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Automatic Deployment using Travis-CI

I’ve been working on a NodeJS project over the last few months, and decided that I wanted to host it using Firebase and their, in my opinion, amazing suite of tools including Firebase Hosting, and Firebase Cloud Functions.

There is plenty of documentation in regards to getting started with these tools, but there was something, inconvenient, about my workflow:

Write/edit code, push code to GitHub repository, then run the command: firebase deploy , which publishes the associated directory to your Firebase app.

This was a totally fine process, except that it sucked. Then I found a Medium article about how to link your Firebase account to your Travis-CI account, and on every git push, you could automatically have Travis deploy your code.

What I think is so important about this process, is that using an app like Working Copy, or Play.js you can (almost) completely develop a website or web app using something like an iPad Pro.


I don’t know, maybe you’re not as excited about this as I am, but I think it’s pretty cool 🤷🏼‍♂️.

P.s. Travis-CI can also deploy to other services!

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