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Jeongho Nam
Jeongho Nam

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[Typia] I made Protocol Buffer library of TypeScript, easiest in the world


import typia, { tags } from "typia";

interface IMember {
    id: string & tags.Format<"uuid">;
    email: string & tags.Format<"email">;
    age: number &
        tags.Type<"uint32"> &
        tags.Minimum<20> &
    parent: IMember | null;
    children: IMember[];

const member: IMember = { ... };
const encoded: Uint8Array = typia.protobuf.assertEncode(member);
const decoded: IMember = typia.protobuf.decode<IMember>(encoded);
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typia has started supporting Protocol Buffer functions.

You can easily use those protobuf features with only one line, with pure TypeScript type. You no more need to define extra schema even including *.proto file. typia will do everything like above example code.

For reference, as typia had been developed to support runtime validation (+JSON serialization), I had no plan to support such protobuf functions. However, as many users of typia had desired that features, I've developed it for two months and introduce you.

Desires to Protobuf

export function is<T>(input: unknown): input is T; // returns boolean
export function assert<T>(input: unknown): T; // throws TypeGuardError
export function validate<T>(input: unknown): IValidation<T>; // detailed

export namespace json {
    export function application<T>(): IJsonApplication; // JSON schema
    export function assertParse<T>(input: string): T; // type safe parser
    export function assertStringify<T>(input: T): string; // safe and faster

export namespace protobuf {
    export function message<T>(): string; // Protocol Buffer message
    export function assertDecode<T>(buffer: Uint8Array): T; // safe decoder
    export function assertEncode<T>(input: T): Uint8Array; // safe encoder

export function random<T>(g?: Partial<IRandomGenerator>): T;
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My library typia had been developed to support runtime validation, JSON serialization. Especially, I'd emphasized that typia can enhance both productivity and performance at the same time. It does not require any extra schema definition like class-validator or zod, but performance is much faster them.

Also, I'd introduced my another library nestia, which utilizes typia in the NestJS framework, so that boosts up backend server performance 30x up. And since typia analyzes the NestJS backend source code at the compiler level, I also provided convenient generators such as SDK and Mockup Simulator.

Assert Benchmark

Benchmark on Surface Pro 9, i5-1235u

By the way, I've got a same request from many users that they want to use Protocol Buffer in the same way, using pure TypeScript type without extra schema definition. I'd rejected the feature request for a long time because I thought the Protocol Buffer feature is not suitable for the main purpose of typia.

However, such feature request about protobuf had repeated repeatedly through issues of repository, and personal email sendings. Users's desire to use Protobuf easily and conveniently was so strong that I could not ignore it anymore. So, I decided to implement the Protocol Buffer feature in typia.

Therefore, I've implemented the Protocol Buffer features for two months, and introduce you. From now on, you can easily use Protocol Buffer features in typia, with pure TypeScript type. You no more need to define extra schema even including *.proto file. typia will do everything for you. It will analyze your TypeScript type, and generate Protocol Buffer schema and de/serializers automatically.

How to use

Only one line required.

Just call some of typia.protobuf functions with pure TypeScript type, That's all. Then, typia will analyze your TypeScript type, and convert the TypeScript type to protobuf message schema, so that write optimal protobuf encode (or decode) function automatically.

As you can see from below example code, when TypeScript being compiled to JavaScript, only one line code typia.protobuf.encode<IMember>() function be changed to dozens of encoding code. This concept is called AoT (Ahead of Time) compliation, and it is secret of typia's super-fast/easy performance.

import typia, { tags } from "typia";

interface IMember {
    id: string & tags.Format<"uuid">;
    email: string & tags.Format<"email">;
    age: number &
        tags.Type<"uint32"> &
        tags.Minimum<20> &
    parent: IMember | null;
    children: IMember[];

