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Cover image for Top React Native UI Libraries You Should Know
Serkan Bektas
Serkan Bektas

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Top React Native UI Libraries You Should Know

The need to quickly create a website using ready-made frameworks such as Bootstrap, Semantic UI, Foundation, which is one of our habits from web development, is also encountered when developing a mobile application. As someone who has been constantly following developments on React and React Native, but has not published an app on mobile yet, I have searched for quite a few UI component libraries. While watching the courses and applying what I learned, I tried 3–4 libraries even at the beginning. I wanted to share the libraries I took a look while researching on the Internet, so that you can benefit from my experiences. It is a great to look at the ready-made examples and benefit from them in order to save time and not to reconstruct the standards again and again.

Although Github stars gives preliminary information about resources, sometimes it is misleading. A library needs below features:

  • Documentation’s clarity and adequacy,
  • How much meets the need,
  • How much extra development cost it creates when developing an UI,
  • Consistency in code and design system,
  • Ease of starting to code quickly

Even though visual display of code or code preview makes our job easier, this research phase helps us a lot in making decisions.

1- React Native Elements

React Native Elements is the most popular React Native UI library at Github with 18.2K stars. A beautiful library coded with native javascript, where you can examine and inspect the component structure, especially at the beginner level. It has all the components you will need. As mentioned by the authors, React Native Elements is a library that attaches importance to component structure rather than visuality. It is the most comfortable library in terms of usage and customization. Thanks to its descriptive documentation, you can easily create cross-platform applications.


Avatar, Badge, Button, ButtonGroup, Card, CheckBox, Divider, Header, Icon, Image, Input, ListItem, Overlay, Pricing, Rating, SearchBar, Slider, SocialIcon, Text, Tile, Tooltip

React Native Web Support: Yes

Open Source: Yes

Expo Support: Yes

Language: Javascript



2- UI Kitten

UI Kitten has 6K stars and especially growing after releasing its 4th version. It is one of the most advanced UI libraries in terms of both presentation and documentation. There is a demonstration application called KittenTricks and they put many examples in the library. I preferred UI Kitten in my own application. You should definitely take a look. Library and the demo application are written in TypeScript.

UI Kitten has preferred Eva Design System as the main design system, the team added the Material Design option to the new update. It is up to you to choose the design system you want. This flexibility is a nice feature.


Theme ve Style: Application Provider, Styled Component, Themed Component

Global: Text, Layout, Card, Menu, List, Icon

Navigasyon: Top Navigation, Bottom Navigation, Drawer, View Pager, Tab View

Formlar: Input, Button, Button Group, CheckBox, Toggle, Radio, Select, Datepicker, Autocomplete

Modal & Overlay: Modal Popover Tooltip Overflow Menu

Ekstra: Avatar, Spinner, Calendar

React Native Web Support: Yes

Open Source: Yes

Expo Support: Yes

Language: TypeScript


Starter Kit:


3- React Native Paper

React Native Paper, which has successfully implemented the Material Design style guide, has 5.3K stars on Github. It has cross-platform support with React Native Web, IOS and Android. React Native Paper was created by the Callstack team, who contributed to the code development of React and React Native, and is growing day by day with open source contributing. It has a very descriptive documentation. React Native Paper is one of the most advanced libraries in this case. If you like and want to use Material Design system in your application, React Native Paper is one of the most advanced libraries in this field.


ActivityIndicator, Appbar, Avatar, Badge, Banner, BottomNavigation, Button, Card, Checkbox, Chip, DataTable, Dialog, Divider, Drawer, FAB, HelperText, IconButton, TouchableRipple, List, Menu, Modal, Portal, ProgressBar, RadioButton, Searchbar, Snackbar, Surface, Switch, TextInput, ToggleButton, Text, Subheading, Title, Paragraph, Headline, Caption

React Native Web Support: Yes

Open Source: Yes

Expo Support: Yes

Language: TypeScript



4- NativeBase

Developed by a passionate team of React lovers, Native Base is coded according to the Material Design system. NativeBase has a 13.5K stars on Github. You can easily customize it with descriptive documentation. They have put their sample applications and ready-to-publish applications on sale at NativeBase Market.

There are preset themes called Platform, Material and CommonColor. Platform theme uses settings that match theme of the platform on which the application is running. The Material theme is usable even if it is not exactly compatible with the Material Design system. The CommonColor theme is a general theme that uses design elements such as color, icon etc. used in most applications.

