If you are here that means you want to create a stunning README.md for your Awesome Repos, So down below I'm going to show you some cool markdown tips (.md means markdown) Markdown is a lightweight markup language for creating formatted text using a plain-text editor.
Good Documentation is as much important as your project, because if you can't explain what your project does, how other can utilize it, then there is no mean of developing awesome projects.
First let's go through the importance of a README.md file
- A README.md file is a guide that gives visitors a detailed description of your project. There is a lot of developers that developed awesome application but if you represent your project well than your project will have great impact, it will gain more.
- If someone visits your project repo then this is the file that will represent your project. So you should put some effort to make your README.md look good.
- You don't need to make always a new README.md. Just create a template and use that for all the projects.
When you write a README.md file always keep in mind that this is for others not for you.
Now have a look at my project and share your thoughts with me, what you think about the repo it is looking good or not? Can you use this project without any help just by reading README.md?
You can also create simple and stunning README.md in very simple steps.
So, let's start creating your README.md
One more thing you need to know there is no right or wrong way of Creating README.md, Every Developer has their way of writing the README.md file. I'll explain to you each and everything you can do to create your own.
Github uses its markdown known as GFM (Github Flavour markdown). It just extends the functionality of markdown. So, you can use simple HTML tags and their attributes to make it look good. You can use Emojis, links, pictures,
Project title
At the very top, you must include a project title using heading 1, Now heading 1 in markdown is with one # sign but you can also use the h1 tag. For example:
# Project title
or I also like to make it center so,
<h1 align="center">Project title</h1>
we are using, align="center" because we can't use CSS here.
After the title, you must provide a description of the project and it should not be a long paragraph just a simple descriptive line will do the job. This is the line that should be well crafted and straightforward.
It describes the quality of your project because no one will run the project at the moment they visit but they judge the project its description.
# Project Description
or if also like to make it at the center so,
<p align="center">Project Description</p>
Table of Content
Github added this feature already so you don't need to do it. So, Just use headings (#), subheadings(#), or h1,h2 tags and it will automatically have at the top left corner of your README.md file.
Use markdown link as [Link Text](link)
of your live project, repo, API, API repo. I am sure you are wondering why you should put repo here but your project is not always be seen on GitHub people also clone it on their system and this file also gets cloned so you must put this link there. So, anyone can visit back the repo.
Include screenshots
You can use Images to show your project, how it looks while running. For putting screenshots you can either drag and drop images or use the image in markdown as 
How to use your software
The most important part after the description is this, You need to provide instruction on how to install your program and how to run it. Make it comprehensive as much as possible So, even a beginner can use it.
Built With
In this section, you can add your tech stack, as which technologies you used to make the project. You can utilize list as
- JavaScript
- Node
- Webpack
Future updates
Here you can use a Special GFM Feature called a task list. A task list will show which things are done and which are pending. You can utilize a task list as
- [ ] Reliable Storage // This is pending
- [x] Authentication // This is done
Here you can show your details like email, profile, website, any other social media links so others can follow you.
This can be some simple markdown links as
**Rohit Jain**
- [Profile](https://github.com/rohit19060 "Rohit jain")
- [Email](mailto:rohitjain19060@gmail.com?subject=Hi% "Hi!")
- [Website](https://kingtechnologies.in "Welcome")
If someone puts effort to do something into your project then you should give him/her credit for it and this is the section for that here you can use images and links of your project contributors.
At last, you can ask for support or sponsorships by providing links or just add a simple message as
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
As I mentioned above you can use the following template as your template after making necessary changes.
<h1 align="center"><project-name></h1>
<p align="center"><project-description></p>
## Links
- [Repo](https://github.com/Rohit19060/<project-name> "<project-name> Repo")
- [Live](<Homepage url> "Live View")
- [Bugs](https://github.com/Rohit19060/<project-name>/issues "Issues Page")
- [API](<API Link> "API")
## Screenshots

## Available Commands
In the project directory, you can run:
### `npm start" : "react-scripts start"`,
The app is built using `create-react-app` so this command Runs the app in Development mode. Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) to view it in the browser. You also need to run the server file as well to completely run the app. The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
### `"npm run build": "react-scripts build"`,
Builds the app for production to the `build` folder. It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance. The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes. Your app will be ready to deploy!
### `"npm run test": "react-scripts test"`,
Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
### `"npm run dev": "concurrently "nodemon server" "npm run start"`,
For running the server and app together I am using concurrently this helps a lot in the MERN application as it runs both the server (client and server) concurrently. So you can work on them both together.
### `"serve": "node server"`
For running the server file on you can use this command.
### `npm run serve`
## Built With
- JavaScript
- Node
- Webpack
## Future Updates
- [ ] Reliable Storage
## Author
**Rohit Jain**
- [Profile](https://github.com/rohit19060 "Rohit jain")
- [Email](mailto:rohitjain19060@gmail.com?subject=Hi "Hi!")
- [Website](https://kingtechnologies.in "Welcome")
## 🤝 Support
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
Markdown features
You can also you text styling as
- **Bold**
- _italics_
- ~~Strike through~~
Their combination also works like
**_Bold Italics_**
> This is a Blockquote
- Candy
- Gum
- Booze
1. Red
2. Green
3. Blue
- [x] Finish my changes
- [ ] Push my commits to GitHub
- [ ] Open a pull request
Inline-style link: example link.
Optionally, you may include a title attribute in the parentheses:example link. The title is a text that shows when you hover on an element.
GFM feature
if you put a link inside arrows like <rohitjain19060@gmail.com>
Github automatically make it a link.
| Left-aligned | Center-aligned | Right-aligned |
| :----------- | :------------: | ------------: |
| git status | git status | git status |
| git diff | git diff | git diff |
A hidden trick I give sometimes
You can use variables in markdown or references as
![alt text][id]
[id]: /path/to/img.jpg "Title"
This is all you can do in the README.md file to make it stunning and stand out from others. Comment down below your favorite part or your README styles
Top comments (2)
Hello Rohit Jain,
thanks for your article.
It's very informative and I've tried some things you explained in a test repo
I ran into an issue that will not allow me to like and share your article.
Problem is as follows:
Uploading an image using drag and drop saves the image in user-images.githubusercontent.com.
Here is an example:
While looking for a solution, I found the following content on stackoverflow:
Can images on 'user-images.githubusercontent.com' be deleted?
It does not seem possible to delete uploaded images after using drag and drop. I understand this lack of control for the user comes from GitHub.
However, please consider to mention this problem in your article or even offer a solution on how to delete the images so uploaded.
I would love to give a heart and share your article on twitter.
Hi Akin,
Thanks for Reading my blog.
That's raw content, you can upload files in repo and use that instead of using drag n drop, that will give you all the control.