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What's an Open Source Project You Think Deserves More Support?

Shahed Nasser on April 07, 2022

There are many open source projects out there and a lot of them act as alternatives for popular commercial platforms. Regardless of what functional...
sherrydays profile image
Sherry Day

I think Svelte has a lot of momentum, but doesn't have quite as much support as some of its peers

Svelte is a free and open-source front end compiler created by Rich Harris and maintained by the Svelte core team members. Svelte is not a monolithic JavaScript library imported by applications: instead, Svelte compiles HTML templates to specialized code that manipulates the DOM directly, which may reduce the size of transferred files and give better client performance; application code is also processed by the compiler, inserting calls to automatically recompute data and re-render UI elements when the data they depend on is modified. This also avoids the overhead associated with runtime intermediate representations, such as virtual DOM, unlike traditional frameworks which carry out the bulk of their work at runtime, i.e in the browser. The compiler itself is written in TypeScript. Its source code is licensed under MIT License and hosted on GitHub.

k_penguin_sato profile image

Came here to write svelte as welL!

murunwas profile image

Sending some ❤️❤️❤️ to svelte team and contributors

tzwel profile image

sveltekit needs more traction

shahednasser profile image
Shahed Nasser

That is very true. I still haven’t gotten into Svelte yet (I’m planning to at some point) but I do see a lot of people talking about it

tzwel profile image
tzwel • Edited

try it, it's VERY easy and gets stuff done quickly and is very performant, that's my dream framework has an excellent tutorial about svelte (it's the official site)

if you need a framework for more complex projects (I find svelte best for SPAs) try sveltekit

Thread Thread
shahednasser profile image
Shahed Nasser

Cool thanks for the tip!

liviufromendtest profile image
Liviu Lupei • Edited

The ones that are not owned by for-profit corporations.

We all know there are 2 types of open source projects out there:

  1. The ones built by actual communities of developers.
  2. The ones built by for-profit corporations, that use it as a Lead Magnet / Honeypot.
apollo79 profile image

Solid.js and Deno in my opinion

GitHub logo solidjs / solid

A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.


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NPM Version Discord Subreddit subscribers

WebsiteAPI DocsFeatures TutorialPlaygroundDiscord

Solid is a declarative JavaScript library for creating user interfaces. Instead of using a Virtual DOM, it compiles its templates to real DOM nodes and updates them with fine-grained reactions. Declare your state and use it throughout your app, and when a piece of state changes, only the code that depends on it will rerun. Check out our intro video or read on!

Key Features

  • Fine-grained updates to the real DOM
  • Declarative data: model your state as a system with reactive primitives
  • Render-once mental model: your components are regular JavaScript functions that run once to set up your view
  • Automatic dependency tracking: accessing your reactive state subscribes to it
  • Small and fast
  • Simple: learn a few powerful concepts that can be reused, combined, and built on top of
  • Provides modern framework features like JSX, fragments, Context, Portals, Suspense, streaming…

GitHub logo denoland / deno

A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.


Build Status - Cirrus Twitter handle Discord Chat

the deno mascot dinosaur standing in the rain

Deno is a simple, modern and secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript that uses V8 and is built in Rust.


  • Secure by default. No file, network, or environment access, unless explicitly enabled.
  • Supports TypeScript out of the box.
  • Ships only a single executable file.
  • Built-in utilities.
  • Set of reviewed standard modules that are guaranteed to work with Deno.


Shell (Mac, Linux):

curl -fsSL | sh
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PowerShell (Windows):

irm | iex
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Homebrew (Mac):

brew install deno
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Chocolatey (Windows):

choco install deno
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Scoop (Windows):

scoop install deno
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Build and install from source using Cargo:

cargo install deno --locked
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See deno_install and releases for other options.

Getting Started

Try running a simple program:

deno run
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Or a more complex one:

const listener = Deno.listen({ port: 8000 });
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miguelmj profile image

Prolog interpreters!

demuirgos profile image
Ayman Bouchareb


tapuzi profile image
Itay Elbirt • Edited

Benthos. More exposure is the best you can do for it.

mhmxs profile image
Richard Kovacs • Edited

Trousseau is an open-source project leveraging the Kubernetes KMS provider framework to connect with Key Management Services the Kubernetes native way. It supports Hashicorp Vault at the moment, would be nice to support others as well, to turn Kubernetes secrets to encrypted ones for production usage.

avelino profile image
Thiago Avelino

GitHub logo avelino / moclojer

Simple and efficient HTTP mock server with specification in yaml, edn or OpenAPI



Simple and efficient HTTP mock server with specification in yaml, edn or OpenAPI.

💾 Download the binary with the latest version of moclojer to test on your computer here.

tests linter

📖 See the complete documentation for moclojer here, if you want to contribute (or complement) the documentation, it is here.

YAML example

# This mock register route: GET /hello/:username
- endpoint:
    # Note: the method could be omitted because GET is the default
    method: GET
    path: /hello/:username
      # Note: the status could be omitted because 200 is the default
      status: 200
        Content-Type: application/json
      # Note: the body will receive the value passed in the url using the
      # :username placeholder
      body: >
          "hello": "{{path-params.username}}!"
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docker run -it \
  -v $(pwd)/moclojer.yml:/app/moclojer.yml \
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💻 dev environment

We use…

sanathusk profile image
Sanath Kumar U

Lit js ( and Appwrite in my opinion.Both are great projects definitely worth trying out.

camco profile image

HASKELL is Awesome. It come be a leader with a bit more support!

avelino profile image
Thiago Avelino

GitHub logo prest / prest

PostgreSQL ➕ REST, low-code, simplify and accelerate development, ⚡ instant, realtime, high-performance on any Postgres application, existing or new


Build Status GoDoc Go Report Card codecov SourceLevel Homebrew Slack

pREST (PostgreSQL REST), simplify and accelerate development, instant, realtime, high-performance on any Postgres application, existing or new

PostgreSQL version 9.4 or higher

Contributor License Agreement - CLA assistant

pREST - instant, realtime, high-performance on PostgreSQL | Product Hunt


There is PostgREST written in Haskell, but keeping Haskell software in production is not an easy job. With this need pREST was born. Read more.

Test using Docker

To simplify the process of bringing up the test environment we will use docker-compose

# Download docker compose file
wget -O docker-compose.yml
# Up (run) PostgreSQL and prestd
docker-compose up
# Run data migration to create user structure for access (JWT)
docker-compose exec prest prestd migrate up auth

# Create user and password for API access (via JWT)
## user: prest
## pass: prest
docker-compose exec postgres psql -d prest -U prest -c "INSERT INTO prest_users (name, username, password) VALUES ('pREST Full Name', 'prest', MD5('prest'))
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vikas32567 profile image

Frappe framework -

If you wanna build an application fast which is loaded with features.. Frappe is the way to go.

ernestvonmoscow profile image

I prefer to use the term "free" instead of "open source", but here are my 5 cents.
I think that Plan9 from user space is a really underrated project. While GNU-coreutils has more programs, they are a bit bloated compared to p9

tzwel profile image

why? something can be open source and not free, and vice versa, its usage is correct and interchangable here

jimjunior profile image
Beingana Jim Junior
shahednasser profile image
Shahed Nasser

Never seen it but it looks pretty cool!

jimjunior profile image
Beingana Jim Junior

Also just came across it and liked it