Hello developers,
In this short😂 article, we will try to understand why and how to use docker in your next project.
Why should I dockerize my project?
- Suppose, we have a new developer joining our team, rather than wasting other developers' time in setting up the project, the new member can just run
docker-compose up
and get all the services up and running🚀
There have many instances where code runs on a local machine but breaks on someone else's or in the production. It happens cuz of different versions of libraries, configs, and services like databases or cache. Docker installs all the services and runs them in an isolated environment as per the given instructions.
Docker also helps to build workflows and automation for testing and linting with CI/CD pipelines which makes it easier to deploy to production.
Note - This tutorial is not for absolute beginners but I'll still recommend reading it. If you don't have docker installed on your machine, please check it out on youtube.
App Description
Suppose your app has
Two servers running on -
- Express.js API -
- Flask API -
- Express.js API -
Two services running for Express server -
- Mongo Db -
- Redis -
- Mongo Db -
React/Next.js frontend running -
Glossary -
Containers vs Images - We can consider Images as classes of OOPs and Containers as instances of those images. Images are mostly huge files that are built based on the Dockerfile and containers are isolated environments that run instances of those images. Images are stored locally but can be pushed to the Docker registry https://registry.hub.docker.com/ to share with other members. With our example, we will build images for every server and service.
Docker compose - It's a daunting task to build and run images for every service for a bigger project. So, we use docker compose to consolidate all these docker images and make them build and run together.
Volumes - Volumes are storages used for persistence. If we don't use volumes in services like mongo DB and Redis, then all the data will be lost as soon as the container is stopped or removed and can't be accessed after running the container again.
We also use volumes to map/mirror local code/files with the code/files inside the environment so that any changes made in local code gets mirrored and the server can be rerun with tools like nodemonDockerfile - Dockerfile has the set of instructions to build the image. It's kinda like GitHub actions.
.dockerignore - This file is like .gitignore file and has a list of excluded modules and files that you don't want in your isolated environment. ex. node_modules.
FROM - FROM instruction initializes a new build stage and sets the base Image (python for flask project and node for a node-based projects). A valid Dockerfile must start with a FROM instruction. It will pull the image from the public repo (Dockerhub) if not available locally. Always try to find a lighter version of the image (ex. alpine for node.js) to lower the overall size of the image of the app.
EXPOSE - EXPOSE is used to map the port of the host to the port of the container so that we can use the same port on the localhost as written in the code.
Folder structure of the project

Dockerfiles for Services
- Flask API -
- Running flask will need python.
- set working directory inside environment (directory
will be created by docker). - copy requirements.txt file from the host into the container.
- RUN the command to install dependencies mentioned in the requirements.txt.
- Now, COPY all the remaining files inside the container.
- Set required env variables inside the container.
- Enter the final command for running the server with CMD.
Dockerfile -
FROM python:3.7-slim-buster
WORKDIR /usr/src/ai-models
COPY requirements.txt .
RUN pip3 install -r requirements.txt
COPY . .
# To use flask run instead of python main.py
CMD ["flask", "run", "--host", ""]
.dockerignore - I have used virtual environment (skip this if you haven't)
Build and Spin up the container alone - If you want to a single server, you can build the image of that server and spin up a container for that image.
a. Move into the API directory
cd flask-api
b. Build an image - Next step is to build the image with a tag(i.e name of the image) and Dockerfile location ( '.' => current directory)
docker build -t app-flask-api .
c. Run the container - Map the ports(-p) and spin up the container in detached mode (-d) to get API working
docker run -dp 5000:5000 api-flask-api
- Express API -
- Running Express will need nodejs as a base image
- Use labels to describe the image (optional)
- set working directory inside environment
- copy package.json and package-lock.json files from the host into the container
- RUN a command to install dependencies mentioned in the package.json. If you use
npm ci
, it's important to have package-lock.json file inside the environment. - Now, COPY all the remaining files inside the container.
- Set required env variables inside the container (if any or want to run it alone)
- Enter the final command for running the server with CMD
Dockerfile -
FROM node:alpine
LABEL version="1.0.0"
LABEL description="Community API server's image"
WORKDIR /usr/src/api
COPY package*.json .
# RUN yarn install --immutable
RUN npm ci
COPY . .
# CMD [ "yarn", "dev" ]
CMD [ "npm", "run", "dev" ]
.dockerignore - To avoid errors do not copy node_modules
into your container.
- React/Next.js frontend -
- React's image can be build by following the same steps as Express API.
Dockerfile -
FROM node:alpine
LABEL version="1.0.0"
LABEL description="Next.js frontend image"
WORKDIR /usr/src/web
COPY package*.json .
COPY yarn.lock .
# RUN npm ci
RUN yarn install --immutable
COPY . .
# CMD [ "npm", "run", "dev" ]
CMD [ "yarn", "dev" ]
.dockerignore - To avoid errors do not copy node_modules
into your container.
- Docker compose - We will set instructions in
file needed to spin up all the services and API containers with a single command.
- We will use version 3.8 of docker-compose file formatting
- Every image that is needed to spin up the container is a service a. Redis - cache_service (can be named anything) b. Mongo Database - db_service c. Flask API for AI models - api_models d. Express API - api_community e. Frontend web server - web
- For Redis and Mongo DB services, we will use prebuilt images from the public repository (Dockerhub). For other services, we will build the images based on the Dockerfiles that we have written.
- We will use named volumes for the persistence of the data (in Redis and Mongo DB services) and for mapping the files between host and container (in APIs and frontend). We need to create the volumes before using them inside any service.
restart = always
makes sure that services will be restarted after every crash - Mention all of the env variables under
. - By default Compose sets up a single network for your app that is shared between different services but we can specify our own custom network(here, shared_network) that could be different for different services. When we run
docker-compose up
, all the containers will join specified networks. - Hosts of the Redis and Mongo DB will not be localhost anymore but the corresponding service.
- Redis - redis://cache_service:6379
- Mongo db - mongodb://db_service:27017/db_name
- Map all the required ports, so that they can be accessible from the host
- Mention that express API
cache_service and db_service docker-compose.yml -
version: "3.8"
container_name: cache_service
image: redis:6.2-alpine
restart: always
- cache_service:/data/
- 6379:6379
- shared_network
container_name: db_service
image: mongo
restart: always
- db_service:/data/db
- 27017:27017
- shared_network
container_name: api_models
context: ./flask-api
dockerfile: Dockerfile
- ./flask-api:/usr/src/ai-models
- 5000:5000
restart: always
- shared_network
container_name: api_community
- cache_service
- db_service
context: ./express-api # Path to the directory of Express server
dockerfile: Dockerfile # name of the Dockerfile
restart: always
# Map local code to the code inside container and exclude node_modules
- ./express-api:/usr/src/api
- /usr/src/api/node_modules
- 8000:8000
- PORT=8000
- DB_URI=mongodb://db_service:27017/db_name
- REDIS_URL=redis://cache_service:6379
- ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET=12jkbsjkfbasjfakb12j4b12jbk4
- REFRESH_TOKEN_SECRET=lajsbfqjb2l1b2l4b1lasasg121
- shared_network
container_name: web
- api_community
context: ./web-app
dockerfile: Dockerfile
restart: always
- ./web-app:/usr/src/web
- /usr/src/web/node_modules
- 3000:3000
- shared_network
driver: local
driver: local
# [optional] If the network is not created, docker will create by itself
And we are done, I think
To run all the containers, go to the root directory where docker-compose.yml resides and -
docker-compose up

To stop the containers
docker-compose down
If you have made it till here, WOW
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Thanks 😎
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