Most developers, if not all, are using AI by now. This is helping both newbies and highly experienced professionals.
Unfortunately, like any other tool, AI coding can be less than helpful. Do you recall stories about people who end up in a lake following a GPS map application blindly? Something similar happens frequently to developers while using AI.
Common Issues
1. Default Pessimism
The AI not only misses the context you don't share with it, it will not ask for more context, assuming you are telling it everything that needs to be told. For example, if you don't say you have access to the production server, it will try to solve the issue assuming there isn't access.
2. Know-it-all Syndrome
The AI will give you a long list of all the things you can check and all the things you can try, like it had the magical bullet for your issue. Good luck working your way through.
3. Just Plaster It!
The AI knows nothing of root causes. Presented with an issue it will try to solve that one issue ONLY, without checking why the issue is there in the first place. It tries to solve symptoms, not problems.
4. Goldberg Machine Patch
The AI tries to give you a solution that will solve this issue and any other possible ever present in any system ever, and check and log everything under the sun. The solution seems to be bulletproof at first sight, but it is so complex it creates issues on its own that may be harder to fix than the original issue.
5. Dude Comparisons
The AI will compare what you need to compare, but will miss essential components, for example overall number of items.
Solutions and Examples
It is not hard to avoid these issues if you remember that you are a driver, not a passenger, in the coding process. Here are the solutions you can use to avoid each issue:
1. Default Pessimism - Solution
Share most of the context, and instruct it to request more context whenever necessary. Provide working similar samples if available.
Bad Prompt:
How can I check if users are active in my system?
AI's Limited Response:
def check_user_activity(user_id):
# Assumes only local database access
with open('user_logs.txt', 'r') as f:
logs = f.readlines()
return any(str(user_id) in log for log in logs)
Better Prompt:
I need to check if users are active in my system. We have:
- PostgreSQL database with user_sessions table
- Access to Redis cache
- Cloudwatch logs
- User activity tracked in NewRelic
Please ask if you need more context about any of these systems.
AI's Comprehensive Response:
def check_user_activity(user_id):
# Check Redis cache first for performance
activity = redis_client.get(f"user_activity:{user_id}")
if activity:
return json.loads(activity)
# Check database for recent sessions
with db.connection() as conn:
result = conn.execute("""
SELECT last_active_at
FROM user_sessions
WHERE user_id = %s
ORDER BY last_active_at DESC
""", (user_id,))
return result.fetchone()
2. Know-it-all Syndrome - Solution
Request the AI to take only one step at a time, checking the result of each step before proceeding with the next.
Bad Prompt:
My API endpoints are slow. How can I improve performance?
Better Prompt:
My /users endpoint is taking 2.5s to respond. Let's start by profiling the database queries.
Here's the current code:
def get_users():
users = User.query.all()
return jsonify([user.to_dict() for user in users])
What's the first step to identify the bottleneck?
3. Just Plaster It! - Solution
Ask the AI to explain how that solution is going to solve the problem.
Bad Code Issue:
# Original problem
except Exception:
return "Payment failed"
Bad Prompt:
How do I fix this payment error?
Better Prompt:
We're seeing payment failures in production. Here's the code:
except Exception:
return "Payment failed"
Before implementing a fix, can you help me understand:
1. What types of exceptions might occur here?
2. How would each exception impact our payment flow?
3. What logging would help us identify the root cause?
4. Goldberg Machine Patch - Solution
Ask the AI if this is a standard, best practice way to solve the issue, and if there is a simpler solution that will solve it.
def save_user(user_data):
Bad Prompt:
How can I make this user save function more robust?
AI's Overcomplicated Response:
def save_user(user_data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Union[str, None]:
Ultra-robust user saving with extensive validation and logging
transaction_id = str(uuid.uuid4())"Starting user save operation {transaction_id}")
# Pre-save validation
validation_result = validate_user_schema(user_data)
if not validation_result.is_valid:
logger.error(f"Schema validation failed: {validation_result.errors}")
raise ValidationError(validation_result.errors)
# Backup current state
existing_user = db.users.find_one({"email": user_data["email"]})
if existing_user:
"type": "user_backup",
"data": existing_user,
"timestamp": datetime.utcnow()
# Complex retry logic
for attempt in exponential_backoff(max_attempts=5):
with attempt:
result = db.users.insert_one(user_data)
# Post-save validation
saved_user = db.users.find_one({"_id": result.inserted_id})
assert saved_user == user_data, "Save verification failed"
# Extensive logging"User save successful {transaction_id}")
return str(result.inserted_id)
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"User save failed {transaction_id}: {str(e)}")
notification.alert_team("User save failed", context=locals())
Better Prompt:
I need to add basic error handling and validation to this user save function.
What's the minimal change that would catch common issues?
AI's Simpler Response:
def save_user(user_data: dict) -> bool:
Save user with basic validation and error handling
if not all(k in user_data for k in ['email', 'name']):
logger.error(f"Missing required fields: {user_data}")
return False
return True
except DuplicateKeyError:
logger.error(f"User already exists: {user_data['email']}")
return False
5. Dude Comparisons - Solution
Ask the AI to perform a bijective comparison of items. This guarantees each and every item is compared with a peer only once.
Bad Prompt:
Compare these two API response formats
Better Prompt:
Can you do a field-by-field comparison of these two API response formats,
ensuring every field in both formats is addressed:
Format A:
"user_id": "string",
"name": "string",
"roles": ["string"]
Format B:
"id": "string",
"full_name": "string",
"permissions": ["string"]
By following these guidelines and remembering that you are the driver in the development process, you can effectively leverage AI as a powerful tool while avoiding its common pitfalls. The key is to be specific, provide context, and guide the AI step-by-step towards the solution you need.
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