I am using Kali linux through out the whole Blog Series of Linux Basic Command to demostrate you the linux basic command.
ls Command
- ls means listing.
- This command list the files and folders in the current directory.
- you can also use (-l) flag in ls to see the list of files and folders with, at what time they are created , permission that given to them, etc.
i.e- ls -l
2.pwd Command
- to view the current directory you are working in.
3.clear Command
- clear everything on the terminal.
4.exit Command
- this command is used to close the terminal.
If you are having any problem in understanding the commands you can watch the video through the link that is given below:-
linux basic part- 00
Hope you like the 00 part of blog series of linux basic command blog.
Part 01 - Link basic part - 01
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