
Should I start learning React or is it too late ???

Sham Gurav on April 23, 2022

thi3rry profile image
Thierry Poinot • Edited

It's never too late, if you are a js dev, you must one day, work on a react project.
Like Vue or angular.
Learning the 3 let you choose which one you prefer ;) and learn you a lot of things about VanillaJS

shamgurav96 profile image
Sham Gurav

Thanks Thierry ✌️ . I was just avoiding learning react but I will not do that anymore.

davidwilliam_ profile image
David William Da Costa

i agree with you, better we learn about vanilla js before using library/framework.because, if you had basic about vanillajs its easy to you understand why you using framework.

arrefl profile image
Ariel Reyes

React is not everything.
Is you can program anything will be a problem.

lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr

React is still very prevalent in the business world, so if you want to learn something that gets you employed, it's a sensible choice.

Still, react suffers from a few unfortunate design decisions. To their credit, the react maintainers work hard to improve their library while remaining backwards compatible. That gives some other frameworks an edge over react, which is only partially compensated by a thriving ecosystem.

spaboi profile image

Nah bro. You’re never late to learn for anything. Learning can be done anywhere anytime. And just to mention React is an amazing app developing framework so it’s a really good place to start mastering a fundamental framework of the development community. So nope. You’re just in time.

jordandev profile image
Jordan Jaramillo

It's never too late to start, personally if you already master js you can start learning reactJS it's a very good library and highly demanded currently I recommend it because they send me messages on linkedin every day for react developer positions then you could learn nextJS it's also very defendant.

shamgurav96 profile image
Sham Gurav

Thanks for your advice. I'll start to learn react and then next.js . Afterall both of them based on JavaScript only so it'll not be that hard I guess.

taepal467 profile image
Chantae P.

No it's not too late. I myself am learning how to code and have yet to learn about ReactJS. Once I have the fundamentals down of JavaScript, then I will learn about React.

pearce profile image

Learning to code also! React and now Next js. I really dig the component driven approach, it's a nice easy mental model to get into. Been looking at Storybook as well to power up the development/design side of things.

philliprichdale profile image
Phillip Richdale

If you want to do VDOM stuff, make money with it and focus on one Toolkit only, then learn React. It has it's downsides, but it's the leader in use and ecosystem and will only become obsolete when VDOM libraries disappear alltogether. ... Which actually might start happening soon.

If you want to skip VDOM solutions for the render side of things, use JS template literals with libraries such as lit or HyperHTML. Those use the newest browser features and don't need VDOM anymore and thus are notably faster and leaner. But they're not all that popular just yet and may find replacement by completely native webcomponent features. They also may lack extended integration with other features such as routing or extended state handling.

gass profile image
Gass • Edited

Why would it be late? React from my point of view is easier to learn now than a couple of years ago due to the introduction of hooks.

It takes time to get good at it though. I would say about a year. It may seem easy at the beggining but as you do more stuff you start to discover how little you actually know.

More than anything React is fun, intuitive and by far my favorite front-end library. I would recommend it to any developer.

skylersaville profile image
Skyler Saville

I’ve been a Vue dev for 4+ years. It’s just how my brain works now. I recently started working with React. Sure, there are things in React that I was like, β€œwhat?!”, but overall it’s like eating a different flavor of ice cream. I love ice cream either way. It was surprisingly easy to pick up on things, enough that I decided to go rogue after reading a little bit of documentation. Have fun, break stuff, learn and progress… it’s the dev way! πŸ˜…

joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR πŸ₯‡

Hope this answers the question:

gerson_dev profile image
Gerson Minichiello

This is the new version of Angular:

joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR πŸ₯‡

You're right sorry.
Anyway there's no much difference as you can see, React is still way above that.
Angular2 + Vue together group less than the half of the React usage.

shamgurav96 profile image
Sham Gurav

like I am good at JS and Angular 2+ framework . And I wanna explore the Web3 projects , but web3 projects are build upon mostly react and next.js . That's why I'm having some little confusion .

peerreynders profile image
peerreynders • Edited

I was just avoiding learning react

Why? What has been stopping you? I think this is an important question.

but web3 projects are build upon mostly react and next.js

Whatever I may personally think of "web3" I dare say React isn't a key component of it. Those projects use it because it's currently a popular and prevalent skill set so the choice of React is purely incidental.

