What is GSSOC?
GirlScript Summer of Code is the 3 month-long Open Source Program during summers conducted by GirlScript Foundation, with an aim to help beginners get started with Open Source Development while encouraging diversity. Throughout the program, participants contribute to different projects under the guidance of experienced mentors.
How to Get Enrolled?
You have to register as a Participant or as Mentor.
I have registered as a Participant. After getting selected I was informed by an Email and was asked to join Discord Server!
Project !!
There were 100+ Projects which were open for contribution with different tech stacks!! My major contribution was in Single Project SFC-Foundations Website.
SFC - Foundation is an NGO that is active in Northern India. The project was to create a new website from Scratch. I was having basic knowledge of Front-end Development so I selected this project to work on !!
Contribution Statistics ( Till 1st June 2021 )
Project :-
SFC bringing change to the society. Drop a ⭐
The SFC is a Youth NGO that has its roots in Tricity and Delhi. SFC inspires the younger generation to come forward to serve Mother Earth by igniting a spark in them. SFC is established to launch and nurture activities and programs which will reach the most impecunious and vulnerable people from our community. The motive is that Youth is the beaming future of our country and they are the ONLY ones who can change trite plots into buoyant podiums Hence our projects are designed keeping in mind the barbaric surroundings of our Society. With the help of our stalwart volunteers, we can focus on capacity-building activities rather than the traditional gap-filling initiatives. SFC is an organization of dedicated and staunch amateurs who are dead set at uplifting the unfortunate lots in our society and sheltering our Country. SFC has set up two more units (JALANDHAR,MUMBAI)✨
GitHub Page
…Commits:- 206 ( On 1st June )
Addition :- 44,311 ++
Deletions :- 15,429 --
Issues Created :- 81
Pull Requests Created :- 72 ( 70 Merged )
-> Got Experience in Real-World Development
-> Learned to work with the group.
-> Workflow of GitHub
-> Learned how to set up a particular Project on Local System
-> Had a great Networking with Amazing Peoples!
-> Brushed Up My Skills of Front-end Web Development!
Top comments (4)
Thank you for sharing! 👍
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Great Idea !! This is my first blog I was not knowing about that Thanks !!
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