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Jeongho Nam
Jeongho Nam

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[Typia] I made realtime demo site of 20,000x faster validation (+200x faster JSON stringify)


I've made a playground website to help you understand how typia works with AoT compilation.

In here community, I've written many articles introducing my library typia. In the previous articles, I had often explained that typia boosts up validation speed through AoT (Ahead of Time) compilation skill.

  • typia analyzes your TypeScript type T
  • typia writes optimal validation code only for that type T
  • Such skill is called AoT compilation.


((input) => "number" === typeof input)(3);
(input) => input instanceof Date;

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By the way, some typia user gave me such feedback:

Reading your articles, I could understand your typia is much faster than others, and it needs only pure TypeScript type. As I'd used ajv and class-validator for a long time, I especially like the word "only one line with pure TypeScript type".

However, the concept AoT compilation was hard for me to understand. I was able to understand it only after installing typia and compiling my project. Setting it up, I though that such little time even could become a barrier to someone who would hesitate to introduce typia. If typia provides a playground site, this could be solved.

Hope typia thrives, and appreciate for developing such wonderful project.

Reading above feedback, I've decided develop a playground website sympathizing with the need of it. Developing the playground website, I think the above feedback was really good for typia, and earily experienced playground users are satisfying. I especailly thanks for such adviding.

Anyway, let's play typia and understand how it works with AoT compilation.

Playground Screenshot

What typia is


export function is<T>(input: unknown | T): input is T; // returns boolean
export function assert<T>(input: unknown | T): T; // throws TypeGuardError
export function validate<T>(input: unknown | T): IValidation<T>; // detailed
export const customValidators: CustomValidatorMap; // customizable

export function application<...Args>(): IJsonApplication; // JSON schema
export function assertParse<T>(input: string): T; // type safe parser
export function assertStringify<T>(input: T): string; // safe and faster
    // +) isParse, validateParse 
    // +) stringify, isStringify, validateStringify

export function random<T>(g?: Partial<IRandomGenerator>): Primitive<T>;

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Someone people do not know typia, I'll introduce it shortly.

typia is a transformer library supporting below features.

  • Super-fast Runtime Validators
  • Safe JSON parse and fast stringify functions
  • JSON schema generator
  • Random data generator

Pure TypeScript Type

At first, as typia performs AoT (Ahead of Time) compilation, all of supported features in typia require only one line. Besides, other libraries like ajv or class-validator require extra schema definition like JSON schema or triple-duplicated type definition with decorator function calls.

export interface IBbsArticle {
    files: IAttachmentFile[];

export class BbsArticle {
        type: () => AttachmentFile,
        nullable: true,
        isArray: true,
        minItems: 1,
        description: "List of attached files.",
    @Type(() => AttachmentFile)
    @IsObject({ each: true })
    @ValidateNested({ each: true })
    public files: AttachmentFile[];
validateSync(plainToObject(BbsArticle, input));

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About functionality and stability, typia supports every TypeScript types, and ensure safety through over 900,000 LoC (Line of Codes) test programs. It actually validates every TypeScript type cases, with strong and wide test cases. Below table is the result of such strong testing.

Besides, other libraries are not intending to safety like typia. For an example, class-validator is composed with only 16 test functions, and missing most type cases. I think the reason why class-validator fails in the most type case is that, it does not have enough test cases.

Components typia TypeBox ajv io-ts zod C.V.
Easy to use
Object (simple)
Object (hierarchical)
Object (recursive)
Object (union, implicit)
Object (union, explicit)
Object (additional tags)
Object (template literal types)
Object (dynamic properties)
Array (rest tuple)
Array (hierarchical)
Array (recursive)
Array (recursive, union)
Array (R+U, implicit)
Array (repeated)
Array (repeated, union)
Ultimate Union Type

C.V. means class-validator


About performance, typia is the fastest library in the world.

As you know, typia generates dedicated validation codes for each types. And those codes are optimized considering characteristics of v8 engine (especially about hidden class). Below graphes are the result of such optimization.


