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Spyros Argalias
Spyros Argalias

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Layout in CSS

This post (Layout in CSS) was originally published on Sargalias.

This article is about how to create a good layout in CSS. We'll tackle layout in CSS from a few angles, specifically:

  • Things you must know to be able to handle layout in CSS effectively.
  • Positioning between a container and its components.
  • Positioning elements belonging to a component.
  • Positioning sibling components.

The goal is to show you how to do layout in CSS in a way that's organised well for the lifetime of the project. Following these methods, you should encounter very few (if any) cascade issues in the future. The main way to manage this is by keeping components separate and decoupled from each other in terms of positioning.

So on we go.

Important considerations

Before we even start looking at the layout methods, there are some important things you need to know. We'll mention them briefly here, but you really should know these concepts fairly well for the purposes of this article. Some good resources are listed to learn more about them if you need to.

CSS components

A component is basically HTML and CSS that goes together and is counted as a standalone entity. For example a button would be a component. A widget with all the elements it contains and its functionality may be another component.

The benefit of components is that they are reusable and they can be placed anywhere on the website and still look right.

Also, if you structure your CSS well, you never have to worry about any unrelated CSS rules overriding anything in a component. You can be confident that your component will stay looking correct forever, unless you specifically make a change to it. This also goes for everything else you do in the project. A component will never be affected unless you deliberately intend to change it.

To learn more about how to code with components in mind, have a look at BEM. Other ways of getting the same effect are things like using CSS Modules, among others.


If you're going to think about layout, it is absolutely essential to know how margin-collapsing works. If you don't know it off by heart, here are the articles to look at:

Keep it in mind any time you're working on layout.

Padding vs margin

padding is part of the element. Things like the border and background depend on it.

margin is the minimum empty space away from the element.

Margin-top vs margin-bottom vs both


margin-top vs margin-bottom is only a discussion you need to worry about when you're styling base styles. Base styles are basically default styles with tag selectors and low specificity.

The classic example is a WordPress blog post page. You probably don't want to be styling that based on classes. It would be better if you just styled the elements to have the correct styles by default.

On the other hand, if you're positioning things within component, it really doesn't matter whether you use margin-bottom or margin-top. It's all contained within that component and it won't affect anything else, so you can use whatever works.


margin-top is best for when you need to style an element based on what element came before it.

For example, imagine that you want every image in a blog post to be 2rem below other elements by default, but in the case where an image is followed by another image, you want the space between them to only be 1rem.

In this case, you would have to use the selector img + img. Since combinator selectors match the last element, you would be forced to use margin-top.


img { margin-top: 2rem; }
img + img { margin-top: 1rem; }
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margin-bottom is better when something requires a specific margin-bottom, regardless of what element follows it.

For example, if you want every h2 to have a minimum space underneath it of 2rem, you would use the margin-bottom property.


h2 { margin-bottom: 2rem; }
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Using both is also acceptable. That way you can set minimum spacing both above and below each particular element.

As long as you understand how margin-collapsing works, there won't be any problem.

h2 {
  margin-top: 1rem;
  margin-bottom: 2rem;

img {
  margin-top: 2rem; // must have at least 2rem space above it
  margin-bottom: 1rem;

img + img {
    Has only 1rem above it when it's after another image.
    Margin collapsing results in just 1rem space between the two images,
    even though there is a margin-bottom of 1rem and margin-top of 1 rem.
  margin-top: 1rem;

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Variables and standardization

One very important principle to mention about layout in general, is that things should be as standardized as possible and you should have variables for common things.

For example, ideally you shouldn't be coming up with margin values based on what you think looks right at that moment. Generally, it would be much better to have your standard margin or general space value in a variable. Then you can just use that every time you need a margin.

Of course you can have multiple values, that's fine as well. Overall your website will feel much more consistent than having random values everywhere.

Refactoring into variables

You should try to refactor everything you can into global variables. My general rule of thumb is if it's used 3 times or more anywhere on the site, then I make a variable for it.

The disclaimer is that they also have to be related and it has to make sense for those things to be refactored into a single variable. It's not enough that they have the same value. Those values need to have the same meaning.

