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My First Project - Black jack project

Hint 4: Create a deal_card() function that uses the List below to return a random card.

11 is the Ace.

import random

def deal_card():
"""Returns a random card from the deck."""
cards = [11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10]
card = random.choice(cards)
return card

Hint 6: Create a function called calculate_score() that takes a List of cards as input

and returns the score.

Look up the sum() function to help you do this.

def calculate_score(cards):
"""Take a list of cards and return the score calculated from the cards"""

#Hint 7: Inside calculate_score() check for a blackjack (a hand with only 2 cards: ace + 10) and return 0 instead of the actual score. 0 will represent a blackjack in our game.
if sum(cards) == 21 and len(cards) == 2:
return 0
#Hint 8: Inside calculate_score() check for an 11 (ace). If the score is already over 21, remove the 11 and replace it with a 1. You might need to look up append() and remove
def compare(user_score, computer_score):
#Bug fix. If you and the computer are both over, you lose.
if user_score > 21 and computer_score > 21:
return "You went over. You lose 😤"

if user_score == computer_score:
return "Draw 🙃"
elif computer_score == 0:
return "Lose, opponent has Blackjack 😱"
elif user_score == 0:
return "Win with a Blackjack 😎"
elif user_score > 21:
return "You went over. You lose 😭"
elif computer_score > 21:
return "Opponent went over. You win 😁"
elif user_score > computer_score:
return "You win 😃"
return "You lose 😤"

def play_game():
#Hint 5: Deal the user and computer 2 cards each using deal_card()
user_cards = []
computer_cards = []
is_game_over = False

for _ in range(2):

#Hint 11: The score will need to be rechecked with every new card drawn and the checks in Hint 9 need to be repeated until the game ends.

while not is_game_over:
#Hint 9: Call calculate_score(). If the computer or the user has a blackjack (0) or if the user's score is over 21, then the game ends.
user_score = calculate_score(user_cards)
computer_score = calculate_score(computer_cards)
print(f" Your cards: {user_cards}, current score: {user_score}")
print(f" Computer's first card: {computer_cards[0]}")

if user_score == 0 or computer_score == 0 or user_score > 21:
  is_game_over = True
  #Hint 10: If the game has not ended, ask the user if they want to draw another card. If yes, then use the deal_card() function to add another card to the user_cards List. If no, then the game has ended.
  user_should_deal = input("Type 'y' to get another card, type 'n' to pass: ")
  if user_should_deal == "y":
    is_game_over = True
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

#Hint 12: Once the user is done, it's time to let the computer play. The computer should keep drawing cards as long as it has a score less than 17.
while computer_score != 0 and computer_score < 17:
computer_score = calculate_score(computer_cards)

print(f" Your final hand: {user_cards}, final score: {user_score}")
print(f" Computer's final hand: {computer_cards}, final score: {computer_score}")
print(compare(user_score, computer_score))

Hint 14: Ask the user if they want to restart the game. If they answer yes, clear the console and start a new game of blackjack and show the logo from

while input("Do you want to play a game of Blackjack? Type 'y' or 'n': ") == "y":


Top comments (2)

solrod profile image

Hi,iI was curious reading your code to see how you solved challenge, I have been making a blackjack game myself on my Codecademy portfolio project.
Nice work

shameem profile image

I use a video content in udemy course 😃