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Why do some developers listen to music while they code?

I want my environment to be silent while programming. Listening to music actually deviate from what I'm doing. I wonder how it helps some. :-)

Oldest comments (53)

grhegde09 profile image

I listen to music with no vocals. That does not need me to focus on the music and acts like background white noise. This helps me focus on the job at hand. I can avoid hearing people talking and getting distracted. It is a noisy kind of silence!

a_reiterer profile image
Andreas Reiterer

Yep, I second this.
I also listen to music that fits my current mood (either I need some motivating, pushing fast paced music or slow, calm, maybe classical) but always without vocals.

Some time ago I realized it also works if I just turn on some white noise (there is a Rainstorm Playlist on Spotify 😂) to avoid being distracted by other peoples conversations or other noise.

chrisvasqm profile image
Christian Vasquez

Would you mind sharing your playlist? I've been thinking about doing the same thing.

ripsup profile image
Richard Orelup

Not sure if this is the one that he is referring to but it is one that I follow.

grhegde09 profile image
soupwaylee profile image
Stefan Su (he/him) • Edited

I though I'd share mine as well. It's a collection of Chillhop pieces I like. I always listen to those when I'm programming / studying. It helps me to block out the surroundings.

katzy687 profile image
Natti Katz

If I'm learning something new, silence. If I'm doing something that I already know how to do, I listen to music to kind of get in a flow.

bartude profile image

In my situation, I work in a kind of noisy environment, so I hear music to abstract myself from all the talking and laughing and whatnot. I mostly hear music I already know, and that's more rock, pop, hip-hop etc... to help me get in the mood. If I'm focused working, normally after one or two songs I get so into "the zone", that when I'm out, the playlist is over :p

equan profile image
Equan P. • Edited

I listen to the music while coding mostly to adapt with noisy environment and i believe that in the long term it can help me to maintain my focus in any environment.

raventhedev profile image
Chris Raven

As a "developer" (Read: Junior person who knows barely anything at this point), and an individual with Autism, music my way of drowning out unexpected noises. When there are people talking, or noises occurring around me , I will inadvertently attempt to isolate and figure out what those noises are. With music (Mainly stuff that I know the lyrics to) I don't focus on that, since I know what the noise is. It leaves me to concentrate on my problem solving.

ahoseinian profile image
Amir Hoseinian

I do it because the headset keeps my ears warm in our cold office!

chrisvasqm profile image
Christian Vasquez

This. So much this!

totiiimon profile image

I like to hear music when I program and when I study, mostly instrumental but sometimes I can deal with vocals if I'm not much into the lyrics (If I'm I could fall into the song and just not do anything (?) )

This is something that depends on the person, I like to do it while I do those things because it makes me feel more comfortable, also I work in my home and sometimes my family is too noisy and its just better to hear to something pleasant when you're trying to concentrate on a problem. I give you the studying too because its other thing that requires concentration and there's lots of people that just can't deal with music while they study too.

ardennl profile image
Arden de Raaij

I also mostly listen to music without vocals when I'm developing, unless I'm doing grunt work. It gets me into a nice flow. Sometimes the music I make really jives with what I'm creating on screen and somehow it's really motivating. I mostly listen faux 80's synthpop while developing so I can feel like I'm a montage, but when I'm in a really pretentious mood I like some classical music as well (mostly string quartets / piano trio's because I find a whole orchestra to bombastic).

jfrankcarr profile image
Frank Carr

Words like violence
Break the silence
Come crashing in
Into my little world

I listen to music mainly because it blocks out distractions and keeps me focused. I know this doesn't work for everyone but it does for me. I also enjoy music and it helps my mood to have music going while I work.

rhymes profile image

I use music, as many others said, to block out the environment but also to just listen to music while I'm programming. Working remotely I can switch from headphones to blasting the music at loud volumes with no complaints :-D

I tend not to listen to music when I'm reading something new but it's not a rule.

I even listen to music on the subway/train while I'm reading (books) so I can concentrate better and not get distracted by other people around me.

One thing I love about the Spotify app is that when I arrive home I can just "switch" the music stream from my phone to my computer and keep listening to the same song, magic!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I listen to music that matches the attitude with which I'm coding. If it's intense, my music is intense. Casual and relaxed, the music matches.

mjyc profile image
Mike Chung

Interesting, I listen to music with a particular mood to control my attitude.

kompass profile image
Nicolas Kirchner
lucasfrota profile image
Lucas Frota

It gives rhythm while typing

aurelkurtula profile image
aurel kurtula

When what I am doing is new/complex, I either listen to this playlist created by Oliver Emberton or sometimes "Hidden figures" sound tracks!

I like Oliver's playlist as they are mostly instrumentals, so it's just noise.

However, there are time when, for some reason, you turned the music off and forget to turn it back on, even though you have the headphones on you! Does that happen to anyone else?

franky47 profile image
François Best

A list of things I listen to while coding:


  • John Hopkins
  • Steven Wilson


And many more.. anything with a good groove for coding fast without thinking, and no music at all for planning ahead without coding (whiteboard, note book).

scottshipp profile image

Ulrich Schnauss is great!