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Kubernetes - An Operator Overview

Kubernetes is a powerful open-source platform for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

This article provides a concise overview of Kubernetes, focusing on its essential components for operators managing containerized applications and AWS EKS.

Control Plane

The control plane is the central management entity of the Kubernetes cluster.

It oversees the cluster's operations, maintains the desired state of the cluster, and responds to changes and events.


  • API Server: Exposes the Kubernetes API and serves as the front end for the control plane.
  • Scheduler: Assigns pods to nodes based on resource requirements, constraints, and policies.
  • Controller Manager: Manages various controllers responsible for maintaining cluster state (e.g., ReplicationController, NamespaceController).
  • etcd: Consistent and highly available key-value store used as the cluster's primary data store.


  • API Server: Accepts and processes API requests, such as creating, updating, or deleting resources.
  • Scheduler: Assigns pods to nodes based on resource availability and constraints.
  • Controller Manager: Monitors the cluster's state and takes corrective action to maintain the desired state.
  • etcd: Stores cluster configuration data, state, and metadata.

Cluster Nodes

Nodes are individual machines (virtual or physical) in the Kubernetes cluster where containers are deployed and executed.

Each node runs the necessary Kubernetes components to maintain communication with the control plane and manage pods.


  • Kubelet: Agent running on each node responsible for managing containers, pods, and their lifecycle.
  • Container Runtime: Software responsible for running containers (e.g., Docker, containerd, cri-o).
  • Kube-proxy: Network proxy that maintains network rules and forwards traffic to appropriate pods.
  • cAdvisor: Collects and exports container resource usage and performance metrics.


  • Kubelet: Ensures that containers are running on the node.
  • Container Runtime: Executes container images and provides isolation.
  • Kube-proxy: Manages network connectivity to pods and services.
  • cAdvisor: Monitors resource usage and provides performance metrics for containers.


Control Plane Interaction

  • Nodes communicate with the control plane components (API Server, Scheduler, Controller Manager) to receive instructions, update status, and report events.
  • Control plane components interact with etcd to store and retrieve cluster state information.

Node Interaction

  • Control plane components issue commands to nodes through the Kubernetes API to schedule pods, update configurations, and monitor resources.
  • Nodes execute commands received from the control plane to manage containers, networks, and storage.


In Kubernetes, the control plane and nodes collaborate to orchestrate containerized applications effectively. The control plane manages cluster-wide operations and maintains the desired state, while nodes execute and manage container workloads. Understanding the roles and responsibilities of each component is essential for operating and troubleshooting Kubernetes clusters effectively.



  • Identifies users and service accounts.
  • Methods include X.509 client certificates, static token files, and integration with cloud provider IAM services.


  • Controls what users and service accounts can do.
  • Implemented through Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) using Roles and ClusterRoles.

Roles and ClusterRoles

  • Roles: Define permissions within a namespace.
  • ClusterRoles: Define permissions cluster-wide.

Network Policies

  • Define rules for pod communication.
  • Use labels to specify which traffic is allowed or denied between pods.


Secrets are a way to store and manage sensitive information, such as passwords, OAuth tokens, and SSH keys. By default, Kubernetes stores secrets as base64-encoded strings, which are not encrypted. However, starting from Kubernetes 1.13, it provides the option to enable encryption at rest for secrets and other resources stored in etcd, which is the default key-value store used by Kubernetes.

Enable Encryption: Create an EncryptionConfiguration file and update the kube-apiserver to use this configuration.

Example: Encryption Configuration

kind: EncryptionConfiguration
  - resources:
      - secrets
      - aescbc:
            - name: key1
              secret: <base64-encoded-key>
      - identity: {}
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Amazon EKS Secrets Encryption

Default: EKS secrets are not encrypted at rest by default.
Enable Encryption: Integrate EKS with AWS KMS and specify the KMS key ARN in the cluster configuration.


"encryptionConfig": [
    "resources": ["secrets"],
    "provider": {
      "keyArn": "arn:aws:kms:region:account-id:key/key-id"
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Pod Security Policy (PSP)

  • Define security settings for pod deployment.
  • Control aspects like root user access, volume types, and network capabilities.

Important Points

  • RBAC: Critical for controlling access and ensuring least privilege principle.
  • Secrets Management: Important for handling sensitive data securely.
  • Network Policies: Essential for implementing micro-segmentation and securing inter-pod communication.
  • Service Accounts: Provide pod-level security credentials.


  • Authentication and Authorization: Control access using RBAC, Roles, and ClusterRoles.
  • Network Policies: Define rules for secure pod communication.
  • Secrets Management: Handle sensitive information securely.
  • Pod Security Policies (PSPs): Enforce security best practices for pod deployment.


Kubernetes API Server

Authenticates requests from users, applications, and other components.

Supports various authentication mechanisms, including client certificates, bearer tokens, and basic authentication.

Authentication Modules

Kubernetes supports pluggable authentication modules, allowing integration with external identity providers (IDPs) like LDAP, OAuth, and OpenID Connect (OIDC).

Service Account Tokens

Each Pod in Kubernetes has an associated service account and token.

Service account tokens are used for intra-cluster communication and authentication between Pods and the Kubernetes API server.


Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

Kubernetes implements RBAC for authorization.

Defines roles, role bindings, and cluster roles to control access to API resources.

Allows fine-grained control over who can perform specific actions on resources within the cluster.

Roles and Role Bindings

Roles specify a set of permissions (verbs) for specific resources (API groups and resources).

Role bindings associate roles with users, groups, or service accounts.

Cluster Roles and Cluster Role Bindings

Similar to roles and role bindings but apply cluster-wide instead of within a namespace.

Used to define permissions across multiple namespaces.

Integration with Identity Providers

External Authentication Providers

  • Kubernetes can integrate with external identity providers (IDPs) like LDAP, OAuth, and OpenID Connect (OIDC) for user authentication.
  • Allows centralized user management and authentication using existing identity systems.

Token Review API

  • Allows applications to validate authentication tokens against the Kubernetes API server.
  • Useful for building custom authentication workflows and integrating with external authentication mechanisms.

Authentication in Kubernetes verifies the identity of users and components accessing the cluster.

Authorization controls what actions users and components can perform on resources within the cluster.

RBAC provides fine-grained access control through roles and role bindings.

Integration with external identity providers allows for centralized authentication and user management.

Ensuring proper authentication and authorization configurations is essential for maintaining the security of your Kubernetes cluster and protecting sensitive data and resources.

Roles and ClusterRoles are both Kubernetes resources used for role-based access control (RBAC), but they differ in scope:


  • Scope: Roles are specific to a namespace.
  • Granularity: Provides permissions within a namespace.
  • Usage: Used to control access to resources within a single namespace.
  • Example: You can create a Role that allows a user to read and write Pods within a particular namespace.


  • Scope: ClusterRoles apply cluster-wide.
  • Granularity: Provides permissions across all namespaces.
  • Usage: Used to control access to resources across the entire cluster.
  • Example: You can create a ClusterRole that allows a user to list and watch Pods in all namespaces.

Key Differences

  1. Scope:
    • Roles apply within a single namespace, providing permissions for resources within that namespace only.
    • ClusterRoles apply across all namespaces, providing permissions for resources cluster-wide.
  2. Usage:
    • Roles are used to define permissions for resources within a specific namespace, such as Pods, Services, ConfigMaps, etc.
    • ClusterRoles are used to define permissions for resources that span multiple namespaces or are cluster-scoped, such as Nodes, PersistentVolumes, Namespaces, etc.
  3. Granularity:
    • Roles offer fine-grained access control within a namespace, allowing you to define specific permissions for different types of resources.
    • ClusterRoles offer broader access control across the entire cluster, allowing you to define permissions for cluster-wide resources.

Example Use Cases

  • Roles:
    • Grant permissions for a developer to manage resources within their project namespace.
    • Assign specific permissions to a service account for accessing resources in a single namespace.
  • ClusterRoles:
    • Grant permissions for a cluster administrator to manage cluster-wide resources like Nodes and PersistentVolumes.
    • Define permissions for a monitoring tool to access metrics from all namespaces.


  • Roles are used for namespace-level access control and apply within a single namespace.
  • ClusterRoles are used for cluster-wide access control and apply across all namespaces in the cluster.
  • Choose the appropriate resource based on the scope and granularity of the permissions needed for your use case.

For example:

  • Namespace "Development":
    • "Admin" role allows read/write access to Pods, Services, and ConfigMaps.
    • Assigned to developers who need full control over resources in the "Development" namespace.
  • Namespace "Testing":
    • "Admin" role allows read/write access to Pods and ConfigMaps but only read access to Services.
    • Assigned to QA engineers who need to manage resources in the "Testing" namespace but should not modify Services.
  • Namespace "Production":
    • "Admin" role allows read-only access to Pods, Services, and ConfigMaps.
    • Assigned to operators who need to monitor resources in the "Production" namespace but should not make changes.

Each "Admin" role can have a different set of permissions (defined by roles and role bindings) based on the specific requirements of the namespace, providing fine-grained access control tailored to the needs of each environment or project within the cluster.

Kubernetes Objects

Kubernetes objects are persistent entities in the Kubernetes system. Kubernetes uses these entities to represent the state of your cluster.


The smallest and simplest Kubernetes object. A Pod represents a single instance of a running process in your cluster.

  • Components: Contains one or more containers (usually Docker containers).
  • Use Case: Running a single instance of an application or a set of co-located processes that share resources.


  • Pod vs. ReplicaSet: A Pod is a single instance, while a ReplicaSet ensures a specified number of replica Pods are running.
  • Pod vs. Deployment: A Deployment manages a ReplicaSet and provides declarative updates to Pods.


Ensures that a specified number of Pod replicas are running at any given time.

  • Components: Manages the lifecycle of Pods, ensuring the desired number of replicas.
  • Use Case: Maintaining stable sets of Pods running at all times.


  • ReplicaSet vs. Deployment: A Deployment manages ReplicaSets, offering more advanced features like rolling updates and rollbacks.
  • ReplicaSet vs. StatefulSet: ReplicaSet is for stateless applications, whereas StatefulSet is for stateful applications requiring stable identities and persistent storage.


Provides declarative updates to applications, managing ReplicaSets.

  • Components: Manages the rollout and scaling of a set of Pods.
  • Use Case: Deploying stateless applications and performing updates without downtime.


  • Deployment vs. StatefulSet: Deployment is for stateless apps with disposable instances, while StatefulSet is for stateful apps with stable identifiers and persistent storage.
  • Deployment vs. DaemonSet: Deployment runs Pods based on replicas, while DaemonSet ensures a copy of a Pod runs on all (or some) nodes.


