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Configuring a Custom HTTPS Certificate for SafeLine

The SafeLine management platform uses a self-signed certificate by default, which can be inconvenient as it requires an extra click to bypass the security warning every time you visit. After checking the official documentation and not finding any guidance on this, I decided to explore the process myself.


First, prepare a trusted certificate and private key file.


1.Connect to the server and navigate to the /data/safeline/resources/management/certs directory.
2.Backup the default certificate by running:

   mv server.crt server.crt-2023-08-11
   mv server.key server.key-2023-08-11
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3.Replace the old certificate with your trusted certificate and private key, renaming them to server.crt and server.key respectively.

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4.After replacing the certificates, restart the SafeLine services. Since I wasn’t sure which specific Docker container was running SafeLine, I opted to restart all SafeLine-related Docker containers.

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Once the services are restarted, access the SafeLine WAF management interface in your browser. You should now see that the management platform is using the trusted certificate.

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Website: SafeLine
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