DEV Community

Shravan Kumar B
Shravan Kumar B

Posted on

Javascript's setTimeout can sort an array, how?

setTimeout function of the Web API's with Javascript; can sort an array.


[111,20,13,4,544,32,12,414,123].forEach((item) => {

   setTimeout(()=> console.log(item), item);

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The same works for negative as well,

let arr = [10, -100, 650, -25, 5, -50];

const min = -Math.min(...arr)

arr.forEach((item) => {
  setTimeout(() => console.log(item), item + min);

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Any guesses how?
Of course, not an efficient way to do it.

Clue: Call-Stack and Web API's

Top comments (1)

stefanbc profile image
Stefan Cosma

I saw this on r/ProgrammerHumor the other day and initially thought it was a gimmick but then I reproduced it and yep it works. I did find some possible explanations here