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Jeongho Nam
Jeongho Nam

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[Typia] 15,000x faster TypeScript Validator and its histories

Renamed to Typia

Hello, I'm developer of typescript-json typia.

In nowadays, I've renamed typescript-json library to typia, because the word "JSON" no more can represent it. Key feature of typia had been changed from faster JSON stringify function to superfast validation function. Furthermore, typia has started supporting Protocol Buffer (in alpha version, not regular feature yet).

Introducing such package renaming from typescript-json to typia, I will tell you which changes had been occured during six months. Lots of interesting features and improvements have been happened.

What typia is:

export function is<T>(input: unknown | T): input is T; // returns boolean
export function assert<T>(input: unknown | T): T; // throws TypeGuardError
export function validate<T>(input: unknown | T): IValidation<T>; // detailed

export function equals<T>(input: unknown | T): input is T;
export function assertEquals<T>(input: unknown | T): T;
export function validateEquals<T>(input: unknown | T): IValidation<T>;

export function application<T>(): IJsonApplication; // JSON schema
export function assertParse<T>(input: string): T; // type safe parser
export function assertStringify<T>(input: T): string; // safe and faster
    // +) isParse, validateParse 
    // +) stringify, isStringify, validateStringify

typia is a transformer library of TypeScript, supporting below features:

  • Super-fast Runtime Validators
  • Safe JSON parse and fast stringify functions
  • JSON schema generator

All functions in typia require only one line. You don't need any extra dedication like JSON schema definitions or decorator function calls. Just call typia function with only one line like typia.assert<T>(input).

Also, as typia performs AOT (Ahead of Time) compilation skill, its performance is much faster than other competitive libaries. For an example, when comparing validate function is() with other competitive libraries, typia is maximum 15,000x times faster than class-validator.

Became 15,000x faster runtime validator library

// TypeBox was faster than Typia in here `ObjectSimple` case
export type ObjectSimple = ObjectSimple.IBox3D;
export namespace ObjectSimple {
    export interface IBox3D {
        scale: IPoint3D;
        position: IPoint3D;
        rotate: IPoint3D;
        pivot: IPoint3D;
    export interface IPoint3D {
        x: number;
        y: number;
        z: number;

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Do you remember? About a month ago, I wrote an article about TypeBox and said "I found faster vlidator library than me (in some cases)". During a month, I'd tried to understand and study the reason why.

During the studies, I found the reason why. The secret was on inlining.

When validating an instance type, typia generates functions per object type. Therefore, when a type is related with 8 object types, 8 internal functions would be generated.
However, typebox let user to decide whether to make validate function for an object type or not (by $recursiveRef flag).

Benchmark code about typebox was written by typebox author himself.

Looking at below code, you may understand what the inlining means and how typia and typebox are different. typia is generating functions per object type (Box3D and Point3d), but typebox does not make any internal function but inline all of them.

const is = (input) => {
    const $io0 = (input) =>
        "object" === typeof input.scale && null !== input.scale && $io1(input.scale) &&
        "object" === typeof input.position && null !== input.position && $io1(input.position) &&
        "object" === typeof input.rotate && null !== input.rotate && $io1(input.rotate) &&
        "object" === typeof input.pivot && null !== input.pivot && $io1(input.pivot);
    const $io1 = (input) =>
        "number" === typeof input.x && !isNaN(input.x) && isFinite(input.x) &&
        "number" === typeof input.y && !isNaN(input.y) && isFinite(input.y) &&
        "number" === typeof input.z && !isNaN(input.z) && isFinite(input.z);
    return "object" === typeof input && null !== input && $io0(input);

function Check(value) {
    return (
      (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null && !Array.isArray(value)) &&
      (typeof value.scale === 'object' && value.scale !== null && !Array.isArray(value.scale)) &&
      (typeof value.scale.x === 'number' && !isNaN(value.scale.x)) &&
      (typeof value.scale.y === 'number' && !isNaN(value.scale.y)) &&
      (typeof value.scale.z === 'number' && !isNaN(value.scale.z)) &&
      (typeof value.position === 'object' && value.position !== null && !Array.isArray(value.position)) &&
      (typeof value.position.x === 'number' && !isNaN(value.position.x)) &&
      (typeof value.position.y === 'number' && !isNaN(value.position.y)) &&
      (typeof value.position.z === 'number' && !isNaN(value.position.z)) &&
      (typeof value.rotate === 'object' && value.rotate !== null && !Array.isArray(value.rotate)) &&
      (typeof value.rotate.x === 'number' && !isNaN(value.rotate.x)) &&
      (typeof value.rotate.y === 'number' && !isNaN(value.rotate.y)) &&
      (typeof value.rotate.z === 'number' && !isNaN(value.rotate.z)) &&
      (typeof value.pivot === 'object' && value.pivot !== null && !Array.isArray(value.pivot)) &&
      (typeof value.pivot.x === 'number' && !isNaN(value.pivot.x)) &&
      (typeof value.pivot.y === 'number' && !isNaN(value.pivot.y)) &&
      (typeof value.pivot.z === 'number' && !isNaN(value.pivot.z))

