⚡Update: I've recreated TypeScript ready version of this boilerplate here.
A while back I realized I'm trashing my beautiful workspace with quite a few repetitive Vue web apps. Shortly before backing them up to never be seen again, it clicked - why not repurpose those reusable parts and simply stack them in a boilerplate? 🤔

I doubt that many devs like staging same project and repeat same initial commands again and again, therefore in this article "slash" tutorial I will swiftly go over how does one stack and configure a boilerplate.
Boilerplate stack
The stack of this boilerplate is focused on web app front end, therefore I'll keep it simple and use following packages:
- Vite - dev tool for building and serving
- Pinia - for storing
- Vue Router - for dynamic routing
- Tailwind CSS - for looks
- Vite SVG loader (optional) - to easily import SVGs
Before we start, I'm assuming you're somewhat acquainted with command line and have Node.js installed. If not - download it here. To check if it's installed, simply run node -v command
Quickstart - Vue, Router & Store
Let's begin by initializing our boilerplate project.
npm init vue@latest
Now enter the project name. I'll be using vue3-boilerplate
. On feature prompt choose to install Pinia and Vue Router.
✔ Project name: vue3-boilerplate
✔ Add Vue Router for Single Page Application development? Yes
✔ Add Pinia for state management? Yes
It's time to move into our project folder, install packages and run our boilerplate in development environment.
cd vue3-boilerplate
npm install
npm run dev
You should be seeing on your local development environment
this example page:
You can learn more about building or serving your app in this guide. Oh, and read more about Pinia here. It is very similar to Vuex.
Add Tailwind CSS
👏 Great, we got our base, now we need the looks. Following this guide we are installing Tailwind CSS, its dependencies and then initializing configuration file.
npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
npx tailwindcss init -p
In your project root you'll now find tailwind.config.js
file - let's open it and add our template paths:
module.exports = {
content: [
Next we will need to load @tailwind
directives, so let's create tailwind.css
in our /src/assets
folder with following directives:
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
Now let's load this CSS file by importing it in the very top of /src/assets/main.css
@import "./tailwind.css";
Since we already import /src/assets/main.css
file in /src/main.js
, we are good to use Tailwind's utility classes in our project.
Let's test it out by adding some classes inside /src/views/AboutView.vue
in <h1>
<div class="about">
<h1 class="text-xl font-medium text-white">This is an about page</h1>
We can also define our CSS properties separately below. To do so, we will need to install SASS package and PostCSS plugin - sass
& postcss-import
npm i -D sass postcss-import
Now let's use @apply
with our utility classes:
<h1>This is an about page</h1>
<style lang="scss">
.about {
@apply lg:min-h-screen lg:flex lg:items-center;
h1 {
@apply text-xl font-medium text-white;
🎉 Awesome! We have our core and we have our looks. What else could we add? 🤔
Add SVG loader (optional)
I like my SVG like I like my app - Component-Driven.🥁 It just so happens that our newly stacked boilerplate can easily import SVG imagery, but there is a catch - you'll have to use it as component, meaning you'll manually have to add SVG code within template tags and import it like that.
Luckily there is this vite-svg-loader
package that basically allows you to simply import your .svg
files within Vue template as components. Let's proceed by adding it to our boilerplate:
npm install vite-svg-loader --save-dev
Now add this plugin in our vite.config.js
configuration file:
import svgLoader from 'vite-svg-loader'
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [vue(), svgLoader()],
Lastly, to test it out I'm going to change that Vue.js logo code to Vite.js in /src/assets/logo.svg
to this one and save it:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" viewBox="0 0 2454.32 2457.41"><defs><linearGradient id="a" x1="285.11" y1="1790.44" x2="285.7" y2="1789.74" gradientTransform="matrix(2454.32, 0, 0, -2187.24, -699180.9, 3916163.49)" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"><stop offset="0" stop-color="#41d1ff"/><stop offset="1" stop-color="#bd34fe"/></linearGradient><linearGradient id="b" x1="285.22" y1="1790.33" x2="285.29" y2="1789.46" gradientTransform="matrix(1125.42, 0, 0, -2051.66, -319596.68, 3673197.31)" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"><stop offset="0" stop-color="#ffea83"/><stop offset="0.08" stop-color="#ffdd35"/><stop offset="1" stop-color="#ffa800"/></linearGradient></defs><path d="M2464.14,381.6,1311.22,2443.21c-23.8,42.57-85,42.82-109.12.46L26.33,381.79C0,335.63,39.47,279.72,91.78,289.08L1245.93,495.37a62.88,62.88,0,0,0,22.27,0l1130-206C2450.35,279.87,2490,335.35,2464.14,381.6Z" transform="translate(-17.94 -17.87)" style="fill:url(#a)"/><path d="M1795.71,18.48,942.53,185.66a31.33,31.33,0,0,0-25.25,28.9L864.8,1101a31.33,31.33,0,0,0,29.41,33.14,31.77,31.77,0,0,0,8.91-.75l237.54-54.82a31.32,31.32,0,0,1,37.73,36.79l-70.57,345.59a31.33,31.33,0,0,0,39.8,36.24l146.72-44.57a31.34,31.34,0,0,1,39.79,36.32L1222,2031.73c-7,33.95,38.14,52.47,57,23.36l12.59-19.44L1986.77,648.19c11.65-23.23-8.44-49.72-33.94-44.79l-244.52,47.18a31.33,31.33,0,0,1-36-39.44L1831.86,57.91a31.34,31.34,0,0,0-36.14-39.43Z" transform="translate(-17.94 -17.87)" style="fill:url(#b)"/></svg>
Then in /src/App.vue
file I'll import it as SVG component and replace it with <img class="logo" />
<script setup>
import LogoSVG from './assets/logo.svg?component'
<LogoSVG alt="Vite logo" class="logo" />
You are a proud owner of your very own boilerplate. 👏

What's next?
You would now want to create an easily pull-able starter kit - for example, in Github - so your boilerplate is always one command away. I actually did just that - you can pull my version of boilerplate here or simply pull it:
npm i @richardev/vue3-boilerplate
Finally, I want to share this list of some useful Vue.js related packages to add to your boilerplate:
NuxtJS - Vue.js Framework
Vue Meta - for Web App SEO
VeeValidate - form validation
Vue Toastification - alerts a.k. toasts
If you have ideas on what to add or remove in this boilerplate, tips on configuring it or you simply have an issue setting it up - I'll appreciate if you reach out in the comments below. 👋
⚡Update: I've recreated TypeScript ready version of this boilerplate here.
Top comments (4)
Hey everyone! 👋
I just updated both JS and TS repositories for these templates. Check them out here:
Sorry, I think Is there an error for missing sass preprocessor.
After then install it, the about page is blank. see issue #1 on Github repo.
Updated. Thank you for your input. 🙏
I had it installed globally at the time and didn't notice, haha.
⚡Update: I've recreated TypeScript ready version of this boilerplate here.