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Ruby: Getting boolean from string or nil

There are times when you will run into

nil == false
 => false
'true' == true
 => false
'false' == false
 => false

Here is my solution to this problem. (not sure if this is the best way, but I love it)

NOTE: If you are using rails, create a file called extend_string.rb in config/initializers folder. Then add the code below.

Or just import it somewhere before you start your ruby app.

class NilClass
  def self.to_bool
  def to_bool

class String
  def to_bool
      return true if self.downcase == "true"
      return false if self.downcase == "false"
      return nil

Now that you have this in your code, you can run

nil.to_bool == false
 => true
'true'.to_bool == true
 => true
'false'.to_bool == false
 => true
'TRUE'.to_bool == true
 => true
'FaLSE'.to_bool == false
 => true

If you there is any other way to do this, please let me know so I can improve my code.

Thankz :D

Top comments (2)

briankephart profile image
Brian Kephart

I like the brevity of your approach. Half the fun of Ruby is the flexibility it has to do this kind of stuff. This article makes a nice intro to monkey patching.

Another common way to convert a value to boolean is to double negate it.

# => false
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That doesn't help your string examples, since strings are always true in Ruby regardless of content, but it could be of interest for nil and other objects.

I'm curious, why did you define to_bool as a class method on NilClass? Your examples show use of the instance method, but not the class method.

Since you specifically invited improvements, I'll mention that your String#to_bool method can be made a little briefer:

class String
  def to_bool
    # self is the implied receiver of the downcase method
    return true if downcase == "true"
    return false if downcase == "false"
    # implicitly return nil, no code needed here
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...and that it's a little odd to return nil (which is not a boolean value) in a method called to_bool, especially if you've defined nil.to_bool as false.

# => nil
# => false
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That could get weird because of the way nil and false are both treated as false in boolean expressions in Ruby. For that reason, if I wanted to do something similar I would probably make two methods, true? and false? to make sure something that is supposed to say "false" REALLY says "false".

class String
  def true?
    downcase == 'true'

  def false?
    downcase == 'false'
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sakko profile image
SaKKo • Edited

thank you for your comment.

I use to_bool because sometime client side send me

is_active: nil
is_active: "false"
is_active: "True"

So I treid to make it simpler by params[:is_active].to_bool

I am thinking about how to use your approach in the future project.
But please let me know if I can improve my code for this case?

Thank you again