NativeBase can be used as a library with many customizable options, although not visually rich and ambitious.


Anatomy, Accordion, ActionSheet, Badge, Button, Card, Check Box, Date Picker, Deck Swiper, FABs, Footer Tabs, Form, Header, Icon, Layout, List, Picker, Radio Button, Search Bar, Segment, Spinner, Swipeable List, Tabs, Thumbnail, Toast, Typography, Drawer, Ref

React Native Web Support: Yes

Open Source: Yes

Expo Support: Yes

Language: Javascript


Starter Kit:


5- Galio

Galio is a UI library that is being currently developed and I follow this development process. In terms of documentation, it is the weakest compared to the top 5 libraries I wrote above. The theme settings can be easily customized, making your job easier. It has 1.9K stars on Github.


Accordion, Block, Button, Card, Checkbox, Deck Swiper, Icon, Input, NavBar, Radio, Text, Toast notification, Slider, Switch

React Native Web Support: Yes

Open Source: Yes

Expo Support: Yes

Language: Javascript


Starter Kit:


6- React Native Ant Design

It is the largest UI library to use in terms of both visual aestetics and number of UI components. Many major sites in China (Alibaba, Tencent, Baidu) use the Ant Design framework. Ant Design has a design system like Material Design and it’s so good. It seems a bit complicated to use, but this is because I am not completely used to it yet. It is a very powerful UI library with documentation and stable design system. Although Github has 1.6K stars, the main repo Ant Design has also 55K stars.

Ant Design has a very explanatory document on what and how you should use it with the components it groups in its documentation.


Layout: Flex, WingBlank, WhiteSpace

Navigation: Drawer, Popover, Pagination, SegmentedControl, TabBar, Tabs

Data Entry: Button, Checkbox, DatePickerView, DatePicker, ImagePicker, InputItem, PickerView, Picker, Radio, Switch, Stepper, Slider, SearchBar, TextareaItem

Data Display: Accordion, Badge, Carousel, Card, Grid, Icon, ListViewExperimental, List, NoticeBar, Steps, Tag

Feedback: ActionSheet, ActivityIndicator, Modal, Progress, Toast

Gesture: SwipeAction

Combination: Result

Other: Provider

React Native Web Support: Yes

Open Source: Yes

Expo Support: Yes

Language: TypeScript


Starter Kit:



Developed by the Wix team, RNUILIB has 2.1K stars. It has the richest component structure after Ant Design, which includes animated components as opposed to low Github stars.


ActionBar, ActionSheet, AnimatedImage, AnimatedScanner

Avatar, Badge, Button, Card, Carousel, Checkbox, ColorPalette, ColorPicker, ColorSliderGroup, ColorSwatch, ConnectionStatusBar

DateTimePicker, Dialog, DialogDismissibleView, Drawer, FeatureHighlight, FloatingButton, GradientSlider, Hint, Image, Incubator.TouchableOpacity, Item, KeyboardAwareListView, KeyboardAwareScrollView, ListItem, MaskedInput, NativePicker, Overlay, PageCarousel, PageControl, PanDismissibleView, PanGestureView, PanListenerView, PanResponderView, PanningProvider, Picker, ProgressBar, RadioButton, RadioGroup, ScrollBar, SharedArea, Slider, SliderGroup, SourceElement, StackAggregator, Stepper, Swipeable, Switch, TabBar, TabController, TagsInput, TargetElement, Text, TextArea, TextField, Toast, TouchableOpacity, View, Wizard, Wizard.Step

React Native Web Support: Yes

Open Source: Yes

Expo Support: Yes

Language: Javascript


Starter Kit:


8- Shoutem

Shoutem is one of the powerful UI libraries with 4.5K stars. Unlike the others, Shoutem also has a theme and animation component. It gives options to over-customize components. You can dominate almost every element of the component. This allows you to create applications quickly.


Typography, NavigationBar, DropDownMenu, ListView, GridView, Cards, Dividers, Rows, Tiles, Spinner, Buttons, Switch, Image, ImageBackground, ImagePreview, InlineGallery, ImageGallery, Icons, View, Screen, TouchableOpacity, Touchable, Headers, Overlay, TextInput, Video, Lightbox, HTML, SimpleHtml

React Native Web Support: Yes

Open Source: Yes

Expo Support: ?

