What is TypeScript?
- Superset of JavaScript developed by Micrpsoft.
- Compiles to plain JavaScript.
- Easily integrated into JavaScript projects.
- Designed for development of large scale applications.
Static Type Checking
With typescript, we can check and assign variables, parameters, and function types.
TypeScript Types
- String
- Number
- Boolean
- Array
- Any
- Null
- void
- Tuple
- Enum
- Generics
Get Start using TypeScript with reactjs
To initialize project with boiler plate run this commandnpx create-react-app my-app --template typescript
With Props

- React.FC:React.FC show the Text component is functional component.
- interface Props:We are defining types there.We can also pass object(Details) to our Props
- App.tsx:We are passing everything in Text component.Missing anything will generate error
With hooks

So this was the small intro to use TypeScript with react.
Follow me on Github Shamaz Saeed
Top comments (2)
Nice π π
Start using prettier to format your code. The inconsistency triggers my code-OCD.