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Deno: a new era in JavaScript land

From being a toy language for interactive websites to being used in server-side, AI, and mobile development.

JavaScript has evolved and become one of the most popular programming languages in the world, and for good reason.

It offers great simplicity while also offering a variety of possibilities for things you can build with it.

The change from being a toy language to a language that is now being commonly used across all types of software mainly came from Node.js - a JS runtime, which was the first to make it possible to run JS outside of the browser and use it to solve real-world problems software developers encounter on a daily basis.

Since then, Node has been used extensively to make people's dream software a reality.

Now, after it has been battle-tested across all areas of software development, it feels right that Node should have a successor that will take the lessons learned from Node's making and apply them to make the greatest JS runtime ever.

Ryan Dahl, the original creator of Node has decided to do just that, he took his lessons and made a new JS runtime, Deno.

Here are some of the reasons you might want to give it a try:

Making libraries and importing them is super simple

In Deno, you can easily import modules from URLs or local files, allowing for seamless integration of third-party libraries and custom modules into your projects.

You can just import * as RGB from '', and there you go. It just works.

It's also possible to make libraries that way, you can host your code on GitHub, then directly import it to Deno, without even having to host it on the official library market like NPM in Node.

Using low-level languages in your JS code has never been easier

Deno allows you to import C/C++, Rust, Zig, and V code instantly using the FFI(Foreign Function Interface), a term borrowed from Rust(which Deno is built on).

Node also has a feature which allows this called node-gyp, but it has been highly critcized due to its complexity and cross-platform issues.

Deno's approach of using an FFI makes the task of using low-level code in your existing JS codebase easier.

Additionally, Deno was designed with WASM in mind, so many features that allow you to use WASM in your codebase are built into Deno.

This issue is a niche one, but still one to mention.

Super Secure and Ready to Roll

Ryan Dahl is back at it again, folks, and this time he's brought us Deno with a capital "S" for Security.

Unlike its predecessor Node.js, which needs some tinkering around to make it safe, Deno is all about permissions.

Want to access the file system, network, or even those elusive environment variables? You're going to need a pass, my friend.

This approach turns Deno into a virtual Fort Knox, making it incredibly tough for any unauthorized access or sneaky security vulnerabilities to break in.

A Developer's Dreamland

Deno's got something for everyone, especially the developers! With a ton of built-in features and tools, Deno is a developer's paradise.

Its own package manager "" lets you import and manage your dependencies without having to rely on an external package.json file.

Talk about convenience! Plus, it's packed with a whole suite of standardized tools like a built-in test runner, a formatter, and a linter.

These tools make it super easy to maintain code quality and ensure consistency across projects.

TypeScript: It's Got Your Back

Are you a TypeScript enthusiast? Well, Deno's got you covered.

It supports TypeScript straight out of the box, unlike Node.js which requires additional configuration and build steps.

With Deno, you can write TypeScript code directly without worrying about transpilation.

It's a great way to simplify the development process and reduce potential configuration errors.

Turbocharged Performance

Deno isn't just about the bells and whistles—it's also a performance powerhouse.

It's got a few tricks up its sleeve that give it an edge over Node.js.

For starters, Deno has an efficient module caching mechanism that cuts down on redundant network requests and boosts load times.

Plus, it allows for true parallel execution of modules, getting rid of those pesky single-threaded bottlenecks.

All these improvements combine to make Deno applications run smoother and scale better.

Jack of All Trades Standard Library

With Deno, you're getting a standard library that's like a Swiss Army knife—packed with all sorts of useful utilities and modules.

Whether it's HTTP servers, file system operations, cryptographic functions, or WebSocket support, Deno's got it all built directly into the runtime.

This reduces reliance on external dependencies and makes it a breeze to develop applications without having to scout for additional libraries.

Even though Deno's still a new kid on the block compared to Node.js, it's turning heads with its modern approach, supercharged security model, and developer-friendly features.

But remember, just like choosing a favorite dessert, you need to consider the specific needs and requirements of your project before deciding whether to adopt Deno.

It might have a different ecosystem and community support compared to Node.js, but it's certainly worth giving a shot!

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