DEV Community

Sérgio Roberto Sanchez Filho
Sérgio Roberto Sanchez Filho

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New start

Today I will start two new projects. First is this one here, start registering my evolution as a developer.
Some months ago I started a course of Python and Web Developing using Django Rest Framework, and that was awesome. I learn soo much and I noticed that I want to join this area.
A few weeks ago I participate in an event of Front-End, call
"Next Level Week", introduced by Rocketseat, and I was blown away. I made the Origin trail, and that wasn't the first time I have contact with the Front-End stack, but was the first I made a project till the end, and im very proud of what I made.
Soo I decided to start my Second Project. In the same event, i will join the Impulse trail, and document some of this project. The project is a Feedback Widget, or FeedGet as the tutor said. So let's get it started!

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