We are here on the last Sunday of the year! It's time for us to look into the crystal ball and predict the future of tech. Let's look at some of the technologies that you should definitely check out in 2022.
The developer community has divided opinions on the topic of Web3. Some say it's the future, and others believe it is just a passing fad.
Regardless of which side of the community you find yourself in, there is a huge amount of money, to be made with the advent of Web3, especially for developers, even if it turns out to be just another hype. And given that you are reading this article, you are likely to be a developer yourself. So, keeping an eye out for the developments in the Web3 space can be worth your time.
Want to check out how to develop Blockchain-based DApps? Check out this repository:
π€π° Crowdfunding Platform backed by Ethereum Blockchain to bring your creative projects to life
Augmented Reality
With the introduction of the Metaverse, several new job positions will open up for AR (Augmented Reality), driving up the demand for people with these skills. Even though the technology is still in its early phase, more and more people are likely to pick it up this year.
Several new libraries like @react-three/xr and react-force-graph are popping up. Hopefully, by the end of 2022, we will be looking at a couple of really cool AR Projects!
Motion Graphics
Let's first check out the definition of Motion Graphics
Motion graphics are pieces of animation or digital footage which create the illusion of motion or rotation and are usually combined with audio for use in multimedia projects.
With the decline of attention spans in humans, the demand for Motion Graphics is rising. Recently, motion graphics has been a crucial skill required in both the development space and the video industry. The big players have recognized the use of this skill and incorporated it not only in their application UI but their logos too.

Cross Platform Development
Cross-Platform Development is becoming more and more accessible to developers, and luckily de-factor players like Electron are being challenged by the new players like Flutter and Tauri, which ship far optimized app builds.
In the Mobile Cross-Platform Development too, clashes with Flutter, React Native and other frameworks ensure that the technologies are constantly evolving.
Thus the winner of such clashes is the Developers who get to use developer-friendly technology that provides incredible performance too!
3D Websites
Just like I mentioned in an article some time back, since 3D websites have gamified the user interaction, it results in high engagement resulting in immense potential in the sphere of marketing and generating sales, which is the ultimate goal of any company.
But making 3D Websites is no easy feat, with making a decent one takes extensive knowledge of WebGL and libraries like Three.js. With the introduction of Metaverse, this sector should undergo a boom too. Hopefully, more libraries will be introduced, making the development of 3D Websites easier than ever before.
Wrapping Up
This article showcases the tech domains that are expected to see significant advances and opportunities for the developers. Hope it helps you plan out your development journey for the next year!
Thanks for reading
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Top comments (5)
Thank you! Will definitely check this out for 2022
Thanks Tapajyoti, your content is incredibly amazing. Keep up the the great work!
Thankyou :)
Hi Tapajyoti, i'm so impressed with your English writing. It seems like English is not your native language, so can you share with us how did you learn English to be at this good?
π 3 things (the 1st one is not implementable though):
Judging by your comments, you are quite well versed with English yourself