Hi, Today I learned about function and its types in Javascript and thought of sharing it online.
Function Declaration
function textUp(){
console.log("This is text up")
textUp(); //Function has been called
textUp(); //Function has been called
Function with Arguments
Functions are used to perform a single operation to multiple variables that can be passed as argument respectively.
//Functions with different arguments passed on
function sum(a:any,b:any){
console.log( "The Sum is" a + b)
sum(5,4); //sum function called with 5 and 4 arguments passed on where it returns 9
sum(25,11); //sum function called with 25 and 11 arguments passed on where it returns 36
Function Expression
The function can be defined with the name followed by const keyword as expression.
//Function Expression
const speak = function(){
console.log("Have a good day")
Function with Return Values
The return value will be retrieved when the function is called.
//Should return the solution when the function is called
const multiply = function(){
return "The solution is " + a*b;
Arrow Function
The arrow function is the minimal form of the normal function and it makes the code cleaner.
//Function Expression
const calcArea = function (radius){
return 3.15 * radius ** 2; //Returns the area
//Arrow Function
const calcArea = (radius)=>{
return 3.15 * radius ** 2;
calArea(5);//Returns the Area
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