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Introducing the Auth0 Flutter SDK

Original post written by Juan Cruz Martinez for Auth0 blog.

Learn about the essential features of the Auth0 Flutter SDK and how it helps developers build and secure Flutter iOS and Android applications.

Today we are announcing the release of the Auth0 Flutter SDK, a new SDK that makes it easy to secure Flutter applications with Auth0. Whether you need to secure access to an iOS or Android application, the Auth0 Flutter SDK got you covered!

The new Flutter SDK builds on a strong foundation by wrapping our existing and robust Auth0.Android and Auth0.swift libraries while focusing on the developer experience first.

Our SDK team optimized the Auth0 Flutter SDK for quick integration into your applications and for flexibility to accommodate simple and advanced use cases.

Since the introduction of Flutter 3, the framework allows for building cross-platform applications, extending from mobile applications to desktop applications and platforms. Our SDK allows for extension in such platforms by leveraging federated plugins, which means you can easily add support for other platforms without forking the SDK.

Auth0 Flutter SDK Features

The new SDK offers features for multiple use-cases and complexity, going from magically getting the job done to providing a rich set of APIs enabling you to build your authentication flow per your specific requirements.

Let's explore the essential features of the Auth0 Flutter SDK that enable developers to do more:

  • ⚡️ Quick implementation of login, logout, and automatic storage and renewal of tokens functionality into Flutter apps using WebAuth and the Auth0 Universal Login page.
  • ⚙️ For more advanced use-cases, developers have access to the Authentication API, which at the time of release supports:
    • Logging in with a username or email and password
    • Signing up new users
    • Getting user information from /userinfo
    • Renew tokens
    • Reset passwords
  • 🔐 Auth0 provides a default instance of Credentials Manager that automatically stores the user's credentials. If you need your own solution for handling credentials, you can create your own custom credentials manager.
  • ➕ And more advanced features like accepting user invites, login into organizations, and bot detection.


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