Manages stateful applications with unique identities and stable storage.

  • Components: Ensures Pods are created in order, maintaining a sticky identity for each Pod.
  • Use Case: Databases, distributed systems, and applications that require stable, unique network IDs.


  • StatefulSet vs. Deployment: StatefulSet maintains identity and state across Pod restarts, while Deployment does not.
  • StatefulSet vs. ReplicaSet: StatefulSet provides stable identities and storage, unlike ReplicaSet.


Ensures that a copy of a Pod runs on all (or some) nodes.

  • Components: Runs a single instance of a Pod on every node, or selected nodes.
  • Use Case: Node-level services like log collection, monitoring, and network agents.


  • DaemonSet vs. Deployment: DaemonSet ensures a Pod runs on every node, while Deployment manages replica Pods without node-specific constraints.
  • DaemonSet vs. Job: DaemonSet runs continuously on all nodes, while Job runs Pods until a task completes.

Job and CronJob

Job: Runs a set of Pods to completion.

  • Components: Ensures specified tasks run to completion successfully.
  • Use Case: Batch jobs, data processing.

CronJob: Runs Jobs on a scheduled basis.

  • Components: Creates Jobs based on a cron schedule.
  • Use Case: Periodic tasks like backups, report generation.


  • Job vs. Deployment: Job runs tasks to completion, whereas Deployment keeps Pods running.
  • CronJob vs. Job: CronJob schedules Jobs to run at specified times, whereas Job runs immediately.


Defines a logical set of Pods and a policy to access them.

  • Components: Provides stable IP addresses and DNS names for Pods.
  • Use Case: Network access to a set of Pods.


  • Service vs. Ingress: Service exposes Pods internally or externally, while Ingress manages external access to services.
  • Service vs. Endpoint: Service groups Pods together, while Endpoint lists the actual IPs of Pods in a Service.

We will talk more about services in the Networking section.

ConfigMap and Secret

ConfigMap: Stores configuration data as key-value pairs.

  • Components: Used to inject configuration data into Pods.
  • Use Case: Managing application configuration.

Secret: Stores sensitive information like passwords, OAuth tokens, and SSH keys.

  • Components: Similar to ConfigMap but intended for sensitive data.
  • Use Case: Managing sensitive configuration data securely.


  • ConfigMap vs. Secret: ConfigMap is for non-sensitive data, while Secret is for sensitive data.
  • ConfigMap/Secret vs. Volume: ConfigMap/Secret provides data to Pods, while Volume provides storage.


Manages external access to services, typically HTTP.

  • Components: Defines rules for routing traffic to services.
  • Use Case: Exposing HTTP and HTTPS routes to services in a cluster.


  • Ingress vs. Service: Ingress provides advanced routing, SSL termination, and load balancing, whereas Service offers basic networking.
  • Ingress vs. Ingress Controller: Ingress is a set of rules, while Ingress Controller implements those rules.

Persistent Volumes (PV) and Persistent Volume Claims (PVC)

Provides an abstraction for storage that can be used by Kubernetes Pods. A PV is a piece of storage in the cluster that has been provisioned by an administrator or dynamically provisioned using Storage Classes.

  • Capacity: Defines the amount of storage space.
  • Access Modes: Specifies how the volume can be accessed (e.g., ReadWriteOnce, ReadOnlyMany, ReadWriteMany).
  • Reclaim Policy: Determines what happens to the PV after the claim is released (e.g., Retain, Recycle, Delete).
  • Storage Class: Defines the type of storage (e.g., SSD, HDD) and how it should be provisioned.

Use Case: Persistent storage for applications that need to save data across Pod restarts and rescheduling.


  • PV vs. Volume: A Volume is directly specified in a Pod specification, while a PV is an independent storage resource that can be claimed by Pods through PVCs.
  • PV vs. PVC: PV is the actual storage resource, whereas PVC is a request for storage that binds to a PV.

Persistent Volume Claims (PVC):

Represents a user's request for storage. PVCs are used by Pods to request and use storage without needing to know the underlying storage details.

  • Storage Request: Specifies the amount of storage required.
  • Access Modes: Specifies the desired access modes (must match the PV).
  • Storage Class: Optionally specifies the type of storage required.
  • Use Case: Allowing Pods to dynamically request and use persistent storage.


  • PVC vs. PV: PVC is a request for storage, while PV is the actual storage resource that satisfies the PVC request.
  • PVC vs. ConfigMap/Secret: PVC requests storage, whereas ConfigMap and Secret provide configuration data and sensitive information, respectively.

Workflow and Usage

  1. Provisioning
    • Static Provisioning: An administrator manually creates a PV.
    • Dynamic Provisioning: A PVC is created with a storage class, and Kubernetes automatically provides a PV that matches the request.
  2. Binding
    • A PVC is created, requesting a specific amount of storage and access modes.
    • Kubernetes finds a matching PV (or creates one if dynamic provisioning is used) and binds the PVC to the PV.
  3. Using Storage
    • A Pod specifies the PVC in its volume configuration.
    • The Pod can now use the storage defined by the PVC, which is backed by the bound PV.
  4. Reclaiming
    • When a PVC is deleted, the bound PV is released. The reclaim policy of the PV determines what happens next (e.g., the PV can be retained for manual cleanup, automatically deleted, or recycled for new use).

Example Usage

Persistent Volume (PV)

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: my-pv
    storage: 10Gi
    - ReadWriteOnce
  persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
  storageClassName: manual
    path: /mnt/data
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Persistent Volume Claim (PVC)

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: my-pvc
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 10Gi
  storageClassName: manual
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Pod using PVC

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: my-pod
    - name: my-container
      image: my-image
        - mountPath: "/data"
          name: my-storage
    - name: my-storage
        claimName: my-pvc
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In summary, Persistent Volumes and Persistent Volume Claims decouple the storage provisioning from Pod specification, making it easier to manage storage independently of the Pods that use it. This allows for more flexible and reusable storage configurations in a Kubernetes cluster.


Provides a way to divide cluster resources between multiple users.

  • Components: Logical partitioning of cluster resources.
  • Use Case: Isolating resources, users, and projects within a single cluster.


  • Namespace vs. Cluster: A Namespace is a virtual cluster within a physical Kubernetes cluster.
  • Namespace vs. ResourceQuota: Namespace organizes resources, while ResourceQuota limits the amount of resources used within a Namespace.


Stores non-confidential configuration data in key-value pairs.

  • Components: Key-value pairs of configuration data.
  • Use Case: Injecting configuration data into Pods at runtime.


  • ConfigMap vs. Secret: ConfigMap is for non-sensitive data, while Secret is for sensitive information.


Stores sensitive information such as passwords, OAuth tokens, and SSH keys.

  • Components: Encoded key-value pairs of sensitive data.
  • Use Case: Managing sensitive data securely.


  • Secret vs. ConfigMap: Secret is used for sensitive data, while ConfigMap is for non-sensitive configuration data.


Provides an identity for processes running in a Pod to talk to the Kubernetes API.

  • Components: Defines access policies and permissions.
  • Use Case: Managing API access for applications running inside Pods.


  • ServiceAccount vs. User Account: ServiceAccount is for applications running inside the cluster, while User Account is for human users.


Restricts the amount of resources a Namespace can consume.

  • Components: Defines limits on resources like CPU, memory, and storage.
  • Use Case: Enforcing resource usage policies and preventing resource exhaustion.


  • ResourceQuota vs. LimitRange: ResourceQuota limits overall resource usage per Namespace, while LimitRange sets minimum and maximum resource limits for individual Pods or Containers.


Sets constraints on the minimum and maximum resources (like CPU and memory) that Pods or Containers can request or consume.

  • Components: Defines default request and limit values for resources.
  • Use Case: Enforcing resource allocation policies within a Namespace.


  • LimitRange vs. ResourceQuota: LimitRange applies to individual Pods/Containers, while ResourceQuota applies to the entire Namespace.


Controls the network traffic between Pods.

  • Components: Defines rules for allowed and denied traffic.
  • Use Case: Securing inter-Pod communication and restricting traffic.


  • NetworkPolicy vs. Service: NetworkPolicy controls traffic at the network level, while Service exposes Pods at the application level.


Manages external access to services, typically HTTP.

  • Components: Defines rules for routing traffic to services.
  • Use Case: Exposing HTTP and HTTPS routes to services in a cluster.


  • Ingress vs. Service: Ingress provides advanced routing, SSL termination, and load balancing, whereas Service offers basic networking.
  • Ingress vs. Ingress Controller: Ingress is a set of rules, while Ingress Controller implements those rules.

HorizontalPodAutoscaler (HPA)

Automatically scales the number of Pods in a deployment, replica set, or stateful set based on observed CPU utilization or other metrics.

  • Components: Defines the scaling policy and target metrics.
  • Use Case: Ensuring applications can handle varying loads by scaling Pods up or down.


  • HPA vs. Deployment: HPA scales Pods based on metrics, while Deployment defines the desired state of Pods.
  • HPA vs. Cluster Autoscaler: HPA scales Pods, whereas Cluster Autoscaler adjusts the number of nodes in the cluster.


Defines the storage type and provisioner used for dynamic volume provisioning.

  • Components: Defines parameters like provisioner, reclaim policy, and volume binding mode.
  • Use Case: Managing different types of storage backends and policies.


  • StorageClass vs. PV: StorageClass defines how storage is provisioned, while PV is the actual provisioned storage.
  • StorageClass vs. PVC: StorageClass is used for dynamic provisioning of PVs, while PVC is a request for storage.

These additional objects provide further capabilities and fine-grained control over resources, security, and scaling within a Kubernetes cluster, helping to manage applications and infrastructure efficiently.

PodDisruptionBudget (PDB)

Ensures that a minimum number or percentage of Pods in a deployment, replica set, or stateful set remain available during voluntary disruptions. This helps maintain application availability during operations such as node maintenance or rolling updates.

  • MinAvailable: Specifies the minimum number of Pods that must be available during a disruption.
  • MaxUnavailable: Specifies the maximum number of Pods that can be unavailable during a disruption.
  • Selector: A label query over Pods that should be protected.

Use Case: Ensuring that critical applications maintain a certain level of availability during planned disruptions.

How PodDisruptionBudget Works

PDBs are used to control the rate of voluntary disruptions, such as those caused by Kubernetes components or the cluster administrator. Voluntary disruptions include actions like draining a node for maintenance or upgrading a Deployment. PDBs do not prevent involuntary disruptions, such as those caused by hardware failures or other unexpected issues.

When a voluntary disruption is initiated, Kubernetes checks the PDB to ensure that the disruption will not violate the availability requirements specified. If the disruption would cause more Pods to be unavailable than allowed, the disruption is delayed until the requirements can be met.