Language: Javascript


Starter Kit:


9- Nachos UI

Developed by Avocode, Nachos UI has 2K stars. Although it basically has many components that are needed, it needs additional development effort on developer side. Therefore, if you like development without much intervention, Nachos UI may not be exactly what you need.


Badge, Bubble, Button, Card, Carousel, Checkbox, Gravatar, Indicator, Input, Progress, Radio, RadioGroup, SegmentedControlButton, Slider, Spinner, Switcher, TabButton, Typography, ThemeManager

React Native Web Support: Yes

Open Source: Yes

Expo Support: Yes

Language: Javascript



10- Salt UI

Salt UI has only 203 stars, it has more components than many libraries. It’s developed by software developers of Alibaba. Although there are some translations in English, documentation is mostly in Chines and that can be a problem for development. Including many components much like Ant Design; it has also advantage of live code previews and customizable component structure. The design system is coded on the basis of UX Core.


Feedback: ActionSheet, Dialog, Layer, Popover, Popup, Toast

Display: Avatar, Badge, Calendar, Carousel, Collapse, Datetime, Filter, FoldablePane, Gallery, ImageViewer, InfiniteScroll, List, Mask, Menu, NoticeBar, NumberInfo, NumberPicker, Pagination, Progress, Rate, Refresh Control, ScrollList, ScrollView, Scroller, SearchBar, Skeleton, Slide, Slot, Switch, Tab, Table, Timeline, Totop

Layout: Boxs, Card, Grid, Group

General: Button, Icon

Form: CalendarField, CascadeSelectField, CheckboxField, CitySelectField, DatetimeField, EmployeeField, Field, NumberField, PasswordInput, PhotoField, Picker, PickerField, RadioField, RateField, SelectField, Slider, SliderField, SwitchField, TagField, TextField, Textarea, TextareaField

Other: Context, Style

Navigation: Crumb, NavBar, Steps, TabBar

React Native Web Support: ?

Open Source: Yes

Expo Support: ?

Language: Javascript



11- React Native IOS Kit

It is developed in a way by the Callstack team that developed React Native Paper. RN IOS Kit may be your choice for IOS view. Although it has 300 stars.


Avatar, Button, Collection, CheckboxRow, GroupedList, Icon, InfoRow, NavigationRow, PageControl, PageControlView, ProgressBar, RowItem, SearchBar, SegmentedControl, Slider, Spinner, Stepper, Switch, SwitchRow, TabBar, TableView, TextField, TextFieldRow, Toolbar, Typography

React Native Web Support: ?

Open Source: Yes

Expo Support: Yes

Language: Javascript



12- React Native Material Kit

Another Material Design based React Native UI Library. It has 4.6K starts. It has basic components, so when developing an application, you may need to develop additional components by writing extra code for your application’s requirement.


Button, Checkbox, IconToggle, IndeterminateProgress, Progress, RadioButton, RadioButtonGroup, RangeSlider, Ripple, Slider, Spinner, Switch, Textfield

React Native Support: Yes

Open Source: Yes

Expo Support: ?

Language: Javascript



13- React-Virgin

It is not a sufficient library for your application, but a very basic kit with a boilerplate flavor. You can only know how it is done. It has 1.5K stars on Github.


Button, Chat Bubble, Pills, Input field, Loader

React Native Web Support: ?

Open Source: Yes

Expo Support: ?

Language: Javascript


14- React Native Material UI

A UI kit based on Material Design. It has 3.3K stars. The components prepared in Material Design are quite sufficient. Due to the lack of a UI kit that can meet every need, it can cause a question mark.


Avatar, Badge, Bottom Navigation, Bottom Navigation Action, Button, Card, Checkbox, Dialog, Drawer, Divider, Icon, Icon toggles, List item, Radio button, Snackbar, Subheader, Toolbar

React Native Web Support: ?

Open Source: Yes

Expo Support: ?

Language: Javascript




15- Material React Native (MRN)

It has 1.7K stars on Github. It was last updated in December 2015. Far behind other libraries.


Avatar, Button, Checkbox, CheckboxGroup, Divider, Icon, IconButton, List, RadioButton, RadioButtonGroup, Ripple, Subheader, Toolbar

React Native Web Support: ?

Open Source: Yes

Expo Support: ?