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As you know, function calls have their own cost. Therefore, inlining may be faster than function call. However, inlining is not always faster then function call, and there is a section where performance is reversed between function calls and inlining.

typebox let users to determine by themselves through JSON schema definition, but typia can't do it, because typia generates runtime validator function automatically by only one line statement; typia.assert<T>(input).

import typia from "typia";<ObjectSimple>(input);

import { Type } from "@sinclair/typebox";
import { TypeCompiler } from "@sinclair/typebox/compiler";

const Point3D = Type.Object({
    x: Type.Number(),
    y: Type.Number(),
    z: Type.Number(),

const Box3D = Type.Object({
    scale: Point3D,
    position: Point3D,
    rotate: Point3D,
    pivot: Point3D,

TypeBoxObjectSimple = TypeCompiler.Compile(Box3D);

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Therefore, it is necessary for me to compare the pros and cons of function call and inlining, and to select an algorithm at an appropriate level. I'd changed typia code to use such inlining skill in special cases and the result was typia became 15,000x faster validator than class-validator.

From now on, typia is the fastest runtime validator library.

Is Function Benchmark

Measured on Intel i5-1135g7, Surface Pro 8

New Features

More Types

type RestArrayInTuple = [boolean, number, ...string[]];

type BuildInClassTypes = Date | Uint8Array | {...} | Buffer | DataView;

interface Templates {
    prefix: `prefix_${string | number | boolean}`;
    postfix: `${string | number | boolean}_postfix`;
    middle: `the_${number | boolean}_value`;
        | `the_${number | "A" | "B"}_value`
        | boolean
        | number;
    ipv4: `${number}.${number}.${number}.${number}`;
    email: `${string}@${string}.${string}`;

type Join<K, P> = K extends string | number
    ? P extends string | number
        ? `${K}${"" extends P ? "" : "."}${P}`
        : never
    : never;

type Prev = [never, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];

type StringPathLeavesOf<O, F = "^%#&$!@", D extends number = 4> = [D] extends [
    ? never
    : O extends object
    ? {
          [K in keyof O]-?: O[K] extends F
              ? never
              : Join<K, StringPathLeavesOf<O[K], F, Prev[D]>>;
      }[keyof O]
    : "";

type TypeOfPath<
    Schema extends { [k: string]: any },
    S extends string,
    D extends number = 4,
> = [D] extends [never]
    ? never
    : S extends `${infer T}.${infer U}`
    ? TypeOfPath<Schema[T], U, Prev[D]>
    : Schema[S];

    like: 2,
    notLike: 3,
    substring: 4,
    startsWith: 5,
    endsWith: 6,
    or: 2,
    and: 3,
    not: 4,

type ValueType =
    | "stringToString"
    | "stringToNumber"
    | "stringOrNumber"
    | "numberArray"
    | "array";
type PathType<
    TableSchema extends { [k: string]: any } | undefined,
    Type extends ValueType,
    Columns extends
        | Array<
              TableSchema extends undefined
                  ? string
                  : StringPathLeavesOf<TableSchema>
        | undefined = undefined,
    ColumnsExclude extends
        | Array<
              TableSchema extends undefined
                  ? string
                  : StringPathLeavesOf<TableSchema>
        | undefined = undefined,
> = Exclude<
    Columns extends any[]
        ? Columns extends Array<infer T>
            ? T
            : never
        : Type extends "stringToString"
        ? StringPathLeavesOf<TableSchema, number | boolean>
        : Type extends "stringToNumber"
        ? StringPathLeavesOf<TableSchema, string | boolean>
        : StringPathLeavesOf<TableSchema>,
    ColumnsExclude extends Array<infer T> ? T : undefined

