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Vim quickies/ cheatsheet

Vim Cheatsheet

Generally helpful stuff
Navigating around text
Working with multiple files
Manipulating text
Visual Advanced selection
Working with NERDTree

Generally helpful stuff

Open a file for editing             :e path/to/file.txt
Return to Normal mode               ESC   or <CTRL>+C
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Navigating around text

You have to be in Normal mode. Use ESC to get out of Visual, Replace, or Insert mode.

(left)                       h
(down)                       j
(up)                         k
(right)                      l
next word                    e
Jump to the first line       gg
Jump to the last line        G
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Entering Text

Insert text before cursor               i
Insert text after cursor                a
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Working with multiple files

Open a file in a horizontal split   :sp path/to/file.txt
Open a file in a vertical split     :vsp path/to/file.txt
Move to a split window page         <CTRL>+w and a direction key (h, j, k, or l)
Move to next window pane            <CTRL>w w
Make selected pane bigger           CTRL>w +  (yes, you need the shift key for the plus)
Make selected pane smaller          <CTRL>w -
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


Search for a word                           /<word>
Go to next match                            n
Find and replace on line                    :s/<find>/<replace>
Find and replace globally                   :%s/<find>/<replace>//gc
Go to first quote, replace text in quotes:  ci"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Manipulating text

cut the current line                dd
copy the current line               yy
paste below current line            p
paste above current line            P
Remove the character under cursor   x
Remove the character before cursor  X
Delete the word under cursor        de
Delete to the end of the line       d$

Remove five lines starting here     5dd
Copy five lines starting here       5yy 

indent this line                    >>
indent five lines starting here     5>>

Replace mode (overtype)             r
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Visual Advanced selection

Visual mode                         v
Visual Line mode                    V
Visual Block mode                   <CTRL>v
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Working with NERDTree

Open the NERDTree                   :NERDTree
Toggle the NERDTree on and off      :NERDTreeToggle
Open selected file                  <ENTER>
Open selected file in horiz. split  i
Open selected file in vert. split   v
File menu                           m
Help                                ?
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


Run a command                           :!<command>
Open a shell                            :sh
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

For interactive tutorial, try

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Top comments (28)

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

"Delete the word under cursor" should be diw, de only works for the same purpose if you're already at the start of the word.

"Replace mode (overtype)" should be R, r will only let you change a single character.

jasper_zanjani profile image
Jasper Zanjani

Your comment made me go back to Oualline's Vim Book to research this. I totally did not know about the i and a motion commands! Great tip!

rubiin profile image


vlasales profile image
Vlastimil Pospichal

de is good for delete word from cursor to end. It is good for different purpose.

zchtodd profile image

I've been working with Vim for quite a while, but there's always something new to learn. Still to this day I'll hit a sequence of keys by mistake and something will happen that I've never seen before.

rubiin profile image

thats the beauty of vim

gnsp profile image
Ganesh Prasad

There is a catch with visual block mode. If you're running vim in a terminal that maps Ctrl+v to paste action, then Ctrl+v won't work for visual block mode in vim. However, vim also maps Ctrl+q to visual block mode in defaults. IMO, it's safer to memorize Ctrl+q as the key combination for visual block mode.

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

Unless your OS maps C-q to "quit application" :)

rubiin profile image

Cool. Haven't tried that one yet

mahendrachoudhary profile image
Mahendra Choudhary

I use vim very often and always hard time to remember all the commands , thanks for this cheat sheet brother

rubiin profile image

Anytime bro. It takes heck lot of time to get used to Vi , I myself find forgetting many commands , and whenever I do i visit this cheetsheet

oinak profile image

Very good article!

Thanks for sharing

in Searching section, where you say:

Find and replace globally :%s/<find>/<replace>//gc

I think you may mean

Find and replace globally :%s/<find>/<replace>/gc

and maybe could comment that the final 'c' is for asking for confirmation on each replacement.

Thanks for your work and time.

chsanch profile image
Christian Sánchez

To understand more about movements/navigation in vim I would recommend to read the section 03 in the Vim user manual, just execute:

:h usr_03
rubiin profile image

I have also added a link to an interactive site

jasper_zanjani profile image
Jasper Zanjani

delete to end of line is also D

prabangkoro profile image
bagus prabangkoro

I've been using vim for few weeks, and it'getting natural and saves my time a lot! I like its clear rule, text object (sentence, paragraph, word, tag), or action (delete, copy, change).

rubiin profile image

Yeah. If you are doing things on console, you can see it's power

rubiin profile image

BTW you can check if you are starting out

get_right_a1 profile image

To toggle the case=> `
This would be pretty useful to correct the typos.

To repeat the previous command=> .

jasper_zanjani profile image
Jasper Zanjani

Damn, it's a helluva confidence boost when you look at a cheatsheet and know EVERY SINGLE item

daviddalbusco profile image
David Dal Busco

I think I basically use only i a x / n dd : wq since years 😁

Thx for new tips 👍

rubiin profile image


rubiin profile image

I have added a link to an interactive vim tutorial at the end of the post so anyone starting out with vim can try it out online

tonypelliccio profile image
Tony Pellicccio

Left out one command I love, cw - or change word. Saves a lot of time.

salvadorrueda profile image

'u' for undo the last change and
'.' for repeat the last command are two commands I use most frequently despite :wq (write and quit)

2357gi profile image
Kento Ohgi

ctrl-[ is better then ctrl-c cuz that dose not trigger the |InsertLeave| autocommand event.