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Finished The JavaScript Free Course at Scrimba

Finally finished the long 7hrs plus course on Scrimba.

Maybe it's a bit late to start learning the basics as I'm a software Engineering student, and never really thought about becoming a WebApp developer but still, it's better to be late than never right? Well at least I think that way don't know about others :3 hhh

The Completion Screenshot

I think I really enjoyed the way Per teaches this course I've never seen any teacher with such enthusiastic character! I feel like just because of his enthusiasm I kept on going with this course and I'm blessed that I've come across this platform. Though my end goal is to learn Angular and later some backend dev as well, It seems there are no courses for them.

Things that really made me feel I'm really learning is how using JavaScript we can dynamically manipulate a static webpage!! I was so surprised and I was like wow that's cool! with just JavaScript and some CSS and HTML codes, we can do so many things! so cool! I really hope I can be a good and one of the best WebAppDev out there :> and all the very best to all of the new learners as well!

OH! also I was so happy when I found a bug in the course's code solutions. One thing I noticed was that the Chrome extensions that Per builds have a little sneaky bug for example when the user presses the save input button, the program would save an empty [""] string, or maybe it's called Null not sure, input in the "MyLeads = []" inside the javascript and maybe also in the LocalStorage, wait let me check real quick!

Okay yes, I just confirmed it also used to add in the local storage an empty string which would take up an index place in the myLeads array.

The bug of Scrimba Chrome Extension

so I was thinking as I was going through the course how to fix it, I tried using some if condition until I came to the part of "truthy and falsey value"... Instantly I got the solution how to fix this issues. I fixed it later using this code snippet:

inputBtn.addEventListener("click", function(){
    localStorage.setItem("myLeads", JSON.stringify(myLeads));
    inputEl.value = "";
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Now it doesn't have the bug anymore where the string would have a bunch of empty string values when pressed on the Save Input button. I also want to add some kinda remove button for each of the links when saved but it seems with my current knowledge of the language I'm unable to figure it out as of now, but I hope I will because of the very good suggestions I've received from one of our Scrimba discord members to look into an array of list items I'm assuming it's similar to Linked List in the C++. I'll look into it soon hopefully. Since I really admire Per's teaching and really excited to learn more that's why decided to write a post because he suggested writing a post on the last scrim. So probably I'll be sharing more of my learning journey in the future. Though my writing style is very informal I hope I don't offend anyone and everyone takes it easy on me hhh!

I think I really enjoyed the course and now I'll start the free TypeScript course not sure how that'll go but fingers crossed hopefully I'll learn a lot from that course as well. If anyone from here has some better suggestions or other platforms that can help me learn Angular and Something that goes well with Angular for the backend as well I'd really appreciate any kind of positive feedback.

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