type FilterBy<
    Operations extends { [k: string]: any },
    Type extends ValueType,
    TableSchema extends { [k: string]: any } | undefined = undefined,
    Columns extends
        | Array<
              TableSchema extends undefined
                  ? string
                  : StringPathLeavesOf<TableSchema>
        | undefined = undefined,
    ColumnsExclude extends
        | Array<
              TableSchema extends undefined
                  ? string
                  : StringPathLeavesOf<TableSchema>
        | undefined = undefined,
    Path extends PathType<
    > = PathType<TableSchema, Type, Columns, ColumnsExclude>,
> = TableSchema extends undefined
    ? {
          operation: keyof Operations;
          column: Columns extends any[]
              ? Columns extends Array<infer T>
                  ? T
                  : never
              : string;
          value: Type extends "numberArray"
              ? [string | number, string | number]
              : Type extends "array"
              ? Array<string | number>
              : Type extends "stringToString"
              ? string
              : Type extends "stringToNumber"
              ? string
              : string | number;
    : {
          [key in Path]: {
              operation: keyof Operations;
              column: Columns extends any[]
                  ? Columns extends Array<infer T>
                      ? T
                      : never
                  : key;
              value: Type extends "numberArray"
                  ? [
                        TypeOfPath<Exclude<TableSchema, undefined>, key>,
                        TypeOfPath<Exclude<TableSchema, undefined>, key>,
                  : Type extends "stringToString"
                  ? string
                  : Type extends "stringToNumber"
                  ? string
                  : Type extends "array"
                  ? Array<TypeOfPath<Exclude<TableSchema, undefined>, key>>
                  : TypeOfPath<Exclude<TableSchema, undefined>, key>;

type Filter<
    TableSchema extends { [k: string]: any } | undefined = undefined,
    Columns extends
        | Array<
              TableSchema extends undefined
                  ? string
                  : StringPathLeavesOf<TableSchema>
        | undefined = undefined,
    ColumnsExclude extends
        | Array<
              TableSchema extends undefined
                  ? string
                  : StringPathLeavesOf<TableSchema>
        | undefined = undefined,
    D extends number = 4,
> = [D] extends [never]
    ? never
          | FilterBy<
          | {
                [k in keyof typeof FILTER_CONDITION_MAPPING]?: Filter<

type Test555 = Filter<{
    aa: number;
    bb: { xx: number; yy: string };
    cc: string;

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After introducing typia (typescript-json at that time), many users (maybe?) started using it and wrote lots issues for bug reportings or new feature suggestions, too. Resolving issues for six months, typia became much stronger for TypeScript types.

For six months of improvements, typia could support template literal types and built-in class types like Uint8Array. Sometimes, bug from horrible types like "Array rest parametrized tuple type" or "endless recursive and conditional types" had been reported.

Anyway, I'd enhanced and resolved all of those issues, and now I say that "typia supports every TypeScript type, with confidence. Of course, the word "every TypeScript type" could be broken in any time, but it is not now (maybe).

Comment Tags

Some users requested typia to support much more types even TypeScript does not support.

To response to their inspirations, I'd studied solution for a while and found a good way at the right time. It is extending typia's spec through comment tags. For an example, JavaScript does not support integer type, but typia can validate the integer type through @type int comment tag.

Below is an example using such comment tags. Although those comment tags are written as a comment, but they're compile time safe. If wrong grammered comment tags being used, typia will generate compilation error, therefore no need to worry about runtime error by mistakes.

export interface TagExample {
    /* -----------------------------------------------------------
    ----------------------------------------------------------- */
     * You can limit array length like below.
     * @minItems 3
     * @maxItems 10
     * Also, you can use `@items` tag instead.
     * @items (5, 10] --> 5 < length <= 10
     * @items [7      --> 7 <= length
     * @items 12)     --> length < 12
     * Furthermore, you can use additional tags for each item.
     * @type uint
     * @format uuid
    array: Array<string|number>;

     * If two-dimensional array comes, length limit would work for 
     * both 1st and 2nd level arrays. Also using additional tags 
     * for each item (string) would still work.
     * @items (5, 10)
     * @format url
    matrix: string[][];

    /* -----------------------------------------------------------
    ----------------------------------------------------------- */
     * Type of number.
     * It must be one of integer or unsigned integer.
     * @type int
     * @type uint
    type: number;

     * You can limit range of numeric value like below.
     * @minimum 5
     * @maximum 10
     * Also, you can use `@range` tag instead.
     * @range (5, 10] --> 5 < x <= 10
     * @range [7      --> 7 <= x
     * @range 12)     --> x < 12
    range: number;