Learning React and Next.js isn't going to give you the key to understanding "web3"β€”you will simply become more familiar with React and Next.js. Is it still useful to learn? Yes provided it is useful to you in some way.

I am good at JS and Angular 2+ framework

Right and using React will feel quite a bit different; it will introduce you to a different way of building SPAs (though there are typically two different design philosophies at work). Knowing React means you can collaborate with other React developers in some wayβ€”maybe that is what is important to you.

Just keep in mind that React is just a tool; it's good for some use cases but has limitations like any other tool. So having a particular goal in mind where the use of React is relevant is probably a good idea to keep you motivated while you learn it.

Too Late?

jQuery was released in 2006. In the 2020 Stack Overflow Developer survey it was still the most commonly used web framework; in 2021 React finally surpassed it.

  • jQuery was found on top 8041/10k, 83432/100k, 794769/1m live sites.
  • React was found on to 4423/10k, 28509/100k, 149547/1m live sites.

React is often called the modern jQuery or PHP.

React was released in 2013 so it probably still has a few years to go.

Though sometimes results can surprising:

Meta/Facebook is reportedly still using BigPipe (i.e. React isn't a one-size-fits-all solution).

nsokolov114 profile image

If you want to explore web3, mb learn some React basics and focus on the web3 stuff that excites you!

coderlifeisawesome profile image

If you are a master at JavaScript and know Typescript also, then you are perfect!

damianesteban profile image
Damian Esteban • Edited

It is never too late. The patterns you will learn with React are relevant across other web frameworks, and software engineering in general. I recommend you learn it.

wheel0ck profile image
JosΓ© Wheelock

There are still many job offers and not enough developers. So yes, go for it!

imcheesecake profile image

Nothing is ever too late to learn! Something is always better than nothing

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Definitely not too late β€” It's become pretty mature, so you can count on the core concepts being pretty baked in by this point.

shamgurav96 profile image
Sham Gurav

Thanks Ben ✌️

flodev profile image
Florian Klenk

I made the personal experience that it can be an advantage to jump newly into a progressed framework like react.
Because you learn the new shit not the old stuff like class components (given you learn with the right sources).
On the other hand you are not experienced with bug finding and you probably dont know the quirks and production issues that can occur.

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett πŸŒ€

Hi Sham πŸ‘‹ why do you feel it is it too late?

shamgurav96 profile image
Sham Gurav

Hi Adam , Because NEXT.JS framework is trending and other JS frameworks are popping up that's why I asked this question in discussion forum to clear my doubts and start learning react.

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett πŸŒ€

Ah, there's a simple answer for this one this applies to any future technologies.
It comes down to jobs did, was or is React popular? Popular from a business perspective means lots of work out there to support.
There is also a pulse on dev you can read, I see React much more often than other, so you know to go where the money is.

Yes there are many smaller frameworks but how many jobs? Probably not many.

Learn these fireworks for fun, learn React, Vue, Angular as your core for business.

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adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett πŸŒ€

Sham one more thing, no your mind, make your decision based on what you care about not one anyone else says. Pragmatism > Idealism

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shamgurav96 profile image
Sham Gurav

Thanks a lot Adam for your great advice πŸ™Œ . Now I don't have any second thoughts regarding React framework future. I'll surely start my learning on react.
Thanks again πŸ‘

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett πŸŒ€

Is that the principal or is there a framework by the same name?

peerreynders profile image
peerreynders • Edited


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arrefl profile image
Ariel Reyes

do you thing is it a really comparison?

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adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett πŸŒ€ • Edited

πŸ₯ I'm kidding

As far as I'm concerned, the top players are the ones to learn, Vue, Angular, React, as a consultant I switch between each more than once a day.

I also think that Svelte and Stencil are the only compiler based approaches, I'd like to put my money down and say this is the future

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peerreynders profile image

Compilation is the future for server-first solutions to rein in the one app for the price of two problem that SSR for CSR frameworks struggles with.

Whether that will make SPA's and React less dominant (in tech social media attention) in the near to medium term future remains to be seen.

So far Astro seems like a good hedge either way when an SPA isn't an ideal fit.

jessecarlson profile image

Is it worth learning React or should I go for python ? dua to get rid of court case