Language: Javascript



16- Carbon Native

An alternative UI library when you want to develop applications with the IOS UI Kit. It contains basic components used in IOS. Carbon Native has 200 stars.


Badge, Buttons, Card, Container, Content, Icons, List, Range, Toggle, Toolbar, Typography

React Native Web Support: Yes

Open Source: Yes

Expo Support: Yes

Language: Javascript



17- React Native Design System

A new library yet. It has 128 stars. If you wish, you can follow it’s development or contribute via Github.


ActionButton, Avatar, Badge, Button, MenuAddButton, Card, CheckBox, CircularProgressBar, FullScreenLoader, Header, Input, Box, Inline, Stack, ListItem, Overlay, RadioButton, SearchBar, Text

React Native Web Support: Yes

Open Source: Yes

Expo Support: Yes

Language: Javascript


✨ Bonus

18- Zarm

Zarm is a new library from China again which has 236 stars. It’s new and developed by ZhongAn Insurance developers. Zarm is suitable for enterprise-level research and development based on React and React-Native as the developers said. I’m not sure about the compatibility as I haven’t tried this library yet.


Data: Calendar, Checkbox, DatePicker, FilePicker, Input, Keyboard, Picker, Radio, SearchBar, Slider, Stepper, Switch

Feedback: ActionSheet, ActivityIndicator, Button, Message, Modal, Pull, SwipeAction, Toast

Data Display: Badge, Carousel, Cell, Collapse, Icon, Marquee, NoticeBar, Panel, Popper, Progress, Tooltip

Navigation: NavBar, Popup, TabBar, Tabs

Other: LocaleProvider

React Native Web Support: ?

Open Source: Yes

Expo Support: ?

Language: TypeScript




19- Magnus UI

Magnus UI is newborn UI library. It’s utility-first UI library that helps you to building consistent user interfaces effortlessly. It has more customizable modular components which you need. It is worth for following.


General: Text, Button, Icon, Image

Layout: Div

Navigation: Dropdown, Drawer, Fab

Data Entry: Checkbox, Input, Radio, Toggle, Select

Data Display: Avatar, Badge, Tag

Feedback: Modal, Overlay, Tooltip, Skeleton, Snackbar

React Native Web Support: Yes

Open Source: Yes

Expo Support: Yes

Language: TypeScript





I made a review about which UI libraries you can use before you started developing mobile applications. The key factor that will help you make a decision here is how much it benefits you with time and how little problem it will cause you in the future.

  • For a beginner, React Native Elements can be a great library. By reviewing the components of React Native Elements, you can learn how components work in React Native.
  • If you are more experienced developer on React Native, UI Kitten can be a good choice for you.
  • If you have more time to spend examine look at Ant Design
  • Salt UI, which has similar features with Ant Design and which I discovered while writing this article, is also among the libraries that should be examined.

Discovering all these libraries was a source of great satisfaction for me.

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Top comments (9)

dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim • Edited

Hi Serkan.

We encourage the entire article to be published on (if you have proper rights), with a linkback if appropriate. Otherwise, we recommend original material, such as an original commentary on the article. From the Terms of Use:

Users must make a good-faith effort to share content that is...not designed primarily for the purposes of promotion or creating backlinks. Additionally, posts must contain substantial content — they may not merely reference an external link that contains the full post.

Posts that are simply intended to encourage readers to view an external resource are discouraged.

Thank you.

serkanbektas profile image
Serkan Bektas

Hello Sung,

There were lots of posts on as i submitted. Especially, i didn't put the original post here for none duplicate content with Medium. Whatever, I changed the main content with original post. Nope.


dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

You can set the canonical_url pointing to the original article to consolidate results for duplicate posts (for SEO, Google, etc).

You can refer to the Editor Guide.

kris profile image

Thank you for this must-know list about React Native UI libraries. These libraries are definitely useful and make the development phase much easier. Many complex UI components are provided out of the box which makes React Native UI kits one of the essential elements in the React Native app development.

jsartisan profile image
Pawan Kumar

Hi, Can you add magnus ui on the list?

serkanbektas profile image
Serkan Bektas

I've added :)

jsartisan profile image
Pawan Kumar

Thanks a lot.

jsartisan profile image
Pawan Kumar

Hi, can you include on the list? I would love to see it in this list :D

tombyrer profile image
Tom Byrer

Thanks for this list!

Unfortunately your info about RNUILIB is wrong, it does not support Expo:

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