Validation is 20,000x faster than class-validator


JSON serialization is 200x faster than class-transformer

server performance

Such performance even affects to the server side -> 30x up

Monaco Editor

I think there would be someone who are interested in the way to build the playground website. For such people, I'll introduce how I did it shortly.

At first, I've made typia playground website through monaco editor. It is a web-based single-file editor, and supports TypeScript laugnage with external node_modules. As you can see in typia playground website, it even supports auto-completion with type-hints like VsCode.

As you know, typia performs AoT (Ahead of Time) compilation and generates dedicated validation codes for each TypeScript types. Therefore, I combined above monaco editor with bundled typia and typescript modules. Also, for auto-completion with type hints, I've hard copied d.ts (definition) files of typia into the monaco editor like below.

Reading monaco manual and referencing my key source files, you may enoughly possible to build your own playground website. Good luck!

export const RAW: [file: string, content: string][] = [
  ["file:///node_modules/typia/package.json", typia_packageJson],
  ["file:///node_modules/typia/index.d.ts", typia_index],
  ["file:///node_modules/typia/lib/CustomValidatorMap.d.ts", typia_lib_CustomValidatorMap],
  ["file:///node_modules/typia/lib/executable/setup/ArgumentParser.d.ts", typia_lib_executable_setup_ArgumentParser],
  ["file:///node_modules/typia/lib/executable/setup/CommandExecutor.d.ts", typia_lib_executable_setup_CommandExecutor],
  ["file:///node_modules/typia/lib/executable/setup/FileRetriever.d.ts", typia_lib_executable_setup_FileRetriever],
  ["file:///node_modules/typia/lib/executable/setup/PackageManager.d.ts", typia_lib_executable_setup_PackageManager],
  ["file:///node_modules/typia/lib/executable/setup/PluginConfigurator.d.ts", typia_lib_executable_setup_PluginConfigurator],
  ["file:///node_modules/typia/lib/executable/typia.d.ts", typia_lib_executable_typia],
  ["file:///node_modules/typia/lib/executable/TypiaGenerateWizard.d.ts", typia_lib_executable_TypiaGenerateWizard],
  ["file:///node_modules/typia/lib/executable/TypiaSetupWizard.d.ts", typia_lib_executable_TypiaSetupWizard],
  ["file:///node_modules/typia/lib/factories/CommentFactory.d.ts", typia_lib_factories_CommentFactory],
  ["file:///node_modules/typia/lib/factories/ExpressionFactory.d.ts", typia_lib_factories_ExpressionFactory],
  ["file:///node_modules/typia/lib/factories/IdentifierFactory.d.ts", typia_lib_factories_IdentifierFactory],
for (const [file, content] of RAW)

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Top comments (11)

devgancode profile image
Ganesh Patil

Interesting Stuff. ✨

g33knoob profile image

Noted, seem interesting
Anyway can i use typia for js based project? Like joi validator,very interesting if you can make the tutorial too

samchon profile image
Jeongho Nam

Only possible in TypeScript with strictNullChecks option.

mindplay profile image
Rasmus Schultz

How does this compare to something like ?

samchon profile image
Jeongho Nam • Edited

This is my answer. It does not perform enough test, therefore stability is not ensured

guridocodigo profile image
Guri do Código • Edited

Image description

I really liked the library.
however, as I found it not very intuitive and apparently there are many methods that seem to do very similar things, I had a hard time understanding the use of each one.

So I decided to document the differences and create tests for Typia, at least the ones I think are most necessary for me.

The tests that I will do will follow the table sent.

michael_bhavel profile image
Michael Bhavel • Edited

Thanks for sharing, very interesting and helpful for me.
Can Typia be used for a JavaScript project? I'm particularly curious if it can be used as a Joi authenticator.

samchon profile image
Jeongho Nam

Only possible in TypeScript. If you want to utilize it JS, only possible when importing an external module built by TypeScript.

elanza48 profile image

Currently using zod. Will tryout this lib. Tnx!

idodidodi profile image
Ido Ayal

Sounds amazing. Can you give an example how this is used inside a project or a real life example?

samchon profile image
Jeongho Nam

In real life, typia often be used by NestJS with nestia