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What Is Robots.txt & How to Create a Robots.txt File

If you've ever searched the web, you've likely come across a page that says "Sorry, we can't find what you're looking for." While this message may seem like it's coming from the website itself, it's actually Google telling you that they didn't index a page that you wanted to see. Why does this happen? It's because these pages are blocked by robots.txt files — and most websites have one of them! Also, read more about SEO and its different types here.

What is a robots.txt file?

A robots.txt file is a text file placed in the root directory of your website. This text file tells search engines how they should crawl, index and archive your site.

It's a simple way to control which pages the search engine will visit and which ones it won't. It can also be used to tell the search engine not to index certain pages or directories on your website.

How to create a robots.txt file

A robots.txt file is a text file that you create and upload to your website, instructing search engines (Google, Bing and other search engines) how to crawl your site.

This article will teach you how to create a robots.txt file for your WordPress website. This article also includes an example of what a basic WordPress robots.txt file looks like so you can see it in action!

image gallery example

• Robots.txt file example:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /about/
Allow: /contact/

This example disallows all crawlers from accessing the /about page and allows access to the /contact page.

The robots.txt file can be easily created, and it's useful for SEO and user experience.

Creating a robots.txt file is easy and can be done in about 15 minutes. This file is simple to create by hand, and it's also very useful for search engines as well as users. You will want to make sure that you check your website regularly for any errors or updates to the content on your website since changes made in robots.txt may not be immediately recognized by both search engines and crawlers that visit your website.

What is a Robots.txt File?

A robots.txt file is an important tool to help you control how search engines and other web crawlers interact with your website, including which pages they can access and which ones they should ignore. When you create a website, it's usually just an index of all the content in your site, but this isn't always the best way for search engines to access that information. For example, if you have a page with contact information at http://www/contactus/, then anyone could visit that page by typing in "http://www/contactus/" into their browser's address bar (or even by clicking on it). But if someone wants to contact you through email or text message instead of through their computer screen, then they would have trouble finding where exactly within your site those forms are located without some help from Google's bots!

A robots.txt file works as "go here" instructions for these bots; it tells them exactly where each piece of information within your site lives so they can crawl through all areas without getting lost or making mistakes along the way. Having one also makes sure that only people who actually want access get it: If there are parts of my site I don't want others seeing (like private contact info), then I keep them out from prying eyes by telling bots those parts aren't allowed here either through specific directives inside this file."

Using Robots.txt Effectively

When you are creating a robots.txt file, there are several different ways that you can use it to your advantage. In this section, we will go over some of the most common uses for robots.txt files and how they can be useful to webmasters and SEO specialists alike.

Robots.txt is a text-based file which allows search engines like Google and Bing to identify where certain parts of your website should be excluded from being indexed by crawlers or spiders (the programs used by search engine bots). This means that if you have sensitive information on your site that needs to be blocked from appearing in search results or other places online, such as: user login pages; registration forms; password protected pages; private content etc., then all you need do is include that page inside the robots meta tag in your HTML code with an instruction for them not to crawl those pages (e.g., User-Agent: * Disallow).

There are numerous reasons why someone might want these particular areas off limits but one major benefit is that it helps keep any sensitive data from hackers who may try gaining access by exploiting vulnerabilities within those areas through brute force attacks or dictionary attacks etc..

How to Create a Robots.txt File

The next step is to create a text file called robots.txt and put it in your website's root directory.

Using the text editor of your choice, create a blank file and save it as "robots.txt" (without quotes) in the root directory of your website (where all other files are located). This will make sure that search engines can find this file quickly when they crawl through your site.

Once you've saved the file, open it up and add some basic rules to help search engines understand what they should index or not index on various pages of your site.

Blocks Google from Searching Your Entire Site

• Blocks Google from Searching Your Entire Site

You can block Google from indexing all the pages of your site by putting this in the robots.txt file:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

This means that no page on your site is allowed to be indexed by Google, but you can still allow certain pages to be indexed using specific rules described below.


A robots.txt file is an important part of your site’s SEO strategy. It allows you to control which pages Google will index and which ones it won’t, but it also helps with user experience by not returning unwanted results on search engine queries. Creating this file can be done quickly using a tool like the one we mentioned above, and once you do so all you need to do is upload the text file into your root directory and then refresh your browser for changes to take effect!

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