     * Step tag requires minimum or exclusiveMinimum tag.
     * 3, 13, 23, 33, ...
     * @step 10
     * @exclusiveMinimum 3
     * @range [3
    step: number;

     * Value must be multiple of the given number.
     * -5, 0, 5, 10, 15, ...
     * @multipleOf 5
    multipleOf: number;

    /* -----------------------------------------------------------
    ----------------------------------------------------------- */
     * You can limit string length like below.
     * @minLength 3
     * @maxLength 10
     * Also, you can use `@length` tag instead.
     * @length 10      --> length = 10
     * @length [3, 7]  --> 3 <= length && length <= 7
     * @length (5, 10) --> 5 < length && length < 10
     * @length [4      --> 4 < length
     * @length 7)      --> length < 7
    length: string;

     * Mobile number composed by only numbers.
     * Note that, `typia` does not support flag of regex,
     * because JSON schema definition does not support it either.
     * Therefore, write regex pattern without `/` characters and flag.
     * @pattern ^0[0-9]{7,16} 
     *     -> RegExp(/[0-9]{7,16}/).test("01012345678")
    mobile: string;

     * E-mail address.
     * @format email
    email: string;

     * UUID value.
     * @format uuid
    uuid: string;

     * URL address.
     * @format url
    url: string;

     * IPv4 address.
     * @format ipv4
    ipv4: string;

     * IPv6 address.
     * @format ipv6
    ipv6: string;

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Preparing Protocol Buffer

// Protocol Buffer message structure, content of *.proto file
export function message<T>(): string;

// Binary data to JavaScript instance
export function decode<T>(buffer: Uint8Array): T;
export function isDecode<T>(buffer: Uint8Array): T | null;
export function assertDecode<T>(buffer: Uint8Array): T;
export function validateDecode<T>(buffer: Uint8Array): IValidation<T>;

// JavaScript instance to Binary data of Protobuf
export function encode<T>(input: T): Uint8Array;
export function isEncode<T>(input: T): Uint8Array | null;
export function assertEncode<T>(input: T): Uint8Array;
export function validateEncode<T>(input: T): IValidation<Uint8Array>;

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In nowadays, I am developing Protocol Buffer features.

ThoseT features are not published as stable version yet, but you can experience them through dev version. Also, you can read detailed manual about those Protocol Buffer features in Guide Documents - Protocol Buffer of typia.


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syntax = "proto3";
message ObjectSimple {
    message IBox3D {
        ObjectSimple.IPoint3D scale = 1;
        ObjectSimple.IPoint3D position = 2;
        ObjectSimple.IPoint3D rotate = 3;
        ObjectSimple.IPoint3D pivot = 4;
    message IPoint3D {
        double x = 1;
        double y = 2;
        double z = 3;

Those features are suggested by my neighbor TypeScript backend developer who is suffering from Protocol Buffer development. Although there're some libraries supporting Protocol Buffer in TypeScript, but they're not so convenient.

Therefore, he suggested them hoping to implement Protocol Buffer features very easily like other typia functions can be done with only one line. Listening his opinion and sympathizing with necessity, and it seems to make typia more famous, I've accepted his suggestion.

Just wait a month, then you TypeScript developers can implement Protocol Buffer data very easily, than any other language. Also, let's make typia more famous!

Nestia - boosted up validation decorator

Nestia is a helper library set for NestJS, supporting below features:

  • @nestia/core: 15,000x times faster validation decorator using typia
  • @nestia/sdk: evolved SDK and Swagger generator for @nestia/core
  • nestia: just CLI (command line interface) tool

Developing typia and measuring performance benchmark with other competitive validator libraries, I've known that class-validator is the slowest one and its validation speed is maximum 15,000x times slower than mine, typia.

However, NestJS, the most famous backend framework in TypeScript, is using the slowest class-validator. Therefore, some TypeScript developers have identified that they're using such slowest validator on their backend system (by my previous article), and requested me to support new validation decorator for NestJS.

