them to reduce overhead.

  3. Use all your cylinders: Go's concurrency is like having multiple engines. Use them for parallel crypto operations:

func parallelEncrypt(plaintexts [][]byte) [][]byte {
    results := make([][]byte, len(plaintexts))
    var wg sync.WaitGroup
    for i, pt := range plaintexts {
        go func(i int, pt []byte) {
            defer wg.Done()
            results[i] = encrypt(pt)  // Your turbo-charged encryption function
        }(i, pt)
    return results
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  1. Profile your race: Use Go's profiling tools to find where your crypto code is spending most of its time. It's like having telemetry for your crypto car!

The Checkered Flag

Remember, crypto racer, while speed is thrilling, safety is paramount. Don't sacrifice security for a few milliseconds of speed. The best crypto code is like a well-designed race car: fast, but also safe and reliable.

Always bench-test your crypto code on hardware similar to what you'll use in the real world. Different tracks (hardware) can produce very different results!

And remember, sometimes the simplest, most straightforward implementation is the best. Don't over-optimize unless you really need to - premature optimization is like adding a spoiler to a bicycle!

Now, rev up those crypto engines and may your secure code fly like the wind! Happy racing, crypto speed demon!

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