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Javascript Interview Questions(Divided into levels)

> Today no code time to look for a job
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Ever went to apply for a Javascript job and got stuck on some of the areas to prepare for the interview? Boom Roy got you covered. Check out. I just screened some of the common asked questions. Open to more on the comment section. Cheer!!! All the best
Junior Dev Interview

  1. Explain Null and Undefined in JavaScript

  2. What does use strict do?

  3. What is the strict mode?

  4. Explain arrays in JavaScript.

  5. Explain Values and Types in JavaScript.

  6. What is Scope in JavaScript?

  7. What is difference between == and === ?

  8. What is let keyword in JavaScript?

  9. What is the difference between var, let, and const.

  10. What are the JavaScript data types?

  11. Explain the .pop() and .push() methods

  12. Name all JavaScript’s Boolean logical operators

  13. What is JSON

  14. What are the .slice() and .splice() methods

  15. What is the DOM? And what does it do?

  16. What is a Polyfill?

  17. What are operators?

  18. Explain .then keyword

  19. Explain equality in JavaScript

  20. What is typeof operator?

  21. Explain how Bubble Sort works

  22. Given a string, reverse each word in the sentence

  23. How to empty an array in JavaScript?

  24. Explain what is a callback function?

  25. Write a function that takes an array of integers and returns the sum of the integers after adding 1 to each

All the best to Junior JS devs applying for new roles

Mid-Level Javascript Dev. Interview
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  1. What is the definition of a Higher-Order Function?   
  2. Describe Closure concept in JavaScript 

  3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using use strict?

  4. What is the purpose of setTimeout function?

  5. What is the new keyword in JavaScript?

    1. What advantages are using arrow functions?
  6. What object.freeze() does?

  7. Explain the difference between Object.freeze() vs const

  8. What is generator in JS?

  9. How to remove duplicates from an array

  10. What is Currying?

  11. What is IIFEs

    1. What's the difference between .call and .apply?   
  12. What is Coercion in JavaScript?

  13. Explain what is Hoisting in Javascript?

  14. Write a program for Recursive Binary Search1210


Well we are done now its time for Big Boys Now

  Senior Javascript Devs "BigBoy's"
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  1. Write a program that checks if a given string is a palindrome and case sensitivity should be taken into account.

  2. Write a program that Merges two sorted linked lists

  3. Given an integer, determine if it is a power of 2. If so, return that number, else return -1

  4. When would you use the bind function?

  5. Write a recursive function that performs a binary search

  6. Why is this operator inconsistent?

  7. Explain how async and await work.

  8. Can you describe the main difference between a .forEach  and a .map()?

  9. Explain what is Fibonacci Search technique?

  10. Explain how QuickSort works

  11. Implement a queue using a linked list

Cheers to your interview tests.

Reach Out at twitter Roy Wanyoike

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