In response to their desire, I've made a new library @nestia/core. It provides 15,000x faster validation decorator than ordinary NestJS validator decorator using class-validator.

import { Controller } from "@nestjs/common";
import { TypedBody, TypedRoute } from "@nestia/core";

import { IBbsArticle } from "@bbs-api/structures/IBbsArticle";

export class BbsArticlesController {
     * Store a new content.
     * @param inupt Content to store
     * @returns Newly archived article
    @TypedRoute.Post() // 10x faster and safer JSON.stringify()
    public async store(
        @TypedBody() input: IBbsArticle.IStore // supoer-fast validator
    ): Promise<IBbsArticle>;

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However, as NestJS can generate swagger documents only when using the slowest class-validator decorator, I had to make a new program @nestia/sdk, which can generate swagger documents from @nestia/core decorator.

For reference, @nestia/sdk also can generate SDK (Software Development Kit) library for client developers, by analyzing backend server codes in the compliation level. If I write next article in here, subject of the new article would be this nestia and SDK library.

In fact, I had developed nestia for a long time. However, previous nestia had focused only on SDK library generation. Before typia, there had not been any consideration about developing faster validation decorator.

Therefore, only @nestia/core is the new library made by requirements from TypeScript backend developers. @nestia/sdk is just a little bit evolved version of previous nestia, to support @nestia/core.

SDK library generated by @nestia/sdk

import { Fetcher, IConnection } from "@nestia/fetcher";
import { IBbsArticle } from "../../../structures/IBbsArticle";

 * Store a new content.
 * @param input Content to store
 * @returns Newly archived article
export function store(
    connection: api.IConnection, 
    input: IBbsArticle.IStore
): Promise<IBbsArticle> {
    return Fetcher.fetch(
export namespace store {
    export const METHOD = "POST" as const;
    export function path(): string {
        return "/bbs/articles";

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Client developers can utilize it

import api from "@bbs-api";
import typia from "typia";

export async function test_bbs_article_store(connection: api.IConnection) {
    const article: IBbsArticle = await
            name: "John Doe",
            title: "some title",
            content: "some content",

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Top comments (13)

krumpet profile image
Ran Lottem

This looks great!

Does the is method support TS interfaces or just classes that exist during runtime? I ask because I played around with type guards for interfaces using code generation to create runtime representations of interfaces, and I wonder if that's something typia does.

I worked with TS in the past and now I work with Java and protocol buffers, where I also did code generation based on generated Message Java subclasses. Interesting to see what protobuf looks like in TS.

samchon profile image
Jeongho Nam

Yes, this is a transformer library generating validation script by analyzing TypeScript type. If you're wondering how typia generates protobuf message, reference test automation code.

I know automatically generated message by current typia is so ugly yet, but it would be reasonable. Also, as you are interested in protobuf, you may understand how typia implemented non-protobuf supported type through detour expression.

samchon profile image
Jeongho Nam • Edited

In another community, someone asked me the reason why such performance gap.

It's my answer and I also paste it here

"15,000x faster" is just a benchmark program result and such different is not weird considering principle of v8 optimization. It is enough reasonable and descriptable.

  1. typia performs AOT compilation through TypeScript API
  2. ajv and typebox performs JIT compilation through eval() function
  3. class-validator abuses for in statement and dynamic [key, value] allocation in every step

V8 engine optimizes object construction by converting to a hidden class and avoid hash map construction for taking advantages of static class definition. However, if for in statement or dynamic key allocation being used, v8 cannot optimize the object.

The secret of extremely slow validation speed of class-validator is on there. class-validator utilizes the un-optimizable in every process.

  1. for in statement on metadata when iterating raw data to transform
  2. dynamic allocation when transforming to a class instance
  3. dynamic statement on metadata (of decorator)
  4. for in statement when validation

For reference, ajv and typebox are using JIT compilation, generating optimized code in runtime through eval() function (or new Function(string) statement). In v8 engine, priority of optimization is the lowest and it is the principle reaon why typia is faster than such ajv and typebox libraries.

Another reason is how to optimize object accessment. You can see the detailed story about it from below link (this article)

bookra profile image

I am proud to be your first comment.
There's too much I don't understand about your post 😅

But I recognize that there is genius here. And typia will be very famous 💙🔥

raibtoffoletto profile image
Raí B. Toffoletto

great job with this library🎉 will definitely give it a try.

totaland profile image
James Nguyen • Edited

Can it replace the tsc? Very exciting project and I can't wait to try it out.

samchon profile image
Jeongho Nam

Well, this is not a project for replacing tsc (TypeScript Compiler).

morokhovskyi profile image
Morokhovskyi Roman

Thanks for the interesting material, I use ajv actively, it's definitely worth it

samchon profile image
Jeongho Nam

As I've promised, wrote an article introducing how to use typia in NestJS.

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