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Shehzad Hussain
Shehzad Hussain

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5 Clean Code Principles in JavaScript

Today, I am going to present 5 recommendations to produce clean code about variables in JavaScript.

They are principles endorsed by "Clean Code" book authors and adapted for JavaScript. Following them will make your code readable, reusable, and refactorable.

Many developers aren't committed to these principles, making a no-maintainable code.

Following these 5 JavaScript principles, you will make an excellent clean code.
Here they are:

  • Use searchable names

  • Avoid Mental Mapping

  • Use explanatory variables

  • Only add the necessary context

  • Use pronounceable and meaningful variable names

Use searchable names

Avoid Mental Mapping

Use explanatory variables

Image description

Only add the necessary context

As a front-end developer, you will produce much JavaScript code over time.

It is crucial to make clean code to achieve maintainable code. Taking these types of principles into account will make you level up as a developer.

Here, I share a helpful resource to make clean code in JavaScript.

I hope you enjoyed the article.

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