Try this Exchange EDB to PST Converter tool and Convert EDB to PST file format including emails, contacts, calendars, tasks, notes, appointments, etc. This Software has option for selective Conversion where user can easily select their desired file or folder anc convert thm into their desired location in just few clicks. this software comes with free demo version where user can save 30 emails per folder at free of cost.
You can try this software free demo version from here:
Top comments (2)
The ConverterTools EDB to PST Converter is a reliable tool for converting damaged or inaccessible Exchange EDB files to PST format. It efficiently recovers emails, contacts, calendars, tasks, and other mailbox items while preserving their original structure. The tool supports all versions of Exchange Server and offers multiple recovery modes to handle various corruption levels. It provides a simple, user-friendly interface, making it easy for both beginners and professionals to use. Additionally, it ensures quick and safe conversion without data loss.
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