Example Usage

PodDisruptionBudget with MinAvailable:

apiVersion: policy/v1
kind: PodDisruptionBudget
  name: my-pdb
  minAvailable: 2
      app: my-app
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In this example:

  • The PDB ensures that at least 2 Pods labeled app=my-app are available during a voluntary disruption.

PodDisruptionBudget with MaxUnavailable:

apiVersion: policy/v1
kind: PodDisruptionBudget
  name: my-pdb
  maxUnavailable: 1
      app: my-app
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In this example:

  • The PDB ensures that no more than 1 Pod labeled app=my-app is unavailable during a voluntary disruption.

Workflow and Implementation

  1. Define PDB:
    • Create a PDB specifying either minAvailable or maxUnavailable and the Pod selector.
  2. Apply PDB:
    • Apply the PDB to the cluster. Kubernetes will now enforce the availability requirements during voluntary disruptions.
  3. Disruption Handling:
    • When a voluntary disruption is initiated, Kubernetes will check the PDB. If the disruption would violate the availability requirements, Kubernetes will delay the disruption until the requirements are met.

Use Cases and Scenarios

  • Node Maintenance:
    • During node maintenance, PDB ensures that a critical application maintains enough running Pods to handle the load.
  • Rolling Updates:
    • When performing rolling updates, PDB ensures that a minimum number of Pods remain available, preventing service outages.
  • Cluster Autoscaling:
    • During autoscaling events, PDB ensures that scaling down does not reduce the number of available Pods below the specified threshold.

Comparison with Related Concepts

  • PDB vs. HPA (HorizontalPodAutoscaler):
    • PDB ensures availability during disruptions, while HPA scales Pods based on metrics like CPU or memory usage.
  • PDB vs. Deployment:
    • Deployment manages the desired state of Pods and handles updates, while PDB ensures availability during disruptions.
  • PDB vs. ResourceQuota:
    • ResourceQuota limits the total resource usage within a namespace, while PDB ensures a minimum number of Pods remain available during disruptions.


  • Complexity:
    • Managing PDBs can add complexity, especially in large clusters with many applications. Proper planning is required to set appropriate values for minAvailable and maxUnavailable.
  • Dependencies:
    • Ensure that PDBs are correctly configured to account for dependencies between services. For example, if one service depends on another, ensure that the dependent service's PDB does not interfere with its availability.
  • Monitoring:
    • Regularly monitor the status of PDBs and the health of Pods to ensure that availability requirements are being met.

PodDisruptionBudget is a powerful tool in Kubernetes that helps maintain application availability during planned disruptions, ensuring that your services remain resilient and reliable even during maintenance operations.

Voluntary Disruptions in Kubernetes

Voluntary disruptions are disruptions that are intentionally initiated by the user or by Kubernetes itself for maintenance and operational purposes. These are planned and controlled activities that typically aim to maintain or improve the cluster's health and performance.

  1. Node Draining: When a node is drained for maintenance, upgrades, or scaling down. The Pods on the node are evicted to ensure the node can be safely brought down without impacting the application’s availability.
  2. Cluster Upgrades: When upgrading Kubernetes components, such as the control plane or worker nodes, which might necessitate temporarily removing nodes or evicting Pods.
  3. Pod Deletion: When a user or a controller (such as a Deployment or StatefulSet) explicitly deletes a Pod for reasons such as replacing it with a new version or responding to policy changes.
  4. Scaling: When manually or automatically scaling a Deployment, ReplicaSet, or StatefulSet up or down, which involves adding or removing Pods.

Deployment is considered a voluntary disruption. During a Deployment update, Kubernetes might terminate existing Pods and create new ones to apply the changes. This can potentially reduce the number of available Pods temporarily, making it a voluntary disruption.

How PodDisruptionBudget (PDB) Relates to Deployment Updates

When you update a Deployment (e.g., rolling out a new version of an application), Kubernetes will respect the PDBs associated with the Pods managed by that Deployment. Here’s how it works:

Rolling Updates

During a rolling update, Kubernetes gradually replaces the old Pods with new ones. PDB ensures that the specified minimum number of Pods remains available during this process.

For example, if a PDB specifies minAvailable: 3 and you have 5 replicas, Kubernetes will ensure at least 3 Pods are always running while the remaining 2 are being updated.

Blue-Green and Canary Deployments

For more complex deployment strategies like blue-green or canary deployments, PDBs still ensure that the availability constraints are respected, minimizing service disruption.

Example Scenario with Deployment Update and PDB

Consider a Deployment with 5 replicas and an associated PDB that specifies minAvailable: 4.

Deployment Update

You initiate an update to the Deployment, aiming to deploy a new version of the application.

Pod Replacement

Kubernetes will start replacing Pods one by one with the new version.

At any given time, Kubernetes ensures that at least 4 Pods are available. It might only update one Pod at a time to maintain this availability.

PDB Enforcement

If updating another Pod would cause the number of available Pods to drop below 4, Kubernetes will pause the update process until one of the new Pods becomes ready.

This mechanism ensures that updates do not violate the application's availability constraints, maintaining a balance between rolling out changes and keeping the application running smoothly.


Voluntary disruptions include planned activities such as node draining, cluster upgrades, pod deletions, and deployment updates. When a Deployment update is initiated, it is indeed seen as a voluntary disruption. PodDisruptionBudgets help manage these disruptions by ensuring that a specified number of Pods remain available during such operations, thereby maintaining application availability and stability.

Example: Deadlock Scenario

  • Deployment: Specifies 4 replicas.
  • PodDisruptionBudget (PDB): Specifies minAvailable: 4.

Why Is It Problematic?

In this scenario:

  1. Current State:
    • There are 4 running Pods.
    • The PDB requires all 4 Pods to be available at all times.
  2. Update Attempt:
    • When you attempt to update the Deployment, Kubernetes needs to terminate one of the old Pods to create a new one with the updated configuration.
    • However, terminating any Pod would reduce the number of available Pods to 3, which violates the PDB requirement (minAvailable: 4).

This creates a deadlock where the update cannot proceed because it would breach the availability guarantee set by the PDB.

To handle this scenario, you have a few options:

1. Relax the PDB Requirements Temporarily
  • Before initiating the update, you can temporarily modify the PDB to allow a lower number of minimum available Pods. For example, set minAvailable: 3.
  • Perform the Deployment update.
  • Once the update is complete, revert the PDB to its original setting (minAvailable: 4).

Example Command:

kubectl patch pdb <pdb-name> --type='merge' -p '{"spec":{"minAvailable":3}}'
# Perform the update
kubectl patch pdb <pdb-name> --type='merge' -p '{"spec":{"minAvailable":4}}'
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2. Use maxUnavailable Instead of minAvailable
  • Instead of setting minAvailable: 4, you can use maxUnavailable: 1. This way, during the update, Kubernetes ensures that no more than one Pod is unavailable at a time.

Example PDB Configuration:

apiVersion: policy/v1
kind: PodDisruptionBudget
  name: my-pdb
  maxUnavailable: 1
      app: my-app
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This configuration allows Kubernetes to update the Deployment one Pod at a time while ensuring that at least 3 Pods are always available.

3. Increase the Number of Replicas Temporarily
  • Temporarily scale up the Deployment to have more replicas than the PDB requires.
  • For instance, increase the replicas to 5 before the update.
  • Perform the update.
  • Once the update is complete, scale the Deployment back down to 4 replicas.
kubectl scale deployment <deployment-name> --replicas=5
# Perform the update
kubectl scale deployment <deployment-name> --replicas=4
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Example of Managing PDB During Deployment Update

Initial Setup

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: my-deployment
  replicas: 4
      app: my-app
        app: my-app
      - name: my-container
        image: my-image:latest
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Initial PDB

apiVersion: policy/v1
kind: PodDisruptionBudget
  name: my-pdb
  minAvailable: 4
      app: my-app
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Step-by-Step Update

Relax PDB Temporarily:

kubectl patch pdb my-pdb --type='merge' -p '{"spec":{"minAvailable":3}}'
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Update the Deployment:

kubectl set image deployment/my-deployment my-container=my-image:new-version
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Revert PDB:

kubectl patch pdb my-pdb --type='merge' -p '{"spec":{"minAvailable":4}}'
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By managing the PDB configuration dynamically, you can ensure smooth updates without violating the availability constraints defined for your application.

In the given scenario, it does indeed create a sort of deadlock situation where the update cannot proceed without violating the PodDisruptionBudget (PDB) constraints. This happens because the PDB's requirement that all 4 Pods remain available directly conflicts with the need to take down at least one Pod to update the Deployment.

Here's a concise summary of the deadlock situation and its implications:

Deadlock Scenario

  1. Deployment Configuration:
    • Specifies 4 replicas.
  2. PDB Configuration:
    • Specifies minAvailable: 4.
  3. Update Attempt:
    • When updating the Deployment, Kubernetes needs to terminate one Pod to replace it with a new version.
    • Terminating any Pod would reduce the number of available Pods to 3, violating the PDB requirement of minAvailable: 4.

This results in a deadlock:

  • The update cannot proceed because Kubernetes enforces the PDB constraints, ensuring that the number of available Pods does not drop below the specified threshold.
  • The application cannot be updated without temporarily adjusting the PDB or the Deployment configuration.

To resolve this deadlock, you would need to temporarily adjust either the PDB or the Deployment configuration. This ensures that the PDB constraints are relaxed enough to allow for the update process to proceed. Once the update is completed, you can revert the adjustments to restore the original availability requirements.

By understanding this behavior, you can better plan and manage your Kubernetes resources to avoid such conflicts, ensuring that your applications remain available while still being able to perform necessary updates and maintenance.

Resource Limits

Kubernetes allows you to control and manage the resources used by containers within Pods. This includes memory, CPU, and the number of Pods. Here's a brief overview of how resource limits work in Kubernetes:

Memory and CPU Limits

Memory and CPU limits are set at the container level within a Pod. These limits help ensure that a container does not use more resources than allocated, preventing it from affecting other containers' performance.

1. Requests and Limits

  • The amount of CPU or memory guaranteed to a container.
  • The scheduler uses this value to decide on which node to place the Pod.
  • Example: cpu: "500m" means 500 millicores (0.5 cores).
  • The maximum amount of CPU or memory a container can use.
  • The container will not be allowed to exceed this limit.
  • Example: memory: "1Gi" means 1 gigabyte of memory.