For example, imagine that you have multiple declarations of margin: 3rem;, as well as multiple declarations of padding: 3rem; in different places. These two values don't necessarily mean the same thing. One might be your common value for section margin, whereas the other one might be the padding within some hero components. Those two values shouldn't be under the same variable, because tomorrow you might want to change your section margin without changing the other value. It's important that you refactor things into variables which semantically mean the same thing. Don't refactor things because they happen to have the same value by coincidence. Refactor things that are the same value, both in value and meaning.

Where to place variables

I put every single variable in a specific file at the top of the project. That way they are all in one place and it's easy to change the look of the entire website just by changing the values of variables.

Things to refactor

The variables include almost everything, such as:

  • Spacings
  • Borders
  • Font-sizes
  • Colors
  • Shadows
  • Etc.

Refactoring things into variables is a no-brainer for CSS today. It allows you to make changes very quickly and helps keep things consistent. Particularly for layout, this consistency can really help out. It's much easier to space things if you can use a pre-set value, than to have to calculate correct spacing for elements every time.


Understanding the concepts above, we can now move onto layout. So how do you go about creating the best layout in CSS?

As mentioned above, broadly speaking, there are 3 scenarios to consider:

  • Positioning between a container and its components.
  • Positioning elements belonging to a component.
  • Positioning sibling components.

The first one is probably the trickiest one, so let's start with that.

The first one is probably the trickiest one, so let's start with that.

Positioning components within containers

Here are what (in my experience) are the best methods for positioning components within containers.

The best layout method - Decoupled containers and components

What we want

  • Components within a container shouldn't care about their positioning at all.

  • The container should position the components it contains.

This also means that containers are in charge of spacing their components away from each other properly. E.g. by using CSS grid.

  • Optionally, the components can fill up the entire area that the container provides. This isn't necessary, but it does mean that things are even more decoupled (and more fluid in terms of responsive design). However it doesn't make sense for all components to be able to stretch more than a certain size.

Why it's important

In short, if a component never cares about where it's positioned, it is completely decoupled from its container. All a component has to do is care about itself.

This means that: Any component or container can be swapped out at any time and everything will still look perfect. No need to change any CSS whatsoever.

In comparison, if a component needs to change its margin and such depending on where it is and what's around it, then it will never be completely reusable. It will always need to CSS changes before it's placed anywhere.

The problem today

The problem is that, at this moment in time, this layout method isn't possible to do with all display modes right out of the box. However, when the box alignment module level 3 is finished and implemented, it will be possible to do it with all display modes.

Right now it's possible to do it with CSS grid, but other display modes like flex and block require a workaround.


Implementation of this method is extremely simple.

Just use display: grid; on the container. This way, the container is the only thing that decides the position of the components. The gap property also replaces the margin property on the components, so they don't need any margins.

.container {
  display: grid;
  gap: 2rem;
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Consider the pen below. Note how:

  • The parent sets the positioning of the components.
  • Each component takes up the full amount of space given to it and the components are right up against the content-box of the container.

Best layout - Workaround for other display modes

For display modes flex and block, things are not as simple:

  • If there are multiple components inside a container, they will need a margin to space themselves out from their siblings, because an equivalent to the gap property doesn't exist for these display modes.
  • For the components to fill up the entire container, without any margins in-between, there will need to be an additional inner container. This inner container will provide a negative margin to counteract the margin of the components, so that the components fill up the entire space provided by the initial container.


  • Still the best layout method.


  • Requires an additional inner container for the components to fill up the entire container (which is optional).
  • Initially an unexpected way to structure your CSS. New developers in the team or less experienced developers may not understand it.


Note: These would be far easier to do in REMs. Then you wouldn't have any weird maths with percentages.

Alternative layout 1 - Container sets padding left and top, components set margin right and bottom

With this method, the container sets its padding-left and padding-top.

Components space themselves away from their siblings by setting margin-right and margin-bottom.

Container sets padding-right and padding-bottom, accounting for the margin of the components, so that the end result is symmetrical to the padding-left and padding-top.


