I started to work on implementing clean architecture on my Symfony projects.
You can found a first version of skeleton on Framagit at https://framagit.org/small/symfony-clean-architecture
Clean architecture implementation
The clean architectures intend to isolate business code that rarely change when technical code changing every day.
- The entities are business object
- They represent the data (at sens of business not ORM)
- They implement business rules
- The use cases are the implementation of application business process and business rules
- Use case classes
- Request
- Response
- Request
- The interface adapters
- controllers (http handling)
- gateways (interfaces)
- presenters (class that format the driver response)
- managers (database and other )
- The end level are framework and drivers
- input driver (http, message broker reception, websockets...)
- output drivers (ORM implementation, message broker messages emission, other db drivers)
- framework code
Skeleton implementation
In this implementation, we have two main directories :
- "Domain" : all application and business specific rules code
- "Infrastructure" : all technical code attached on framework and device
You are free to structure this code according to external devices
The domain directory is structured directory, representing your application :
- Interface adapters
- directory "Gateway" contains all contracts (class interface)
- directory "Controller" contains all input http managers
- directory "Manager" contains all other managers (ORM managers, services to messages brokers...)
- Presenter : classes that formalise a manager or a controller answer (for example html code)
- Applications business rules
- Request : classes that formalise requesting data for a use case
- Response : classes that formalise answer data of use case
- UseCase : classes that implements application business rules
- Entity
- Classes that implements the business rules and data organization
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