For those People who are fascinated about concurrency in GO.
i created a small funny program to understand the concurrency in Go with intuitive example.
Create a buffered channel to hold at-least values in channels will being utilized by two go routines in further
ch := make(chan int,2)create two go routines which will consume data from the channel which we created in step 1
go iAcceptOnlyNegativeFolks(ch)
go iAcceptOnlyPositiveFolks(ch)send initial signal/data to the channel
ch<-1keep some sleep /use select case / some other strategy to block the main from exiting.
package main
import (
func main() {
ch := make(chan int, 2)
// initiate +ve & -ve folks
go iAcceptOnlyNegativeFolks(ch)
go iAcceptOnlyPositiveFolks(ch)
// ignite fire between +ve & -ve folks π
ch <- 1
// this is just simple way to block main else go routines will exit along with main
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 5)
func iAcceptOnlyPositiveFolks(ch chan int) {
for {
select {
case x := <-ch:
if x > 0 {
fmt.Println(x, " is a positive folk")
ch <- x + 1
} else {
// giving some motivation to -ve folk to become +ve folk
ch <- x * (-1)
func iAcceptOnlyNegativeFolks(ch chan int) {
for {
select {
case x := <-ch:
if x < 0 {
fmt.Println(x, " is a negative folk")
ch <- x - 1
} else {
// giving some motivation to +ve folk to become -ve folk
ch <- x * (-1)
sample output 1:-
-1 is a negative folk
-2 is a negative folk
-3 is a negative folk
4 is a positive folk
-5 is a negative folk
-6 is a negative folk
7 is a positive folk
-8 is a negative folk
9 is a positive folk
10 is a positive folk
11 is a positive folk
sample output 2:-
1 is a positive folk
2 is a positive folk
3 is a positive folk
-4 is a negative folk
-5 is a negative folk
6 is a positive folk
7 is a positive folk
- we are creating a buffered channel as a communication medium between two go routines
- iAcceptOnlyNegativeFolks & iAcceptOnlyPositiveFolks functions will read data from the channel concurrently (which routine is accessible at that point of time it will read that data from the channel)
- After running the above program we will get different out put for every execution because it is running concurrently we donβt know which routine will access the channel data at a point of time.
Please feel free to add any comments/suggestion/ mistakes etcβ¦π
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