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Basics of Python(Part 1)

There are tons of built-in functions in python which makes it more advanced and up to date language.Python has now become on of the most used programming languages than Java or C language. Although Java is preferred in some particular coding is sides but Python is best suitable.

Some common built-in Functions of Python that you need know as a beginner and how they work is as follows:

print() function

print() function is used to print a specific block of characters.

input="Hello! I am a xyz."
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The output will look like-

Hello! I am a xyz.
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Adding strings before we print something

So here comes the question ,what is string?Strings are basically a collection of character. If we store Hello in a variable; here, variable is a collection of character and H,e,l,l,o are each a character.

If we want to add string before we print the output we can do it in the following way-

input="Hello!I am a xyz."
print("Output is:",input)
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The output will look like-

Output is:Hello!I am a xyz.
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Uppercase and lowercase function

Python recognises uppercase and lowercase characters differently.To convert a string of uppercase letters to lowercase -

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The output will look like-

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To convert a string of lowercase letters to uppercase-

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The output will look like-

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To remove unwanted space

input="hello I am xyz."
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The output will look like-

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