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Make the Landing Page in 90 minutes

How to make the landing page in under 90 minutes - part 1

Hello, and welcome to my awesome blog! 😊Disney

This blog is part 1, of my under 90 min YouTube tutorial where I am going to show you how you can copy the landing page only using vanilla html and css. This project also focuses heavily on flexbox, so if you want to get some practice with that then this is the perfect tutorial!

Watch the tutorial on YouTube:

In this first part, I'm showing you how to set up the html, and the styling for the mobile version of the website. In the second part I am going to show you how to make the page fully responsive and look good on desktop.

I have made a git repository that you can clone to follow along the tutorial (which I recommend)

--About me--

Hello! My name is Sebastian, and I'm a high-school student from Sweden. I have dabbled with some front-end development for the past few months. And since christmas brake finally arrived, I've decided to start a challenge for myself! I'm going to code for the coming 20 days.

I'm following the front-end career path at Scrimba and I'm currently at module 8 (Flexbox, Grid and Fetch). I started this project to get some practice with css flexbox.

By the end of the 20 days I'm hoping to have finished the front-end career path and have started with some backend Node.js development. I will be documenting my progress for the coming days, and filming myself and making tutorials on my
YouTube-channel .

It would be awesome if you would follow along me on my journey and learn with me. You can follow my blog and subscribe to my YouTube channel. And if you liked the YouTube video then it would really make my day if you left a comment or liked this post.


Keep Coding.

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