const member: IMember = {} as any;
const encoded: Uint8Array = typia.protobuf.encode(member);
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"use strict";
var __importDefault =
    (this && this.__importDefault) ||
    function (mod) {
        return mod && mod.__esModule ? mod : { default: mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const typia_1 = __importDefault(require("typia"));
const member = {};
const encoded = ((input) => {
    const $Sizer = typia_1.default.protobuf.encode.Sizer;
    const $Writer = typia_1.default.protobuf.encode.Writer;
    const encoder = (writer) => {
        const $peo0 = (input) => {
            // property "id";
            // property "email";
            // property "age";
            // property "parent";
            if (null !== input.parent) {
                // 4 -> IMember;
            // property "children";
            if (0 !== input.children.length) {
                for (const elem of input.children) {
                    // 5 -> IMember;
        const $io0 = (input) =>
            "string" === typeof &&
            /^(?:[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}|> 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)$/i.test(
            ) &&
            "string" === typeof &&
            /^(([^<>()[].,;:s@"]+(.[^<>()[].,;:s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@(([^<>()[].,;:s@"]+.)+[^<>()> [].,;:s@"]{2,})$/i.test(
            ) &&
            "number" === typeof input.age &&
            Math.floor(input.age) === input.age &&
            0 <= input.age &&
            input.age <= 4294967295 &&
            20 <= input.age &&
            input.age < 100 &&
            (null === input.parent ||
                ("object" === typeof input.parent &&
                    null !== input.parent &&
                    $io0(input.parent))) &&
            Array.isArray(input.children) &&
                (elem) =>
                    "object" === typeof elem && null !== elem && $io0(elem),
        return writer;
    const sizer = encoder(new $Sizer());
    const writer = encoder(new $Writer(sizer));
    return writer.buffer();


You know what? Expression power of Protocol Buffer is extremely narrower than type system of TypeScript. For example, Protocol Buffer can't express complicate union type containing array. Also, Protocol Buffer can't express multi dimensional array type, either.

In such reason, when converting TypeScript type to Protocol buffer message schema, lots of restrictions are exist. Let's study which types of TyeScript are not supported in Protocol Buffer. For reference, if you try to call typia.protobuf.message<T>() function with unsupported type, typia will generate compile errors like below example cases.

At first, top level type must be a sole and static object.

If you try to use number or Array<T> type as a top level type, typia will generate compile error like below. Dynamic object types like Record<string, T>, or Map<string, T> types are not allowed either. For reference, the sole object means that, union of object types is not allowed, either.

import typia from "typia";

interface Cat {
    type: "cat";
    name: string;
    ribbon: boolean;
interface Dog {
    type: "dog";
    name: string;
    hunt: boolean;

typia.protobuf.createDecode<Record<string, number>>();
typia.protobuf.createDecode<Map<number & typia.tags.Type<"float">, Dog>>();
typia.protobuf.createEncode<Cat | Dog>();
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main.ts:14:1 - error TS(typia.protobuf.message): unsupported type detected

- bigint
  - target type must be a sole and static object type

main.ts:15:1 - error TS(typia.protobuf.typia.protobuf.createDecode): unsupported type detected

- Record<string, number>
  - target type must be a sole and static object type

main.ts:16:1 - error TS(typia.protobuf.typia.protobuf.createDecode): unsupported type detected

- Map<(number & Type<"float">), Dog>
  - target type must be a sole and static object type

- (number & Type<"float">)
  - target type must be a sole and static object type

main.ts:17:1 - error TS(typia.protobuf.typia.protobuf.createEncode): unsupported type detected

- Array<boolean>
  - target type must be a sole and static object type

main.ts:18:1 - error TS(typia.protobuf.typia.protobuf.createEncode): unsupported type detected

- (Cat | Dog)
  - target type must be a sole and static object type

At next, in Protocol Buffer, those types are categorized as container types.

  • Array<T>
  • Map<Key, T>
  • Record<string, T> (dynamic object)

Also, those container types does not allow over two-dimensional stacking. Therefore, it is not possible to declaring two dimensional array like number[][], or Array type in Map like Map<string, number[]>. Besides, value type of those container also do not support union type either.