Example: Limits configuration

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: resource-limits-example
  - name: my-container
    image: my-image
        memory: "512Mi"
        cpu: "500m"
        memory: "1Gi"
        cpu: "1"
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How It Works:


  • If a container tries to use more memory than its limit, it will be terminated (OOMKilled). It will be restarted according to the Pod's restart policy.
  • If a container exceeds its memory request but is within the limit, it might continue running, depending on node resource availability.


  • If a container exceeds its CPU request, it may be throttled but not necessarily terminated, depending on overall CPU availability on the node.
  • If it exceeds the CPU limit, Kubernetes throttles the container to ensure it does not use more than the specified limit.

Pod Limits

Kubernetes can limit the number of Pods that can run on a node or within a namespace. These limits are often controlled using ResourceQuotas and LimitRanges.

1. ResourceQuota

  • Defines overall resource usage limits for a namespace.
  • Controls the number of Pods, total CPU, and memory usage within a namespace.

Example ResourceQuota Configuration:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ResourceQuota
  name: quota
    pods: "10"
    requests.cpu: "4"
    requests.memory: "16Gi"
    limits.cpu: "8"
    limits.memory: "32Gi"
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2. LimitRange

  • Sets minimum and maximum resource usage constraints for individual Pods or containers within a namespace.
  • Ensures Pods do not request or limit resources below or above specified thresholds.

Example LimitRange Configuration:

apiVersion: v1
kind: LimitRange
  name: limits
  - default:
      cpu: "1"
      memory: "512Mi"
      cpu: "500m"
      memory: "256Mi"
    type: Container
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Key Concepts

Namespace Level

  • ResourceQuota can enforce overall resource consumption limits in a namespace.
  • LimitRange can set constraints on resource requests and limits at the Pod or container level within a namespace.

Node Level

  • Kubernetes schedules Pods on nodes based on available resources and the resource requests specified in Pods.
  • Node capacity and allocatable resources determine how many and what kind of Pods can run on a node.

How Limits Help

  • Prevent Resource Overuse: Ensures no single container or Pod consumes excessive resources, affecting other applications.
  • Improve Stability: Helps maintain application performance and stability by ensuring resource guarantees.
  • Efficient Scheduling: Kubernetes uses resource requests to schedule Pods on nodes that have sufficient resources, balancing the load across the cluster.

By setting appropriate resource requests and limits, you can ensure that your applications run reliably and efficiently in a Kubernetes cluster, avoiding resource contention and ensuring fair usage among different workloads.

The LimitRange object in Kubernetes is used to set default values for resource requests and limits for Pods and containers within a namespace. This ensures that every Pod or container in that namespace has defined resource constraints, even if they are not explicitly specified in the Pod's configuration.

How LimitRange Works

When you create a LimitRange in a namespace, it defines default values for resource requests and limits. If a Pod or container does not specify these values, the defaults from the LimitRange are applied. Additionally, LimitRange can enforce minimum and maximum constraints on resource requests and limits.

Example LimitRange

Here’s an example of a LimitRange configuration:

apiVersion: v1
kind: LimitRange
  name: limits
  namespace: my-namespace
  - default:
      cpu: "1"
      memory: "512Mi"
      cpu: "500m"
      memory: "256Mi"
      cpu: "200m"
      memory: "128Mi"
      cpu: "2"
      memory: "1Gi"
    type: Container
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Key Sections in LimitRange

  1. default:
    • Specifies the default resource limits for CPU and memory that will be applied to a container if not explicitly specified in the container's configuration.
  2. defaultRequest:
    • Specifies the default resource requests for CPU and memory that will be applied to a container if not explicitly specified in the container's configuration.
  3. min:
    • Defines the minimum amount of CPU and memory that a container can request. Containers must specify at least these amounts.
  4. max:
    • Defines the maximum amount of CPU and memory that a container can request. Containers cannot specify more than these amounts.

Behavior and Enforcement

  • Default Values:
    • If a Pod or container is created without specifying resource requests or limits, Kubernetes will apply the default values from the LimitRange.
  • Constraints:
    • If a Pod or container specifies resource requests or limits that are below the minimum or above the maximum defined in the LimitRange, Kubernetes will reject the creation of the Pod.

Practical Use

By setting up a LimitRange in a namespace, you ensure that:

  • Every Pod or container has some resource constraints, even if the developers forget to specify them.
  • Resource usage within the namespace is controlled, preventing Pods from consuming too few or too many resources, which can lead to instability or resource contention.


  • LimitRange serves as a mechanism to define default and enforced resource requests and limits for Pods and containers within a namespace.
  • It helps maintain consistent and controlled resource usage, ensuring fair resource allocation and preventing resource overuse or underuse.
  • LimitRange can define default values, minimum and maximum constraints, ensuring that every Pod or container adheres to these rules if not explicitly configured otherwise.

In Kubernetes, the LimitRange resource can specify constraints not only for individual containers but also for entire Pods and PersistentVolumeClaims. Here’s an overview of the types that can be specified in a LimitRange:

Types of LimitRange

  1. Container:
    • Applies limits and requests to individual containers within Pods.
    • This is the most common type, used to set defaults and enforce constraints on container resource usage.
  2. Pod:
    • Applies limits to the sum of resource requests and limits for all containers within a Pod.
    • Useful for ensuring that the total resource consumption of a Pod does not exceed certain thresholds.
  3. PersistentVolumeClaim:
    • Applies limits to PersistentVolumeClaims (PVCs), ensuring that claims for storage resources adhere to specified constraints.
    • This can be used to control storage resource usage within a namespace.

Example LimitRange Configuration

Here’s an example of a LimitRange that includes constraints for all three types:

apiVersion: v1
kind: LimitRange
  name: resource-limits
  namespace: my-namespace
  - type: Container
      cpu: "1"
      memory: "512Mi"
      cpu: "500m"
      memory: "256Mi"
      cpu: "200m"
      memory: "128Mi"
      cpu: "2"
      memory: "1Gi"
  - type: Pod
      cpu: "300m"
      memory: "200Mi"
      cpu: "4"
      memory: "2Gi"
  - type: PersistentVolumeClaim
      storage: "1Gi"
      storage: "10Gi"
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Breakdown of Example

  1. Container Type:
    • Sets default requests and limits for CPU and memory for individual containers.
    • Enforces minimum and maximum values for CPU and memory per container.
  2. Pod Type:
    • Ensures that the total resource requests and limits for all containers within a Pod fall within specified constraints.
    • Useful for preventing a single Pod from consuming excessive resources on a node.
  3. PersistentVolumeClaim Type:
    • Enforces minimum and maximum storage size for PVCs.
    • Useful for managing storage resource usage within a namespace.

Practical Use Cases

  • Container Limits:
    • Ensures every container has reasonable defaults for CPU and memory, preventing excessive consumption by any single container.
  • Pod Limits:
    • Controls the total resource usage of a Pod, useful for scenarios where Pods contain multiple containers and you want to limit their collective resource usage.
  • PersistentVolumeClaim Limits:
    • Controls the amount of storage that can be requested, useful for ensuring fair distribution of storage resources among different PVCs in a namespace.


Using LimitRange to specify different types of constraints helps maintain resource fairness and stability in a Kubernetes cluster. By applying limits at the container, pod, and persistent volume claim levels, administrators can ensure that applications use resources efficiently and do not negatively impact other workloads running in the same cluster.

  1. ResourceQuota:
    • Applies to the entire namespace.
    • Controls the total amount of CPU, memory, and number of objects (like Pods) that can be created within the namespace.
  2. LimitRange:
    • Applies to Pods within the namespace.
    • Defines default values and constraints for resource requests and limits at the Pod, container, and PersistentVolumeClaim levels.
  3. Pod Limits and Requests:
    • Defined within each Pod's specification.
    • Specifies the resource requests and limits for CPU and memory that are specific to that Pod.
  4. Container Limits and Requests:
    • Defined within each container's specification within a Pod.
    • Specifies the resource requests and limits for CPU and memory for individual containers within a Pod.


Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)

Automatically scales the number of Pods in a Deployment, ReplicaSet, or StatefulSet based on observed CPU or custom metrics.

Scales Pods horizontally by adjusting the number of replicas to meet the specified target metrics.

Cluster Autoscaler

Automatically adjusts the number of nodes in a cluster based on resource utilization and demand.

Scales the cluster vertically by adding or removing nodes to accommodate workload requirements.

Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA)

Adjusts the CPU and memory requests of Pods dynamically based on resource usage.

Scales Pods vertically by modifying their resource requests to optimize resource utilization.

Pod Disruption Budget (PDB)

Ensures a minimum number of Pods remain available during voluntary disruptions, such as node maintenance or updates.

Helps maintain application availability during scaling events or maintenance operations.

These scaling mechanisms work together to ensure that Kubernetes clusters can efficiently manage workload scaling, resource utilization, and application availability, allowing for dynamic and responsive infrastructure management.

How do I configure the cluster autoscaler?

Configuring the Cluster Autoscaler involves several steps, including setting up RBAC (Role-Based Access Control), creating the Cluster Autoscaler deployment manifest, and configuring the autoscaler options according to your cluster's requirements. Here's a general overview of the process:

1. Ensure RBAC Permissions

First, ensure that your Kubernetes cluster has the necessary RBAC permissions to allow the Cluster Autoscaler to modify the cluster's size. You'll typically need to create a ClusterRole and a ClusterRoleBinding to grant these permissions.

2. Create the Cluster Autoscaler Deployment Manifest

Next, create a Kubernetes Deployment manifest for the Cluster Autoscaler. This manifest defines the configuration of the autoscaler, including parameters such as cloud provider, minimum and maximum number of nodes, and the target utilization.

Here's an example of a basic Cluster Autoscaler Deployment manifest:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: cluster-autoscaler
  replicas: 1
      app: cluster-autoscaler
        app: cluster-autoscaler
      - image:
        name: cluster-autoscaler
        - ./cluster-autoscaler
        - --v=4
        - --stderrthreshold=info
        - --cloud-provider=aws  # Replace with your cloud provider
        - --skip-nodes-with-local-storage=false
        - --expander=least-waste
        - --balance-similar-node-groups
        - --skip-nodes-with-system-pods=false
        - --scale-down-delay-after-add=2m
        - --scale-down-unneeded-time=10m
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4. Apply the Deployment Manifest

Apply the Cluster Autoscaler Deployment manifest to your Kubernetes cluster using the kubectl apply command.

kubectl apply -f cluster-autoscaler.yaml
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5. Monitor and Troubleshoot

Monitor the Cluster Autoscaler's logs and metrics to ensure it is functioning correctly. You can use tools like kubectl logs to view logs from the autoscaler pod and monitor its performance.

