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Anower Jahan Shofol
Anower Jahan Shofol

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How freelance developers get new clients regularly?

Hi freelance developers, can you share your experiences about 'how you get new clients regularly'?

I work on Upwork and Fiverr. So, they are handling the client management for me. And, for that freelancers are paying 20% of the work price.

Without any platform, how do you get a client?

Top comments (2)

bhavyashah profile image

As a freelancer, you have to be able to provide value for your clients. You can't expect to just show up and get hired. You need to take the time to build relationships and establish yourself as someone who is reliable, trustworthy, and capable of delivering on their promises.

One way you can do this is by using social media. A lot of companies are now looking at social media as a way to find out more about potential employees. They'll look at how many followers you have and how many posts you've made on your personal accounts. If they like what they see, they may consider hiring you!

Another way is through referrals. Ask other freelancers who they recommend as good people to work with, or who they think are working well with others—and then ask them if they'd be willing to pass along their name! This could mean the difference between landing that dream gig or not getting it at all.

wjplatformer profile image
Wj • Edited

Go outside. Ask People. It takes commitment to want to get new clients. Ask as many people as possible, every day, no matter how hard it is. That is the truth about business