Additionally, about Map<Key, T> type, key type must be an atomic type. It means that, only boolean, number, bigint and string types are allowed. Also, key type cannot be union type, either.

import typia from "typia";

interface IPointer<T> {
    value: T;
interface Cat {
    type: "cat";
    name: string;
    ribbon: boolean;
interface Dog {
    type: "dog";
    name: string;
    hunt: boolean;

typia.protobuf.createEncode<IPointer<Record<string, string[]>>>();
typia.protobuf.createDecode<IPointer<Map<string, Cat|Dog>>>();

typia.protobuf.message<IPointer<Map<Cat, string>>>();
typia.protobuf.message<IPointer<Map<number|string, Dog>>>();
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main.ts:17:1 - error TS(typia.protobuf.message): unsupported type detected

- IPointer<Array<Array<number>>>[key]: Array<Array<number>>
  - does not support over two dimenstional array type

main.ts:18:1 - error TS(typia.protobuf.typia.protobuf.createEncode): unsupported type detected

- IPointer<Record<string, Array<string>>>[key]: Record<string, Array<string>>
  - does not support dynamic object with array value type

main.ts:19:1 - error TS(typia.protobuf.typia.protobuf.createDecode): unsupported type detected

- IPointer<Map<string, Cat | Dog>>[key]: Map<string, (Cat | Dog)>
  - does not support union type in map value type

main.ts:21:1 - error TS(typia.protobuf.message): unsupported type detected

- IPointer<Map<Cat, string>>[key]: Map<Cat, string>
  - does not support non-atomic key typed map

main.ts:22:1 - error TS(typia.protobuf.message): unsupported type detected

- IPointer<Map<string | number, Dog>>[key]: Map<(number | string), Dog>
  - does not support union key typed map
  - does not support non-atomic key typed map

At last, those types are all not allowed.

  • any
  • functional type
  • Set<T>, WeakSet<T> and WeakMap<T>
  • Date, Boolean, BigInt, Number, String
  • Binary classes except Uint8Array
    • Uint8ClampedArray, Uint16Array, Uint32Array, BigUint64Array
    • Int8Array, Int16Array, Int32Array, BigInt64Array
    • ArrayBuffer, SharedArrayBuffer and DataView
import typia from "typia";

interface Something {
    any: any;
    unknown: unknown;
    closure: () => void;
    dict: Set<string> | WeakSet<Something> | WeakMap<Something, string>;
    date: Date;
    classic: String;
    buffer: ArrayBuffer;

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main.ts:13:1 - error TS(typia.protobuf.message): unsupported type detected

- Something.any: any
  - does not support any type

- Something.unknown: any
  - does not support any type

- Something.closure: unknown
  - does not support functional type

- Something.dict: (Set<string> | WeakMap | WeakSet)
  - does not support Set type
  - does not support WeakSet type. Use Array type instead.
  - does not support WeakMap type. Use Map type instead.

- Date
  - does not support Date type. Use string type instead.

- Something.classic: String
  - does not support String type. Use string type instead.

- Something.buffer: ArrayBuffer
  - does not support ArrayBuffer type. Use Uint8Array type instead.

Why users wanted to typia?

The first time when an user of typia had requested me to support protobuf functions, I could not understand the reason why. In the JavaScript world, there already had been many libaries supporting protobuf function like protobufjs or ts-proto.

However, before developing the protobuf features in typia, I'd studied how other protobuf libraries are working. During the study, I could understand the reason why. protobufjs and ts-proto requires protobuf schema file *.proto, and generates TypeScript type from the protobuf schema file.

By the way, as they start from the protobuf schema file, it is not possible to express union type, one of the strongest feature of TypeScript type. Also, it is not possible to declare Map<K, T> type too, because they make only Object<string, T> type.

message MadeByProtoTs {
    oneof value {
        int32 v1 = 1;
        string v2 = 2;
        Something v3 = 3;
    map<string, double> dict = 4;
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export interface MadeByProtoTs {
    value: number | string | Something;
    dict: Map<string, Something>;  

export interface MadeByProtoTs {
    v1: number;
    v2: string;
    v3: Something;
    dict: Record<string, Something>;

Also, as protobufjs and ts-proto requires *.proto schema files, and generates TS type from them, it was tolerable for me. Comparing with a way to handle pure TypeScript type directly, running generation command of ts-proto repeatedly and updating them little bit to make them suitable for my use-case was very annoything job.

In such reasons, I understood the reason why users requested me to support protobuf functions in typia, and I did it now. From now on, let's enjoy the protobuf features very easily with pure TypeScript type. Only one line is required.

It's the easiest way to use protobuf in the world.

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