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Cover image for Playwright HTML Report
Rodrigo Odhin
Rodrigo Odhin

Posted on

Playwright HTML Report

A few days ago I wanted to generate a modern and complete html report for my Playwright project. I tried to find something good for me already ready to use, but I couldn't. So I created playwright-report.

To install playwright-html, use the command below:

npm i -D playwright-html
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

After the installation, you need to configure your project to use playwright-html as your report. Edit the file playwright.config.ts with the information below:

import { PlaywrightTestConfig } from '@playwright/test';

const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = {
  reporter: [
    ['playwright-html', { 
      testFolder: 'tests',
      title: 'Playwright HTML Report',
      project: 'QA Tests',
      release: '9.87.6',
      testEnvironment: 'DEV',
      embedAssets: true,
      embedAttachments: true,
      outputFolder: 'playwright-html-report',
      minifyAssets: true,
      startServer: true,
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

There is no mandatory option for playwright-report, so if you want, just remove all options. If you want to use, follow the description of each option:

Name Default Value Mandatory Description
testFolder tests no Folder of the test files
title Playwright HTML Report no Title of the report that will be shown at the top of the page
project no Project name
release no Release version
testEnvironment no Test environment of the execution
embedAssets true no Embed or not the assets to the HTML report file
embedAttachments true no Embed or not the attachments to the HTML report file
outputFolder playwright-html-report no Output folder where the HTML will be saved
minifyAssets true no Minify or not the assets
startServer true no Start or not the server to serve the HTML report

playwright-html on Gitlab.

If you encounter any errors, go to playwright-html repository and open an issue.

If you have any suggestions, feel free to comment.

I hope you Enjoy this tool!

Top comments (6)

andre_steenkamp_54c5002a0 profile image
Andre Steenkamp

Very nice looking report!

One suggestion though is that you have a section called 'Status by browser' but I am testing a specific browser but have multiple projects so it is picking up my project names as browsers.

andre_steenkamp_54c5002a0 profile image
Andre Steenkamp

Nevermind I see this was corrected in 'odhin-reports-playwright'

alexlara profile image
Alex De Lara

This is quite cool looking report - way better than the default Playwright; but at the same time is gets quite large. I understand it can be tough problem to solve if one wants to make the loading fast. Maybe break the index.hmtl in parts, one for each test ? This way the loading would not have to have everything at once.
But I still like it, thanks for making it available.

duezyoan profile image

Hi, i want to add the reporting with Cucumber test launching, is it possible ?
Is there a commande line to manually generate the report ?


praveen1210 profile image

Bro i'm also having the same question, do you got any answer?

kplokesh profile image
lokesh kondepudi

Rodrigo Odhin, it was very nice reports, thank you for your hardwork, keep update us if any improvments in this.