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Safvan P
Safvan P

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Navigating Code Testing Waters with Mockito: Your Testing Crew for Smooth Sailing

Imagine you're the captain of a ship, and you need to make sure it sails smoothly in any weather. This ship is like your code, and you want to test it to be sure it works well. That's where Mockito comes in – it's like having a helpful crew that makes testing easier.

The Captain's Worry:

When you're testing, you want to focus on your code's behavior, not on outside systems it relies on. But what if those outside systems are not ready or behaving strangely? It's like trying to sail your ship without a working compass or wind!

Enter Mockito, Your Crew:

Mockito is like having a team of crew members who create pretend versions of those outside systems. These pretend versions, or "mocks," act just like the real systems, even when the real ones are not ready or misbehaving.

The Ship Sails Smoothly:

With Mockito, you can test your code as if everything is working perfectly, even when it's not. Just like your crew can simulate a working compass and wind to help your ship sail smoothly, Mockito's mocks simulate those outside systems for your code.

So, think of Mockito as your testing companion, making sure your code's journey is free of obstacles, just like a captain's crew ensures the ship's journey is trouble-free. It's like having your own secret weapon to conquer testing challenges!

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