  • Autoscaler Options: Adjust the autoscaler options in the Deployment manifest to match your cluster's requirements. Refer to the Cluster Autoscaler documentation for available options and their descriptions.
  • Testing: Test the Cluster Autoscaler in a staging environment before deploying it to production to ensure it behaves as expected.
  • Scaling Policies: Define scaling policies and constraints based on your workload requirements to optimize cluster scaling behavior.

By following these steps, you can configure the Cluster Autoscaler to automatically adjust the size of your Kubernetes cluster based on resource utilization, ensuring optimal performance and cost efficiency.

The Cluster Autoscaler is a program (typically deployed as a Deployment in Kubernetes) that continuously monitors the resource utilization of the cluster and adjusts the number of nodes dynamically based on workload demands. It interacts with the cloud provider's API to add or remove nodes as needed.

Here's a breakdown of how it works:

  1. Cluster Autoscaler Deployment:
    • The Cluster Autoscaler is deployed as a Kubernetes Deployment, ensuring that it runs continuously within the cluster.
    • It's responsible for monitoring the cluster's resource utilization and making scaling decisions.
  2. RBAC Permissions:
    • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is used to define the permissions needed for the Cluster Autoscaler to interact with the Kubernetes API server and modify the cluster's size.
    • This includes permissions to list nodes, add nodes, and delete nodes.
  3. ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding:
    • A ClusterRole is created to define the permissions required by the Cluster Autoscaler.
    • A ClusterRoleBinding is created to bind the ClusterRole to the service account used by the Cluster Autoscaler Deployment.
  4. Cloud Provider Integration:
    • The Cluster Autoscaler integrates with the cloud provider's API (such as AWS, GCP, Azure) to interact with the underlying infrastructure.
    • It uses the cloud provider's API to provision and terminate virtual machines (nodes) in response to scaling events.
  5. Dynamic Scaling:
    • The Cluster Autoscaler continuously monitors the cluster's resource utilization, including CPU, memory, and other metrics.
    • Based on predefined scaling policies and thresholds, it determines whether to scale the cluster by adding or removing nodes.
    • Scaling decisions are based on factors like pending Pod scheduling, resource requests, and node utilization.
  6. Configuration Options:
    • The Cluster Autoscaler offers various configuration options, such as specifying minimum and maximum node counts, target utilization thresholds, and scaling behavior preferences.
    • These options can be adjusted to match the specific requirements and characteristics of your workload and infrastructure.

By running the Cluster Autoscaler in your Kubernetes cluster and configuring it properly, you can ensure that your cluster automatically scales up or down in response to changes in workload demand, optimizing resource utilization and ensuring high availability of your applications.

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) is a managed Kubernetes service provided by AWS, offering a simplified way to deploy, manage, and scale Kubernetes clusters in the AWS cloud environment. Here are some of the customizations and integrations that EKS brings to cluster management:

IAM Roles for Service Accounts (IRSA)

Integration with IAM

EKS allows you to associate IAM roles with Kubernetes service accounts.

This enables fine-grained access control to AWS resources using IAM policies within Kubernetes workloads.

IAM Users and Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

IAM Users and Groups

You can integrate IAM users and groups with Kubernetes RBAC for authentication and authorization.

This allows you to manage access to Kubernetes resources using AWS IAM credentials.

Persistent Volumes with Amazon EBS

Integration with Amazon EBS

EKS supports PersistentVolume (PV) storage using Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes.

You can dynamically provision and attach EBS volumes to Kubernetes Pods as PersistentVolumes.

Ingresses with Load Balancer (LB) and Application Load Balancer (ALB)

Load Balancer Integration

EKS supports Ingress resources, allowing you to expose HTTP and HTTPS routes to your applications.

You can use either Classic Load Balancers (CLB), Network Load Balancers (NLB), or Application Load Balancers (ALB) to route traffic to Kubernetes Services.

Integration with AWS Services:

Native AWS Integration

EKS integrates seamlessly with other AWS services, such as Amazon CloudWatch for monitoring, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) for authentication and authorization, and AWS CloudFormation for infrastructure as code (IaC) deployments.

AWS App Mesh Integration:

Service Mesh Integration

EKS supports integration with AWS App Mesh, a service mesh that provides application-level networking to connect, monitor, and manage microservices.

You can use App Mesh to manage traffic routing, observability, and security for microservices running on EKS clusters.


  • Amazon EKS offers several customizations and integrations that enhance cluster management and streamline Kubernetes operations in the AWS cloud environment.
  • Features such as IAM roles for service accounts, integration with Amazon EBS for persistent storage, and native AWS service integrations provide a seamless experience for deploying and managing Kubernetes workloads on AWS.

Example: Setup for a Pod to have access to S3 bucket

To enable a Pod running in Amazon EKS to access an Amazon S3 bucket, you can use IAM roles for service accounts (IRSA) along with the AWS SDK or AWS CLI within the Pod. Here's how you can set it up:

1. Create an IAM Role for the Pod:

  • Create an IAM role with permissions to access the S3 bucket.
  • Assign a trust policy allowing the EKS service to assume this role on behalf of the Pod.

Example IAM Role Trust Policy:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "Federated": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:oidc-provider/"
      "Action": "sts:AssumeWithWebIdentity",
      "Condition": {
        "StringEquals": {
          "": "",
          "": "YOUR_CLUSTER_ID"
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2. Attach IAM Policies:

Attach IAM policies to the IAM role granting necessary permissions to access the S3 bucket.

Example IAM Policy:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": "s3:*",
      "Resource": [
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3. Create a Kubernetes Service Account:

Create a Kubernetes service account and annotate it with the IAM role ARN.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: s3-access-sa
  annotations: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/s3-access-role
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4. Deploy the Pod:

Deploy the Pod with the specified service account.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: s3-access-pod
  serviceAccountName: s3-access-sa
  - name: s3-access-container
    image: YOUR_IMAGE
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5. Access S3 from the Pod:

Use the AWS SDK or AWS CLI within the Pod to interact with the S3 bucket.

Example Python code using Boto3:

import boto3

s3 = boto3.client('s3')
response = s3.list_buckets()

for bucket in response['Buckets']:
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By setting up an IAM role for the Pod, attaching necessary IAM policies, and annotating the Kubernetes service account with the IAM role ARN, you can enable Pods running in Amazon EKS to access Amazon S3 buckets securely. This approach leverages IAM roles for service accounts (IRSA) to grant fine-grained access control to AWS resources from within Kubernetes Pods.

Example: Ingress with ALB

To set up an Ingress with an Application Load Balancer (ALB), you'll need to define the following components:

  1. Service:
    • Represents the application service that you want to expose.
    • Exposes Pods running your application.
  2. Ingress Resource:
    • Defines the rules for routing traffic to different services based on hostnames and paths.
    • Specifies the ALB configuration.
  3. ALB Ingress Controller:
    • Manages the ALB and configures it based on the Ingress resources in your cluster.

1. Service

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: my-service
    app: my-app
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 80
      targetPort: 8080
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2. Ingress Resource

kind: Ingress
  name: my-ingress
  annotations: alb internet-facing
    - host:
          - path: /
            pathType: Prefix
                name: my-service
                  number: 80
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3. ALB Ingress Controller:

  • Install the ALB Ingress Controller in your cluster. You can find installation instructions in the ALB Ingress Controller GitHub repository.
  • Ensure that the ALB Ingress Controller has the necessary permissions to create and manage ALBs. This typically involves setting up an IAM policy and role.


  • Define a Kubernetes Service to expose your application.
  • Define an Ingress resource to configure routing rules for the ALB.
  • Install and configure the ALB Ingress Controller to manage ALBs based on the Ingress resources in your cluster.

This setup allows you to route external traffic to your Kubernetes services using ALBs, providing features like SSL termination, path-based routing, and traffic management.

The ALB Ingress Controller is responsible for managing the setup and configuration of Application Load Balancers (ALBs) based on the Ingress resources defined in your Kubernetes cluster. Here's a breakdown of the key components and configurations involved:

1. Service Role (IAM Role)

  • The ALB Ingress Controller requires an IAM role with permissions to create, modify, and delete ALBs and related resources in your AWS account.
  • This IAM role, often referred to as the Service Role, is assumed by the ALB Ingress Controller to perform these operations.

2. Cluster Configuration

  • Before deploying the ALB Ingress Controller, you need to configure your Kubernetes cluster to specify the IAM role that the controller should use.
  • This configuration typically involves setting up an AWS IAM role and mapping it to a Kubernetes service account.

3. ALB Ingress Controller Deployment

  • Deploy the ALB Ingress Controller as a Kubernetes Deployment within your cluster.
  • The controller continuously monitors Ingress resources and reconciles them with ALB configurations in AWS.

4. Annotations and Ingress Resources

  • Annotate your Ingress resources with specific annotations to instruct the ALB Ingress Controller on how to configure the ALBs.
  • In the example provided earlier, annotations like alb and internet-facing are used to define the behavior of the ALB.

5. ALB Creation and Configuration

  • Based on the Ingress resources and annotations, the ALB Ingress Controller creates and configures ALBs in your AWS account.
  • It sets up listeners, target groups, and routing rules according to the defined Ingress specifications.


The ALB Ingress Controller streamlines the process of managing ALBs for Kubernetes workloads by automating the creation and configuration of ALBs based on Ingress resources. By deploying the ALB Ingress Controller and configuring the necessary IAM roles, you can easily expose your Kubernetes services to external traffic using ALBs, while benefiting from features like SSL termination, path-based routing, and integration with AWS services.

It's possible to use multiple Ingress controllers simultaneously in a Kubernetes cluster. However, it's essential to understand how they interact and which Ingress controller handles which resources.

How to Use Multiple Ingress Controllers

  1. Labeling Ingress Resources:
    • Label your Ingress resources with specific ingress class annotations to indicate which Ingress controller should manage them.
  2. Deploying Multiple Ingress Controllers:
    • Deploy each Ingress controller as a separate Kubernetes Deployment, specifying different ingress classes and configurations.
  3. Configuring Ingress Controllers:
    • Configure each Ingress controller with its own set of rules, annotations, and settings as needed for your use case.

Example: Multiple Ingress Controllers

Let's say you want to use both the Nginx Ingress Controller and the ALB Ingress Controller in your cluster:

  • Label Ingress resources intended for the Nginx Ingress Controller with nginx.
  • Label Ingress resources intended for the ALB Ingress Controller with alb.
  • Deploy both the Nginx Ingress Controller and the ALB Ingress Controller in your cluster, each with its respective configuration.
  • Route traffic to different services based on the specified Ingress classes.


  • Resource Management: Be mindful of resource utilization and potential conflicts between multiple Ingress controllers.
  • Ingress Controller Features: Different Ingress controllers offer different features and integrations. Choose the appropriate controller based on your requirements.
  • Network Configuration: Ensure that your network setup allows traffic to reach both Ingress controllers and that they don't conflict with each other.


