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Leonid Rezvitsky
Leonid Rezvitsky

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Apollo and Vuejs for Vitejs

Apollo and Vuejs for Vitejs


Hey! For me, it was necessary to use apollo-client with Vite 2. And while there are no clean libraries that will work only with Vuejs, then we will manage with what we have. The Apollo team wrote a client only for react and therefore we have to mess things up from: @apollo/client/core

Start πŸš€

First, we need to install the @apollo/client package. This can be done with the command below:

npm i @apollo/client // OR yarn add @apollo/client
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Then I started setting up the configuration to work with the backend.

// src/apollo/client.js

import { ApolloClient, HttpLink } from '@apollo/client/core'
import { InMemoryCache } from '@apollo/client/cache'

const httpLink = new HttpLink({
  uri: import.meta.env.VITE_API_URL

const apolloClient = new ApolloClient({
  link: httpLink, 
  cache: new InMemoryCache()

export default apolloClient
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We can now import apollo.js into the Vuejs component

// src/components/ApolloHello.vue

<script setup>
import apolloClient from '../apollo/client.js'
import { EXCHANGE_RATES } from '../graphql'

const { data: { rates } } = await apolloClient.query({

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You also need to make changes to vite.config.js

    optimizeDeps: {
        include: [
    rollupInputOptions: {
        external: ['react']
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What's next?

We can now use @apollo/client along with Vuejs. To try this stack, you can clone the repository

Top comments (2)

ninjasoards profile image
David Y Soards

This is nice. Much simpler than any other setup I've found.

I did have to yarn add graphql to get it working though.

rezvitsky profile image
Leonid Rezvitsky

At the moment there is vue-apollo ( It can be safely used in vitejs.