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Sarvesh Patil
Sarvesh Patil

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10 Reasons Why Next.js is the Superior Choice over create-react-app for Your Next Project


Are you a front-end developer looking for the best framework for your next project? If you’re considering React, you might be wondering whether to use create-react-app or Next.js. While create-react-app is a popular option, Next.js has several advantages that make it the superior choice

So what is Next.js?

Next.js is an open-source framework built on top of React that provides out-of-the-box server-side rendering, static site generation, and other features to help improve website performance and SEO. It’s flexible and can be used for a wide range of projects, from simple websites to complex applications. Next.js is easy to use, has a large and active community of developers, and is maintained by Vercel, a cloud platform for building and deploying websites and applications.

How server-side rendering faster than client-side rendering?

Server-side rendering is faster than client-side rendering because the server sends a pre-rendered page to the user’s browser instead of waiting for the browser to download and execute JavaScript code to build the page. This results in faster load times, better search engine optimization (SEO), and improved user experience. Next.js makes server-side rendering easy by providing built-in tools and configuration options to help developers optimize the rendering process.

10 reasons why you should use Next.js for your next project

  1. Server-Side Rendering Next.js provides built-in support for server-side rendering, allowing you to pre-render pages on the server and deliver them to the client as HTML, which can improve website performance and SEO. Server-side rendering also makes your website more accessible to users with slow or unreliable internet connections, as it can reduce the amount of time needed to load pages.
  2. Static Site Generation Next.js allows you to generate static HTML pages at build time, which means that your website can be delivered faster and more securely, with fewer server requests. This can be especially useful for websites with static content, such as blogs or portfolios.
  3. API Routes Next.js makes it easy to create API routes without the need for a separate backend server. This feature can be used to retrieve data from a database, access external APIs, or perform any other server-side logic that your website requires.
  4. Automatic Code Splitting Next.js automatically splits your code into smaller chunks, which can speed up your website’s load times. This feature is especially useful for larger projects that require more code, as it can prevent users from having to download the entire website at once.
  5. Improved Routing Next.js provides improved routing capabilities, including dynamic routes and client-side navigation. With dynamic routes, you can create URLs that match a specific pattern, such as /blog/[slug], which can be used to display different content depending on the URL. Client-side navigation allows users to navigate between pages without reloading the entire website, which can improve user experience.
  6. Image Optimization Next.js automatically optimizes images for faster load times and better user experience. This includes features such as lazy loading, which can delay the loading of images until they are needed, and responsive images, which can be resized based on the size of the user’s device.
  7. TypeScript Support Next.js has excellent support for TypeScript, a typed superset of JavaScript that can help improve code quality and reduce bugs. TypeScript provides advanced features such as type checking and interfaces, which can help catch errors before they occur.
  8. Customizable Configuration Next.js allows you to customize its configuration to fit your specific needs. This includes options such as adding custom webpack loaders or configuring the server to use a specific middleware.
  9. Large and Active Community Next.js has a large and active community of developers, who are constantly sharing their experiences and best practices. This can be useful for getting help with specific issues, learning new techniques, or staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the framework.
  10. Easy Deployment Next.js provides easy deployment options, including deployment to Vercel, a cloud platform that specializes in serverless and Jamstack applications. This can make it simple to get your website up and running, without having to worry about server configuration or infrastructure management.

How to get started?


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Top comments (1)

codeofrelevancy profile image
Code of Relevancy

Next.js is a next level tool. Vite.js and Solid.js are great too..
Thanks for this article