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Saloni Agrawal
Saloni Agrawal

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Stand out from an Average Developer

The insights mentioned are drawn from my experience working in a corporate environment and can help you excel and improve as a developer:

  1. Be Curious: Curiosity fuels learning and innovation. Always seek to understand why things work the way they do and explore new ideas and technologies.

  2. Understand Before Fixing: Take the time to fully understand the root cause of an issue before jumping into fixing it. Sometimes, the problem may not require a fix at all, or there might be a more efficient solution than initially apparent.

  3. Encourage Reusability: Identify opportunities to refactor code into reusable methods, functions, or components. This reduces duplication, promotes consistency, and simplifies maintenance across the project.

  4. Optimize Code: Minimize the number of loops and iterations in your code to improve performance and readability. Look for opportunities to use efficient data structures and algorithms to achieve the desired outcome with fewer iterations.

  5. Optimize Memory Usage: Be mindful of memory usage in your code. Reduce the number of variables and allocate memory efficiently to optimize performance and resource utilization.

  6. Keep Code Simple: Complex code is difficult to understand, maintain, and debug. Strive to keep your codebase simple, clear, and easy to follow, even if it means sacrificing some cleverness for readability.

  7. Continuous Learning: Invest time in learning advanced skills and techniques relevant to the project you're working on. This enables you to deliver higher-quality solutions and stay competitive in your field.

  8. Focus on Best Practices: Instead of settling for code that merely works, aim to write code that follows best practices and coding standards. This ensures maintainability, scalability, and reliability of your codebase over time.

  9. Consider Impact on Common Areas: When making changes, consider how they might affect other parts of the codebase, especially common or shared components. This helps prevent unintended consequences and promotes code consistency.

  10. Review with Requirements in Mind: When reviewing pull requests, ensure that the changes align with the project requirements and goals. This helps maintain consistency and clarity in the codebase.

By adhering to these principles, you not only become a more effective developer but also contribute to the overall quality and sustainability of the codebase.

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