DEV Community

Rohit More
Rohit More

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Best resources for self-taught developers

Selecting the right tools and resources from the myriad of available resources can be challenging for Self-learner and anyone looking to make a transition to web development.

Below are some of my favorite free learning resources and tools that helped me in my journey as a self-taught web developer.

Learning Resource

1. FreeCodeCamp

It is a non-profit organization with the mission to help people learn to code for free by creating thousands of videos, articles, and interactive coding lessons.
It has the most comprehensive lessons and an up-to-date curriculum. It also, consists of an interactive learning web platform, an online community forum, chat rooms, as well as online publications.

2. W3Schools

It’s one of the oldest online learning platforms that create simplified and interactive learning experiences. If you are looking to learn basic frontend development technologies - HTML, CSS, and Javascript, this is definitely a great website.

3. created in 2007 by Ilya Kantor covers modern javaScript tutorials from the basics to advanced topics with simple, but detailed explanations.


Cssreference is a free visual guide to CSS. It features the most popular properties and explains them with illustrated and animated examples.
It gives illustrated and animated examples to improve understanding of the cascading style sheet (CSS) covering topics like flexbox, grid, box model, positioning, transitions, animations, and typography.

5. DevDocs

DevDocs is a web app aimed at providing you with quick access to the reference manual of just about every front-end language and library. It combines multiple documentation of over 100+ for lots of developer tools into a single searchable interface.

6. MDN Web Docs

MDN (formerly Mozilla Developer Network) is a free resource for in-depth and well-explained documentation on web standards such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Web APIs, and much more.

7. Frontend Mentor

Frontend Mentor is a collaborative learning platform that provides designs so that you can practice your front-end skills using a real-life workflow.
It helps you improve your front-end skills and knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript by building real projects.

8. Scrimba

Scrimba is a code-learning platform that helps motivated newbies become professional web developers without spending a fortune. Its mission is to give students the quality of a coding Bootcamp with interactive courses and tutorials on React, Vue, Angular, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and more.

9. CSS In Real Life

CSS-irl is designed, written, and developed by Michelle Barker covering tips, tricks, and tutorials on the web's most beautiful language known as CSS.

10. Learn X in Y minutes

It’s one of the most popular tutorial websites that provides a concise and introductory guide on any programming language and technologies including Solidity, Python, JavaScript, C, C++, etc.

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