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Sébastien Belzile
Sébastien Belzile

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Making Games in Rust - Part 6 - Generating a Map

For future features, we will need a bigger world to move our player in. We need a bigger map.

This article builds on top of our previous code (the code I started with can be found here) and adds an automatically generated map to our world.

Flat Floor

In, let's replace our spawn_floor method with the following code:

pub fn spawn_floor(mut commands: Commands, materials: Res<Materials>) {
    for x in 0..50 {
        add_tile(&mut commands, &materials, x as f32)

fn add_tile(commands: &mut Commands, materials: &Res<Materials>, x: f32) {
    let rigid_body = RigidBodyBundle {
        position: Vec2::new(x, -2.).into(),
        body_type: RigidBodyType::Static,
    let collider = ColliderBundle {
        shape: ColliderShape::cuboid(0.5, 0.5),
        .spawn_bundle(SpriteBundle {
            material: materials.floor_material.clone(),
            sprite: Sprite::new(Vec2::new(1., 1.)),
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Compared to our previous code, we:

  1. Moved the content of the spawn_floor function to an add_tile function.
  2. Modify the input of the add_tile function so that it receives an x coordinate as well.
  3. Modify the width of our tiles from 10 to 1 world unit.
  4. Set the x component of our rigid body to the x coordinate provided as input.

The new spawn_floor function now contains a loop which calls our add_tile function with a coordinate going from 0 to 50.

Running the game will display a flat floor of length 50.

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(Ha! Yeah! our player is also pink now)

Going Up or Down

To make this more interesting, our map should go up or down. Let's modify our add_tile function so that it takes a height as input:

fn add_tile(commands: &mut Commands, materials: &Res<Materials>, x: f32, height: u8) {
    let half_height = height as f32 / 2.;
    let rigid_body = RigidBodyBundle {
        position: Vec2::new(x, -2. + half_height).into(),
        body_type: RigidBodyType::Static,
    let collider = ColliderBundle {
        shape: ColliderShape::cuboid(0.5, half_height),
        .spawn_bundle(SpriteBundle {
            material: materials.floor_material.clone(),
            sprite: Sprite::new(Vec2::new(1., height as f32)),
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We will randomly determine the height to provide:

  1. Add the rand crate to your cargo.toml:
rand = "0.8.4"
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  1. Add a function to randomly pick an height variation:
use rand::prelude::*;
// ...
fn get_random_height_delta() -> i8 {
    let mut rng = thread_rng();
    let random_number: u32 = rng.gen_range(0..100);
    let delta = match random_number {
        0..=70 => 0,
        71..=80 => -1,
        81..=90 => 1,
        _ => 2,
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  1. Add a function to calculate the next height from the current height:
fn get_next_height(current_height: u8) -> u8 {
    let next_height = current_height as i8 + get_random_height_delta();
    return if next_height > 0 {
        next_height as u8
    } else {
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  1. Finally, modify the spawn_floor function to send a random height to the add_tile function:
pub fn spawn_floor(mut commands: Commands, materials: Res<Materials>) {
    let mut height = 1;
    for x in 0..150 {
        add_tile(&mut commands, &materials, x as f32, height);
        height = get_next_height(height)
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Running the game should render a prettier map:

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The final code is available here.

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