Using multiple Ingress controllers allows you to leverage different features and integrations for managing external traffic to your Kubernetes services. By labeling Ingress resources and deploying each controller with its configuration, you can route traffic effectively based on your requirements. However, it's essential to carefully manage and configure these controllers to avoid conflicts and ensure smooth operation.

Example: Add ALB Ingress Controller to existing cluster

When you deploy the ALB Ingress Controller alongside existing Ingress resources that are not annotated with the AWS-specific tags, the default Ingress controller (such as Nginx or Traefik) continues to manage those resources. Here's how the interaction between the default Ingress controller and the ALB Ingress Controller typically works:

  1. Ingress Resource Selection

    Ingress resources that are not annotated with the AWS-specific tags ( alb) remain under the management of the default Ingress controller.

    These resources are not affected by the deployment of the ALB Ingress Controller.

  2. ALB Ingress Controller Isolation

    The ALB Ingress Controller operates independently and manages only those Ingress resources that are specifically labeled with the AWS-specific tags.

  3. Traffic Routing

    Traffic to Ingress resources that are managed by the default Ingress controller continues to be routed according to its rules and configurations.

    Traffic to Ingress resources labeled for the ALB Ingress Controller is routed through ALBs managed by the ALB Ingress Controller.

  4. No Interference

    There is no direct interaction or interference between the default Ingress controller and the ALB Ingress Controller.

    Each controller operates on its set of Ingress resources, ensuring isolation and avoiding conflicts.

In a scenario where the ALB Ingress Controller is deployed alongside existing Ingress resources, the default Ingress controller continues to manage resources not labeled for ALB.

The ALB Ingress Controller operates independently and manages only Ingress resources specifically labeled for it.

Traffic routing is determined by the configurations of each respective Ingress controller, ensuring that traffic is correctly directed to the appropriate services.

Monitoring and Metrics

Monitoring and metrics play a crucial role in managing Kubernetes clusters effectively, ensuring optimal performance, availability, and resource utilization. Here's a brief overview of how monitoring and metrics are handled by default in Kubernetes, along with customization options, and considerations specific to Amazon EKS:

Default Monitoring and Metrics in Kubernetes

Kubernetes Metrics Server

The Kubernetes Metrics Server is a scalable, efficient source of container resource metrics for Kubernetes nodes.

It collects metrics like CPU and memory usage from the Kubelet on each node and makes them available through the Kubernetes API.

Kubernetes Dashboard

The Kubernetes Dashboard provides a web-based UI for visualizing cluster metrics, resource usage, and other cluster information.

It integrates with the Metrics Server to display real-time metrics and performance data.

Prometheus and Grafana Integration

Many Kubernetes clusters use Prometheus and Grafana for advanced monitoring and visualization.

Prometheus scrapes metrics from Kubernetes components, applications, and services, while Grafana provides rich dashboards and visualization capabilities.

Alerting and Notification

Configure alerts based on predefined thresholds or anomalies in metrics data.

Integrate with external monitoring systems like Prometheus Alertmanager or third-party solutions for alerting and notification.

Custom Metrics and AutoScaling:

Implement custom metrics for autoscaling based on application-specific metrics or business KPIs.

Use Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) and Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA) to automatically adjust the number of Pods or resource allocations based on custom metrics.

Amazon EKS and Monitoring

Amazon CloudWatch Integration

Amazon EKS integrates with Amazon CloudWatch for monitoring and logging.

CloudWatch collects metrics and logs from EKS clusters, including Kubernetes components and applications running on EKS.

AWS App Mesh Integration

AWS App Mesh provides observability features for microservices running on EKS clusters.

It collects metrics and traces to monitor service health, performance, and traffic flow.

Managed Prometheus Integration

Amazon EKS recently introduced managed Prometheus service, allowing you to deploy and manage Prometheus workloads on EKS clusters easily.

Managed Prometheus enables scalable, cost-effective monitoring of Kubernetes workloads without the need for manual setup and management.


  • Kubernetes provides default monitoring and metrics capabilities through the Metrics Server and Kubernetes Dashboard.
  • Customization options include integrating with Prometheus and Grafana for advanced monitoring, setting up alerting and notification, and implementing custom metrics for autoscaling.
  • Amazon EKS integrates with AWS services like CloudWatch, AWS App Mesh, and Managed Prometheus for enhanced monitoring, logging, and observability of Kubernetes workloads running on the AWS cloud.


By default, Kubernetes itself does not provide built-in alerting mechanisms. However, Kubernetes components like the Metrics Server and Kubernetes Dashboard offer basic monitoring capabilities, but they don't include alerting features.

If you want to set up alerts based on Kubernetes metrics or events, you'll typically need to integrate Kubernetes with external monitoring and alerting systems like Prometheus, Grafana, or commercial monitoring platforms such as Datadog, New Relic, or Sysdig.

Example: Create metrics alerts

Prometheus Alertmanager

Prometheus, when integrated with Alertmanager, allows you to define alerting rules based on metrics collected from your Kubernetes cluster.

Alertmanager handles alert notifications via various channels like email, Slack, PagerDuty, etc.

Third-Party Monitoring Platforms

Many third-party monitoring platforms offer integrations with Kubernetes and provide alerting features out of the box.

These platforms allow you to define alerting rules, thresholds, and notification channels based on Kubernetes metrics and events.

Custom Scripts or Tools

You can develop custom scripts or tools to monitor Kubernetes clusters and trigger alerts based on specific conditions.

These scripts can interact with Kubernetes APIs or Prometheus metrics endpoints to gather data and send notifications.

Cloud Provider Services

Cloud providers like AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure offer native monitoring and alerting services that can be integrated with Kubernetes deployments on their respective platforms.

For example, AWS CloudWatch can collect metrics from Amazon EKS clusters and trigger alarms based on predefined thresholds.


While Kubernetes itself does not include built-in alerting features, you can set up alerts using external monitoring and alerting systems like Prometheus, Grafana, or commercial monitoring platforms. These systems allow you to define alerting rules, thresholds, and notification channels based on Kubernetes metrics and events, ensuring timely detection and response to issues in your Kubernetes clusters.


To access a Kubernetes cluster from a user's computer, the primary configuration file used is the kubeconfig file. This file contains the necessary information for the kubectl command-line tool to interact with the Kubernetes API server. Here's a brief overview of its structure and usage:

kubeconfig File Overview:

By default, the kubeconfig file is located at ~/.kube/config on the user's computer.


The kubeconfig file is a YAML file that includes several key sections:

  1. clusters: Contains information about the Kubernetes clusters.
  2. contexts: Defines the context, which is a combination of a cluster, a user, and a namespace.
  3. users: Stores user credentials and authentication details.
  4. current-context: Specifies the default context to use.

Example: kubeconfig File

apiVersion: v1
kind: Config
- cluster:
    server: https://example-cluster:6443
    certificate-authority-data: <base64-encoded-ca-cert>
  name: example-cluster
- context:
    cluster: example-cluster
    user: example-user
    namespace: default
  name: example-context
current-context: example-context
- name: example-user
    client-certificate-data: <base64-encoded-client-cert>
    client-key-data: <base64-encoded-client-key>
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Key Sections

  1. clusters:
    • Defines one or more clusters that kubectl can connect to.
    • Each entry includes the cluster name, server URL, and certificate authority data.
  2. contexts:
    • Defines the context, which specifies which cluster and user to use.
    • Each context entry combines a cluster, a user, and an optional namespace.
  3. users:
    • Contains user credentials and authentication information.
    • Each entry includes the user name and either token, client certificate/key, or other authentication methods.
  4. current-context:
    • Specifies the context that kubectl uses by default.
    • This is the context that will be active unless overridden by the --context flag in kubectl commands.


  • Accessing the Cluster:
    • kubectl uses the kubeconfig file to authenticate and communicate with the Kubernetes cluster.
    • You can switch contexts using kubectl config use-context &lt;context-name>.
  • **Custom kubeconfig Files:
    • You can specify a different kubeconfig file using the KUBECONFIG environment variable or the --kubeconfig flag with kubectl.


The kubeconfig file is essential for configuring access to Kubernetes clusters from a user's computer. It contains all the necessary information for kubectl to authenticate and interact with the Kubernetes API server. By organizing clusters, contexts, and users, the kubeconfig file allows users to manage multiple Kubernetes environments efficiently.


Kubernetes networking is a crucial aspect of how containers communicate within a cluster. It covers several key areas, including service discovery, internal and external communication, security, and advanced networking features. Here’s a brief overview of the primary concepts and components:

Basic Networking Concepts

  1. Pod Networking
    • Every pod in a Kubernetes cluster gets its own IP address.
    • Containers within a pod share the same network namespace, allowing them to communicate with each other via localhost.
  2. Cluster Networking
    • Pods can communicate with each other across nodes without Network Address Translation (NAT).
    • Kubernetes requires a networking solution that implements the Container Network Interface (CNI) to handle pod-to-pod networking.

Service Discovery and Access


Services provide a stable IP address and DNS name for a set of pods, allowing other pods to access them.

Types of Services
  1. ClusterIP: Default type, accessible only within the cluster.
  2. NodePort: Exposes the service on a static port on each node’s IP.
  3. LoadBalancer: Provisions a load balancer (if supported by the cloud provider) to expose the service externally.
  4. ExternalName: Maps a service to an external DNS name.


Kubernetes includes a built-in DNS server that automatically creates DNS records for Kubernetes services.

Pods can resolve services using standard DNS names.

Network Policies

  1. Network policies are used to control the traffic flow between pods.
  2. They define rules for allowing or denying traffic to and from pods based on labels and other selectors.

CNI Plugins

  1. Calico: Provides networking and network policy enforcement.
  2. Flannel: Simple overlay network.
  3. Weave: Flexible, multi-host networking solution.
  4. Cilium: Uses eBPF for high-performance networking and security.


  1. Ingress resources manage external access to services, typically HTTP/S.
  2. Ingress controllers, like Nginx, Traefik, or the AWS ALB Ingress Controller, implement the Ingress resource and handle the routing.

Service Mesh

  1. A service mesh manages service-to-service communication, often providing advanced features like load balancing, failure recovery, metrics, and observability.
  2. Examples include Istio, Linkerd, and Consul.

Advanced Networking

  1. Taints and Tolerations:
    • Used to ensure certain pods are (or are not) scheduled on certain nodes.
  2. Node Selectors and Affinity/Anti-Affinity:
    • Control pod placement based on node labels.
    • Affinity rules specify which nodes or pods a pod should be scheduled with or apart from.
  3. Pod Priority and Preemption:
    • Ensures critical pods are scheduled by evicting lower-priority pods if necessary.