  • A simpler and more intuitive layout than using the workaround for the decoupled containers and parent method.


  • Correct spacing strongly couples the spacing of the components and the container.
  • Components can't be switched without adjusting their positioning.
  • There may be cases where the components' margin-bottom is too large, so that there is far more space at the bottom of the container than the padding-top covers. In that case, you'll either have to use an inner container (just like with the decoupled containers and parent workaround), or you'll have to rely on margin-collapsing to make the components fill up the entire container.


Note: These would be far easier to do in REMs. Then you wouldn't have any weird maths with percentages.

Alternative layout 2 - Container weakly selects immediate components

With this method, the container selects their immediate components without increasing the specificity of the selector. (Low specificity is paramount if you want to have CSS that won't spiral out of control and destroys your project. There isn't a single CSS methodology out there that advocates high specificity.)


  • The container sets the spacing of components. This means that at least the component doesn't need to care about its positioning, so it doesn't need to alter its CSS to account for whatever spacing it might need. It's all done by the parent.
  • Selector specificity is not increased.


  • The components must not have margins themselves, otherwise you'll have cascade issues.
  • This method sets the margins of all components to be exactly the same. You can't pick and choose different margins for different components. This means that you can't space different components different if that's what's needed.
  • If the container has multiple siblings and it needs them spaced out, it will need to put a margin on them. This means that the components won't take up the entire space of the container unless an inner container is used.


.container > * { margin: 1rem; }
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Alternative layout 3 - Container strongly selects components

With this method the container directly selects its components and sets their spacing.

The container can use any number of selectors and pseudo-classes it needs.


  • Can target any of the components and set different margins on them.


  • Everything from alternative layout 2, except that you can space individual components differently.
  • Specificity is increased (which is probably the worst thing possible in CSS).


.container {
  .component { margin: 1rem }
  .component:last-child { margin: 2rem }
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So which layout method should you pick?

  • Can you use display: grid; on the container? If so, pick the decoupled container and components method with grid.

For everything else, as with many things in programming, you'll have to pick your poison (the method which is the least bad).

  • Are you happy taking on the extra step of having to use an intermediary container for your layouts? If so, use the decoupled container and components method with the workaround.
  • Are you happy having to recalculate the spacings on your components and containers when you use them? If so, pick alternative layout 1 method.
  • Can you access the components from the container and not get into trouble with the cascade? If so, pick alternative layout 2 method.
  • And when accessing components from the container, do you need to space some components one way and some another way? If so pick alternative layout 3 method and beware specificity creep in your project.

Positioning siblings within a single component

This is much simpler than positioning between containers and components because:

  • Components are self-contained. They do not affect anything else outside of the component.
  • Elements belonging to a component are not decoupled from each other. They expect those other elements to be there and may depend upon them.

Overall, this means that you can use any method you want to style a component correctly. Nothing needs to be decoupled.

So if you can use the methods mentioned above for keeping containers and components separate, feel free to do so, but any other method should be absolutely fine.

Positioning sibling components

This can be an interesting case.

Technically, this situation is exactly the same as the container and components scenario, because everything has a parent container. At the very highest level it's the body element.

This means that the ideal solutions are already discussed in the container and components section.

However, for very high level components (like things nested immediately under the body element, such as the website header or footer), it may be fine to just give them a margin-bottom or margin-top and be done with it.

After all, making the body element decide the margin for the header and footer doesn't provide any benefit here. It's not like those components will be moved and used elsewhere like normal components.

Final note

A final note to keep in mind is that, above all else, you write CSS to make things look the way you want them to look. You also need to write your CSS in a way that it's easy to maintain in the future.

In the end the layouts mentioned here are just suggestions, not hard rules. There will definitely be cases where they're not optimal and where it makes more sense to use something else or break some of the concepts mentioned here. Be pragmatic and think about what makes the most sense to use at any time in your project.

However, I hope that knowing of these layout methods expands your "layout vocabulary" and that the explanations behind why they're useful hopefully show you some concepts that are good to be aware of.

Also if you have any other layout methods you like, please share in the comments.

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