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Sarmin Akter Dipty
Sarmin Akter Dipty

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Arguments and Parameters,Generator Functions

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Arguments and Parameters
In the following code block, you will create a function that returns the cube of a given number, defined as x:

The x variable in this example is a parameter—a named variable passed into a function. A parameter must always be contained in a variable and must never have a direct value.
Now take a look at this next code block, which calls the cube function you just created:

// Invoke cube function cube(10)
This will give the following output:
In this case, 10 is an argument—a value passed to a function when it is invoked. Often the value will be contained in a variable as well, such as in this next example:

// A
ssign a number to a variable const number = 10 // Invoke cube function cube(number)
This will yield the same result:
If you do not pass an argument to a function that expects one, the function will implicitly use undefined as the value:
// Invoke the cube function without passing an argument cube()
This will return:

Generator Functions

A generator function is a function that returns a Generator object, and is defined by the function keyword followed by an asterisk (*), as shown in the following:

// Generator function declaration function* generatorFunction() {}

Occasionally, you will see the asterisk next to the function name, as opposed to the function keyword, such as function generatorFunction(). This works the same, but function is a more widely accepted syntax.

Generator functions can also be defined in an expression, like regular functions:
// Generator function expression const generatorFunction = function* () {}

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