  1. Network Policies:
    • Restrict traffic between pods at the network level.
    • Define rules for ingress and egress traffic.
  2. Service Mesh Security:
    • Implements mutual TLS (mTLS) for encrypted communication between services.
    • Provides fine-grained access control policies.


Kubernetes networking encompasses a wide range of functionalities to manage communication within a cluster. From basic pod-to-pod communication to advanced features like network policies and service meshes, Kubernetes provides the tools needed to build a robust and secure network architecture. Understanding these components is key to effectively managing and scaling Kubernetes applications.

Log Aggregation

Log aggregation is a crucial aspect of managing and troubleshooting applications in a Kubernetes cluster. It enables centralized collection, storage, and analysis of logs from various sources, making it easier to monitor application behavior, debug issues, and ensure operational visibility. Here’s a brief overview of how log aggregation works in Kubernetes:

Why Log Aggregation?

  • Centralized Logging: Collect logs from all nodes, pods, and containers into a single location.
  • Improved Visibility: Gain insights into application performance and behavior.
  • Troubleshooting: Easily identify and diagnose issues by searching and analyzing logs.
  • Compliance: Meet regulatory requirements by retaining and auditing logs.

Components of a Log Aggregation Solution

  1. Log Collection:
    • Fluentd: A commonly used log collector that aggregates logs from various sources and forwards them to a central repository.
    • Fluent Bit: A lightweight version of Fluentd, suitable for resource-constrained environments.
    • Logstash: Part of the Elastic Stack, used for collecting, parsing, and forwarding logs.
  2. Log Storage:
    • Elasticsearch: A scalable search engine commonly used to store and index logs.
    • Amazon S3 or other Object Storage: For storing large volumes of logs cost-effectively.
  3. Log Visualization:
    • Kibana: A visualization tool that integrates with Elasticsearch, providing dashboards and search capabilities.
    • Grafana: Can also be used for log visualization and monitoring when integrated with Loki or Elasticsearch.
  4. Log Shipping:
    • Log collectors like Fluentd or Fluent Bit can be configured to ship logs to different destinations such as Elasticsearch, S3, or a managed logging service.

Typical Log Aggregation Architecture

  1. Log Collection Agents:
    • Deployed as DaemonSets on each node in the cluster.
    • Collect logs from various sources, including application logs, container runtime logs, and node logs.
    • Parse and filter logs before forwarding them to the log storage backend.
  2. Log Storage Backend:
    • Logs are sent to a central storage system, often Elasticsearch, where they are indexed and stored.
    • Storage can be scaled horizontally to handle large volumes of logs.
  3. Log Analysis and Visualization:
    • Tools like Kibana provide a web interface for searching, analyzing, and visualizing logs.
    • Create dashboards to monitor key metrics and set up alerts for specific log patterns or errors.

Implementing Log Aggregation in Kubernetes

  1. Deploy Fluentd (or Fluent Bit) as a DaemonSet:
    • Ensure that each node runs a log collection agent to capture logs from all pods and containers.
    • Configure Fluentd to parse logs and forward them to the desired backend.
  2. Set Up Elasticsearch and Kibana:
    • Deploy Elasticsearch to store and index logs.
    • Deploy Kibana to provide a user interface for log search and visualization.
  3. Configure Log Forwarding:
    • Set up Fluentd to forward logs to Elasticsearch, S3, or another storage backend.
    • Ensure proper log parsing and filtering to facilitate efficient storage and retrieval.

Example Fluentd Configuration

Here's a basic example of a Fluentd configuration for collecting Kubernetes logs and sending them to Elasticsearch:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: fluentd-config
  namespace: kube-system
  fluent.conf: |
      @type tail
      path /var/log/containers/*.log
      pos_file /var/log/containers/containers.log.pos
      tag kubernetes.*
      format json
      time_key time
      time_format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z

    <filter kubernetes.**>
      @type kubernetes_metadata

    <match kubernetes.**>
      @type elasticsearch
      host elasticsearch-logging
      port 9200
      logstash_format true
      include_tag_key true
      type_name access_log
      logstash_prefix kubernetes
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Log aggregation in Kubernetes involves collecting logs from various sources, storing them centrally, and providing tools for analysis and visualization. By deploying a log aggregation solution with tools like Fluentd, Elasticsearch, and Kibana, you can achieve centralized logging, improved visibility, and easier troubleshooting for your Kubernetes applications.

When centralized log collection is not set up in a Kubernetes cluster, the logs are primarily stored locally on the nodes and can be accessed in the following ways:

Local Log Storage

  1. Container Logs
    • Logs from individual containers are managed by the container runtime (e.g., Docker, containerd).
    • These logs are typically stored as plain text files on the node’s filesystem, usually under /var/log/containers/ or /var/lib/docker/containers/.
  2. Node Logs
    • System logs, including kubelet logs and other node-level services, are stored in standard locations like /var/log/ on the node.

Accessing Logs Without Centralized Collection

  1. kubectl logs:
    • You can use the kubectl logs command to fetch logs from individual pods and containers.
    • Example: kubectl logs &lt;pod-name>
  2. Node Access:
    • Directly SSH into the nodes to access logs stored in the filesystem.
    • This approach is less convenient and scalable, especially for large clusters or when dealing with multiple nodes and pods.

Challenges Without Centralized Logging

  1. Scalability:
    • Manually accessing logs from multiple nodes and pods is not scalable.
    • As the number of nodes and pods grows, it becomes increasingly difficult to manage and aggregate logs.
  2. Persistence:
    • Logs stored locally are ephemeral and may be lost if a pod or node is restarted or fails.
    • This can result in the loss of critical logs needed for troubleshooting.
  3. Analysis and Correlation:
    • Without centralized logging, analyzing logs and correlating events across different components and services is challenging.
    • Debugging distributed applications becomes more difficult.
  4. Monitoring and Alerting:
    • Setting up monitoring and alerting based on log data is more complicated without a centralized system.
    • Real-time detection of issues and anomalies is harder to achieve.

Best Practices Without Centralized Logging

If you’re operating without centralized log collection, consider these best practices:

  1. **Use kubectl logs Efficiently:
    • Use kubectl logs with specific pod names, namespaces, and containers to fetch logs as needed.
    • Use the --since option to fetch logs for a specific time range.
  2. Log Rotation and Retention:
    • Implement log rotation and retention policies on the nodes to manage disk space and ensure important logs are retained for a reasonable period.
    • Use tools like logrotate to manage log files.
  3. Local Aggregation:
    • Consider using node-level log aggregation tools (e.g., Fluent Bit or Fluentd running locally) to at least aggregate logs on a per-node basis.
    • This can provide a middle ground between no aggregation and full centralized logging.

Example: Fetching Logs with kubectl

Fetch logs from a specific pod:

kubectl logs my-pod
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Fetch logs from a specific container within a pod:

kubectl logs my-pod -c my-container
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Fetch logs from all containers in a pod:

kubectl logs my-pod --all-containers=true
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Fetch logs for a specific time range:

kubectl logs my-pod --since=1h
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Without centralized log collection, logs are stored locally on each node, making them less accessible and harder to manage, especially at scale. Using kubectl logs can help fetch logs from individual pods and containers, but this approach has limitations in terms of scalability, persistence, and analysis. For effective log management, especially in production environments, setting up a centralized log aggregation solution is highly recommended.

Using tools like** k9s** for real-time log viewing and debugging is convenient for short-term, immediate troubleshooting. However, for long-term log retention, analysis, and monitoring, centralized log collection is essential. Here’s how you can transition from local log viewing to a centralized logging setup effectively:

Setting Up Centralized Logging

Step 1: Choose a Logging Stack

Commonly used logging stacks in Kubernetes include:

  • EFK Stack: Elasticsearch, Fluentd, Kibana
  • ELK Stack: Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana
  • Promtail, Loki, Grafana (PLG Stack)
  • Other options: Datadog, Splunk, Google Cloud Logging, AWS CloudWatch, etc.

Step 2: Deploy Log Collection Agents

Deploy log collection agents like Fluentd, Fluent Bit, or Logstash as DaemonSets on your Kubernetes cluster. These agents will run on every node and collect logs from all pods and containers.

Example: Deploying Fluentd as a DaemonSet

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
  name: fluentd
  namespace: kube-system
    k8s-app: fluentd-logging
      name: fluentd
        name: fluentd
      - name: fluentd
        image: fluent/fluentd:v1.11.2
          value: "elasticsearch-logging"
          value: "9200"
        - name: varlog
          mountPath: /var/log
        - name: varlibdockercontainers
          mountPath: /var/lib/docker/containers
          readOnly: true
      - name: varlog
          path: /var/log
      - name: varlibdockercontainers
          path: /var/lib/docker/containers
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Step 3: Configure Log Forwarding

Configure your log collection agents to parse, filter, and forward logs to your chosen storage backend (e.g., Elasticsearch).

Example: Fluentd Configuration for Elasticsearch

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: fluentd-config
  namespace: kube-system
  fluent.conf: |
      @type tail
      path /var/log/containers/*.log
      pos_file /var/log/containers/containers.log.pos
      tag kubernetes.*
      format json
      time_key time
      time_format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z

    <filter kubernetes.**>
      @type kubernetes_metadata

    <match kubernetes.**>
      @type elasticsearch
      logstash_format true
      include_tag_key true
      type_name access_log
      logstash_prefix kubernetes
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Step 4: Deploy Elasticsearch and Kibana

Deploy Elasticsearch to store and index your logs, and Kibana to visualize and analyze them.

Example: Deploying Elasticsearch and Kibana

You can use Helm charts to deploy Elasticsearch and Kibana easily.

helm repo add elastic
helm install elasticsearch elastic/elasticsearch
helm install kibana elastic/kibana
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Step 5: Access and Analyze Logs

Once everything is set up, you can use Kibana to access and analyze your logs. Create dashboards, set up alerts, and monitor logs in real-time.

Example Workflow

  1. Deploy Fluentd (or another log collector) as a DaemonSet: Collect logs from all nodes.
  2. Configure Fluentd to forward logs to Elasticsearch: Use the Fluentd configuration to parse and send logs to Elasticsearch.
  3. Deploy Elasticsearch and Kibana: Use Helm charts for easy deployment.
  4. Access Kibana: Navigate to the Kibana dashboard to view, search, and analyze logs.


Transitioning from local log viewing tools like k9s to a centralized logging solution allows for better log management, long-term storage, and powerful analysis capabilities. By deploying log collectors like Fluentd, setting up Elasticsearch and Kibana, and configuring log forwarding, you can build a robust log aggregation system that enhances your ability to monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize your Kubernetes applications.



