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Sarthak Pant
Sarthak Pant

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Unveiling the Power of Virtual DOM for Efficient UI Rendering

React's Virtual DOM is a key concept that contributes to the efficiency and performance of React applications. It's an abstraction of the actual DOM (Document Object Model) and serves as an intermediary layer between the application's logic and the browser's rendering engine.

Virual Dom

Here's an overview of how the React Virtual DOM works:

  1. Real Dom vs Virtual Dom:

    • Real DOM: The actual DOM is a tree-like structure that represents the structure of HTML elements in a document.
    • Virtual DOM: React creates a lightweight copy of the real DOM known as the Virtual DOM. It's a JavaScript representation of the actual DOM.
  2. Component Rendering:

    • When a React component renders, it doesn't directly update the real DOM.
    • Instead, React generates a virtual representation of the UI using JSX (JavaScript XML) syntax.
  3. Virtual DOM Reconciliation:

    • After each render, React compares the new virtual DOM with the previous one, using a process called "reconciliation."
    • React determines the minimal number of steps needed to update the real DOM to match the new virtual DOM.
  4. Diffing Algorithm:

    • React employs a reconciliation algorithm to efficiently update the real DOM. This process involves comparing the new and previous virtual DOM trees.
    • React's "diffing" algorithm optimizes this comparison by minimizing the number of updates required.
  5. Diffing Steps:

    • React compares the old and new virtual DOM trees, looking for differences at the top level.
    • It identifies changes, additions, or removals of components and their respective properties.
    • The algorithm efficiently narrows down the differences to the minimal set of operations required.
  6. Reconciliation Process:

    • Once the differences are identified, React constructs a "diff" or "change" set.
    • This set contains the specific changes needed to update the real DOM.
  7. Updating the Real DOM:

    • React applies the changes from the diff set to the real DOM in a process known as "reconciliation."
    • This process is much more efficient than directly manipulating the entire real DOM.
  8. Batched Updates:

    • React often performs updates asynchronously and batches multiple updates into a single operation.
    • This helps in avoiding unnecessary reflows and repaints, improving overall performance.
  9. Performance Benefits:

    • The Virtual DOM allows React to minimize the impact on the actual DOM, resulting in improved performance and responsiveness.
    • By selectively updating only the necessary parts of the DOM, React reduces the computational cost of rendering.

In summary, the React Virtual DOM is a crucial optimization technique that enhances the performance of React applications by efficiently updating the real DOM. It minimizes the number of operations required to reflect changes in the UI, resulting in a smoother and more responsive user experience.

Top comments (2)

bhavya966 profile image
Bhavya Aggarwal


sarthakpant772 profile image
Sarthak Pant

Thanx you