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Sharjeel Riaz
Sharjeel Riaz

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Enhancing Mobile App Performance with AWS AppSync and AWS Lambda


In today's mobile app landscape, delivering exceptional performance is crucial for user satisfaction. AWS offers powerful services like AppSync and Lambda that can significantly enhance mobile app performance. In this blog post, we'll explore how to leverage AWS AppSync, a managed GraphQL service, in combination with AWS Lambda to create responsive, real-time, and offline-capable mobile applications.

AWS AppSync: Empowering Real-time Data Synchronization

AWS AppSync simplifies real-time data synchronization between mobile apps and the backend. It utilizes GraphQL, a flexible query language, to enable efficient data fetching and mutation.

AWS Lambda: Handling Backend Logic

AWS Lambda provides serverless compute capacity, enabling you to run backend logic without managing servers. Integrating Lambda with AppSync allows you to execute custom business logic efficiently.

AWS AppSync & LambdaSource: AWS

Implementing AWS AppSync and AWS Lambda in a Mobile App

Let's dive into an example that showcases how to enhance mobile app performance using AWS AppSync and AWS Lambda.

// Set up AWS AppSync client configuration
let appSyncConfig = AWSAppSyncClientConfiguration(appSyncServiceConfig: AWSAppSyncServiceConfig(), userPoolsAuthProvider: MyCognitoUserPoolsAuthProvider())
let appSyncClient = try AWSAppSyncClient(appSyncConfig: appSyncConfig)

// Query real-time data from AppSync
let listPostsQuery = ListPostsQuery()
appSyncClient.fetch(query: listPostsQuery) { result, error in
    // Handle the fetched data
    if let posts = result?.data?.listPosts.items {
        // Process the list of posts
    } else if let error = error {
        // Handle the error

// Execute a Lambda function from the mobile app
let lambdaInvoker = AWSLambdaInvoker.default()
let functionName = "MyLambdaFunction"
let payload = ["key": "value"]
lambdaInvoker.invokeFunction(functionName, jsonObject: payload) { result, error in
    // Process the result or handle the error
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This code snippet demonstrates how to configure and use AWS AppSync for real-time data fetching and AWS Lambda for executing custom backend logic within a mobile app.


  • Real-time Data Synchronization: AppSync allows mobile apps to receive real-time updates without the need for polling or manual refreshing. Users experience data changes in real-time, enhancing app responsiveness.

  • Offline Support: With AppSync's offline capabilities, mobile apps can function even when connectivity is limited or lost. Users can continue to interact with cached data, and changes made offline are automatically synchronized when connectivity is restored.

  • Scalability and Flexibility: AppSync and Lambda automatically scale to handle varying levels of app usage. Your mobile app can seamlessly accommodate a growing user base without worrying about infrastructure management.


AWS AppSync and AWS Lambda are powerful tools for enhancing mobile app performance. By leveraging real-time data synchronization, offline capabilities, and serverless compute, developers can deliver highly responsive and feature-rich mobile apps. Start exploring the capabilities of AWS AppSync and AWS Lambda today and elevate your mobile app performance to new heights.

For more information on AppSync, & Lambda with their usage, check out the following links:

Thanks for reading :3

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