Attach storage to pods.

Types include emptyDir, hostPath, nfs, configMap, and more.

Persistent Volume (PV)

Cluster-wide resources representing physical storage.

Created by an administrator and has a lifecycle independent of any individual pod.

Persistent Volume Claim (PVC)

Requests for storage by a user.

PVCs are bound to PVs, matching requests with available storage.

Storage Classes

Provide a way to define different types of storage (e.g., SSDs, HDDs).

Enable dynamic provisioning of PVs.

Important Notes

  • Dynamic Provisioning: Automatically creates PVs as needed based on PVCs and StorageClass definitions.
  • Storage Backends: Integrations with various storage solutions (e.g., AWS EBS, Google Persistent Disk, NFS).
  • Data Persistence: Ensures data remains available even if pods are deleted or rescheduled.


Persistent Volumes (PVs) and Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs): Separate storage management from pod lifecycle.

Storage Classes: Enable dynamic provisioning and manage different types of storage.

Data Persistence: Ensures data durability and availability across pod restarts.

Git-Based Operations

Argo CD is a powerful tool for continuous delivery and GitOps in Kubernetes. Here’s a brief overview of its key features and capabilities:

Argo CD Overview

Key Features

  1. Declarative GitOps:
    • Uses a Git repository as the source of truth for the desired state of Kubernetes applications.
    • Automatically applies changes from the Git repository to the Kubernetes cluster, ensuring the cluster’s state matches the repository.
  2. Continuous Delivery:
    • Continuously monitors the Git repository for changes.
    • Synchronizes the changes to the cluster, maintaining the desired state.
  3. Application Management:
    • Provides a user-friendly web UI and CLI to manage applications.
    • Visualizes application status, health, and history.
  4. Support for Multiple Repositories:
    • Can manage applications from multiple Git repositories.
    • Supports Helm charts, Kustomize, plain YAML, and other templating tools.
  5. Sync and Rollback:
    • Offers manual and automatic sync options to apply changes.
    • Provides easy rollback to previous application versions.
  6. Access Control:
    • Integrates with existing SSO systems (e.g., OAuth2, OIDC, LDAP) for user authentication.
    • Implements role-based access control (RBAC) for fine-grained permissions.
  7. Customizable Notifications:
    • Integrates with various notification systems to alert users about application status and sync operations.
  8. Health Assessment:
    • Includes health checks to assess the state of applications and resources.
    • Provides customizable health checks for different resource types.

Setting Up Argo CD


Install Argo CD in your Kubernetes cluster using the provided manifests or Helm chart.

Example: Set up ArgoCD using kubectl

kubectl create namespace argocd
kubectl apply -n argocd -f
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Accessing the UI

Port-forward the Argo CD server to access the web UI:

kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:443
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Access the UI at https://localhost:8080.

Login and Authentication:

The default admin password is the name of the Argo CD server pod.

Change the password after the first login for security.

Connecting to a Git Repository:

Define your applications in a Git repository.

Connect Argo CD to the repository and specify the target cluster and namespace.

Example Application Definition

Create an application manifest to manage an application using Argo CD:

kind: Application
  name: guestbook
  namespace: argocd
  project: default
    targetRevision: HEAD
    path: guestbook
    server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
    namespace: default
      prune: true
      selfHeal: true
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Workflow with Argo CD

  1. Commit Changes to Git

    • Developers push changes to the Git repository.
  2. Automatic Sync

    • Argo CD detects changes in the repository.
    • Synchronizes the changes to the Kubernetes cluster.
  3. Monitor and Manage

    • Use the Argo CD UI or CLI to monitor the application status.
    • Manually sync or rollback if needed.


Argo CD enables a GitOps approach to continuous delivery, ensuring that your Kubernetes cluster’s state is always in sync with the desired state defined in your Git repositories. It provides robust application management, easy integration with existing tools, and a user-friendly interface for managing and monitoring deployments.

Deployment Strategies

Canary and blue/green (b/g) deployments are popular strategies for deploying changes to production gradually and safely. Here's a brief overview of each and how to configure them in Kubernetes, along with considerations for Pod Disruption Budgets (PDBs):

Canary Deployment

  1. Definition:
    • Canary deployment gradually introduces a new version of an application to a subset of users or traffic.
    • It allows for early testing and validation of changes before rolling out to the entire user base.
  2. Configuration:
    • Define multiple versions of the application's container image in the Deployment manifest.
    • Use Kubernetes Service with appropriate labels and selectors to route traffic to different versions.
    • Gradually increase the traffic to the new version based on predefined criteria (e.g., percentage of traffic, error rates, performance metrics).
  3. Considerations:
    • Monitor key metrics (e.g., error rates, latency) during the canary rollout to detect any issues.
    • Rollback automatically if predefined thresholds are exceeded or manually if issues arise.

Blue/Green Deployment

  1. Definition:
    • Blue/green deployment maintains two identical production environments: one active (blue) and one inactive (green).
    • The new version is deployed to the inactive environment, and traffic is switched from blue to green once validation is complete.
  2. Configuration:
    • Deploy two identical versions of the application (blue and green) using separate Deployments or ReplicaSets.
    • Use a Kubernetes Service with a stable DNS name to route traffic to the active (blue) environment.
    • Once the new version is validated in the green environment, update the Service to route traffic to the green environment.
  3. Considerations:
    • Ensure session persistence or statelessness to maintain user sessions during the traffic switch.
    • Implement health checks and monitoring to detect issues during the switch.

Configuration in Kubernetes

  1. Deployment:
    • Define a Deployment manifest specifying the desired number of replicas for each version of the application.
    • Use rolling updates or manual scaling to control the rollout process.
  2. Service:
    • Create a Kubernetes Service to expose the application to external traffic.
    • Use labels and selectors to route traffic to different versions of the application.
  3. Pod Disruption Budget (PDB):
    • Define a PodDisruptionBudget to limit the number of disruptions allowed to the application's pods during the rollout.
    • Set the maxUnavailable parameter to ensure a certain number of pods remain available during the update.

Example Configuration

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: myapp
  replicas: 3
      app: myapp
        app: myapp
      - name: myapp
        image: myapp:v1
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: myapp-service
    app: myapp
  - protocol: TCP
    port: 80
    targetPort: 8080
apiVersion: policy/v1beta1
kind: PodDisruptionBudget
  name: myapp-pdb
      app: myapp
  maxUnavailable: 1
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Canary and blue/green deployments are valuable strategies for deploying changes to production with minimal risk and downtime. In Kubernetes, these deployment strategies can be implemented using Deployments, Services, and Pod Disruption Budgets to control the rollout process, manage traffic, and ensure application availability and stability. Proper configuration and monitoring are essential for successful canary and blue/green deployments in Kubernetes environments.

In Kubernetes, Services are used to expose applications running in the cluster to external or internal traffic. They act as an abstraction layer that decouples the applications from the underlying network topology, providing a stable endpoint for accessing the application regardless of its actual location within the cluster.

When deploying multiple versions of an application, especially in scenarios like canary or blue/green deployments, it's crucial to route traffic selectively to different versions based on certain criteria such as version labels or selectors. This ensures that only the desired version receives traffic, allowing for controlled testing or gradual rollout of updates.

  1. Define Labels and Selectors:
    • Assign unique labels to the pods running different versions of the application.
    • These labels serve as selectors for the Service to route traffic to specific pods.
  2. Create Service with Selectors:
    • Define a Kubernetes Service manifest with selectors that match the labels of the pods representing different versions.
    • This ensures that the Service routes traffic only to the pods with matching labels.
  3. Routing Traffic:
    • Once the Service is created, Kubernetes automatically load-balances incoming traffic among the pods selected by the Service's selectors.
    • By modifying the labels of the pods or updating the Service's selector, you can control which version of the application receives traffic.
  4. Gradual Traffic Shift (Canary Deployment):
    • For canary deployments, you can adjust the Service's selector gradually to shift traffic from one version to another based on predefined criteria.
    • For example, you can initially route 10% of the traffic to the new version and gradually increase it as you validate the new version's performance and stability.
  5. Traffic Splitting (Blue/Green Deployment):
    • In blue/green deployments, you maintain two separate sets of pods representing different versions of the application.
    • You can configure the Service to route traffic to either the "blue" or "green" set of pods, allowing you to switch between versions seamlessly by updating the Service's selector.

By leveraging Kubernetes Services with appropriate labels and selectors, you gain fine-grained control over how traffic is routed to different versions of your application, enabling advanced deployment strategies like canary and blue/green deployments while ensuring minimal disruption and maximum reliability.

Example: Route 5% of the traffic to new version

Suppose you have two versions of your application labeled app=app-v1 and app=app-v2. You want to route 95% of the traffic to app-v1 and 5% to app-v2.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: myapp-service
    app: app-v1
  - protocol: TCP
    port: 80
    targetPort: 8080
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: myapp-service-v2
    app: app-v2
  - protocol: TCP
    port: 80
    targetPort: 8080
kind: Ingress
  name: myapp-ingress
  - host:
      - path: /
        pathType: Prefix
            name: myapp-service
              number: 80
      - path: /
        pathType: Prefix
            name: myapp-service-v2
              number: 80
        weight: 5
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In this example:

  • We define two Services: myapp-service for app-v1 and myapp-service-v2 for app-v2.
  • We use an Ingress to route traffic based on the URL path.
  • 95% of the traffic is routed to myapp-service (app-v1), and 5% is routed to myapp-service-v2 (app-v2) using the weight attribute in the Ingress rule.

Please note that the exact configuration may vary depending on your specific setup and requirements, but this should give you a basic idea of how to achieve traffic splitting in Kubernetes.


This article has provided a high-level overview of key Kubernetes concepts crucial for cluster administrators, including deployment strategies, resource management, and monitoring.

Thank you for taking the time to read through this. I know it's long.

While we covered essential topics, several advanced subjects were omitted due to article length:

  • Advanced Networking: Service Meshes (e.g., Istio, Linkerd) for managing complex microservice communications, Kubernetes Network Policies for controlling traffic flow between pods.
  • Pod Security Policies and their replacement with Pod Security Standards.
  • Image scanning and vulnerability management: (e.g., using tools like Trivy or Clair).
  • Disaster Recovery: Backup and restore strategies for Kubernetes clusters.
  • High availability: Configurations for critical components like etcd.
  • Kubernetes Federation: Managing multiple clusters with Kubernetes Federation. Use cases and setup examples.
  • CI/CD Integrations: Integration with other CI/CD tools like GitLab CI/CD or GitHub Actions (beyond ArgoCD).

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