Morning all from a very grey Derbyshire, England!
This is my first post on the platform so please direct me to the right place if this isn't it!
Just a quick question! What blog systems / engines / applications are you using on your website's?
I'm currently using BlogEngine.NET which I'm are looking to replace with something fresh. Does anyone have any recommendations??
Many Thanks in advance!
Ryan ๐
Top comments (4)
I really like Gatsby.js (using it to build something of my own). It allows you to write static websites with React (isn't that futuristic?), and it has a huge ecosystem of plugins and guides.
Thanks for the suggestion Dor! I'll be sure to check it out ๐
I currently use Jekyll (although me not know ruby) but it makes easy to publish your static blogs super easy
Thanks for the suggestion Bhupesh! I have heard of that one before so I'll give it a look over ๐