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Let's prepare your mac for development. Stop having version conflicts.

Hi everyone,

During my first few years of programming, the first struggle I have is how to manage multiple versions of Ruby.

It's been a very painful programming experience. I have to keep upgrading Ruby in the older projects in order to maintain them.

I know it's a good practice to keep everything up to date, but sometimes, it's just a side project and not worth spending time on.

That was 9 years ago.... If you are having the same problem as me with Ruby, Python, and NodeJS.

Here is the solution,

  • Ruby use RVM
  • Python use pyenv
  • NodeJS use NVM

I made a video to explain.

Alt Text

Hope you find it useful

Top comments (2)

davidolrik profile image
David Jack Wange Olrik

Also check out asdf which does the same but with just one command.

sakko profile image

wow, thank you so much